Chapter 385 Shouldn’t you try the Five Extinction Senses?

At this moment.

Xincun Seiichi seemed to see Wang Yanghai.

The waves were surging against him.

As if to swallow him completely in the next moment.

“His momentum, how could his mental power be so terrifying?!!

Xincun Seiichi couldn’t believe this scene.

Compared with Senyu Shinji.

He is like a small lake.

Can’t afford the slightest sense of resistance at all.

There was even an urge to surrender.

He just shook his head frantically.

I walked out of Senyu Shinji’s aura with difficulty.

Panting frantically.

Sweat directly soaked his uniform.

After a while.

This finally eased over.

“Go ahead, don’t waste my time!”

Senyu Shinji said softly.

As if looking down at the tiny Xincun Seiichi.

Xincunjing “May 20” city immediately gritted his teeth and roared again.

“I will definitely make you regret it!”

As he roared coldly.

Light flickered in his eyes.

The whole person seems to be full of divinity.

It’s as if the listener of God is preparing to punish God.

The five senses are extinct!

“call out!”

The tennis ball was lifted by him.

Then he waved racquet flagrantly.

The moment the tennis ball hits the racquet.

A strange force directly overflowed above it.

This is the so-called mental power!

“From now on, I want you to experience the most desperate feeling in this world!”

Xincun Seiichi sneered somberly.

Then he swung the tennis ball outrageously.

The five senses are extinct!

It broke out!

With the tennis ball bursting in.

A spiritual force also directly invades.

As if to completely wrap Senyu Shinji.


With this blow, the tennis ball came crashingly.

Senyu Shinji closed his eyes slowly.

Then took a step forward.

It was almost instantaneous.

He came to the spot of tennis.

As if the extinction of the five senses just now hadn’t unfolded at all.


What everyone actually doesn’t know is.

Senyu Shinji suppressed his mental power by himself.

He wants to experience the extinction of the five senses of Xincun Seiichi!

If not so.

Xincun Seiichi’s poor mental power can’t control him at all.

Then he brazenly waved racquet.

But he didn’t feel the slightest touch from the racquet.

I don’t know how much power is on the tennis ball now.

“Is it the touch first?”

Senyu Shinji chuckled lightly.

But his arm did not stop waving.

“Do you feel it?”

“This is the beginning!”

Xincun Seiichi has a triumphant expression on her face.

Confidence seemed to return to his face.

“You can’t feel the touch anymore!”

“Just let the despair continue!”

Xincun Seiichi first sealed Senyu Shinji’s touch.

Trying to make it difficult for him to swing his army to hit a terrifying tennis ball.

But he actually didn’t know.

If it’s not for Senyu Shinji, I want to experience it.

Now this so-called mental stunt can be cracked almost easily.

“Does the skill of destroying the five senses really exist?”

“This kind of skill is too terrifying!”

“Is the Son of God going to rise?”

The crowd in the audience suddenly became frightened.

Obviously how terrifying the extinction of the five senses that Seiichi of Xincun presents now is.

“The five senses are extinct because of this stunt.

“Xin Cun was called the Son of God!”

Rikkai is here.

Yanagi Renji said softly.

Obviously, he also has considerable confidence in this stunt of Xincun Seiichi.

Tactile sensation is the sensation of being in contact with objects, sliding, etc.

Whether it is a human or an animal.

Tactile is an essential sensation.

“To extinct the sense of touch is to directly strip away everything about the other party’s sense of touch.”

Sanada Genichiro also gradually calmed down.

Deep fear was revealed in his eyes.

“This is Xincun’s real strength!”

“This time, he will never lose to Senyu Shinji’s hands!”

Just amidst the cheers of the people at Rikkai.

The tennis ball crashed in front of him.

He chuckled softly.

Full of thick disdain and contempt.

The laughter immediately shocked everyone.

The smile on Seiichi’s face became more obvious.

But after this chuckle came.

He suddenly felt that it seemed to be similarly unfavorable.


Just under the eyes of everyone.

Senyu Shinji waved the racquet.

A dazzling light came from the tennis ball.

Then it was like a ray of light.

He rushed to the opposite side.

Just hit the ball!

“How can this be!?!”

Seiichi Xincun was shocked.

Watching the light hit the ball closer and closer.

He felt as if he saw a ghost.


His five senses of extinction were clearly launched successfully.


Why can Senyu Shinji still hit the ball with light?


The tennis ball was ejected in a sudden.

A horrible and trembling force suddenly emerged.

Xincun Seiichi waved racquet almost subconsciously.

But the next moment.

After the tennis ball and racquet hit each other.

Show it to him abruptly.

It slammed into his body like a terrifying Titan.

“Ah ah ah ah ah!”

This swift impact made him scream directly.

Then the whole person was directly hit and flew out.


Accompanied by a dull sound.

Xincun Seiichi hit the wall fiercely again.

Then he slipped weakly from the wall.

The unbearable pain came out frantically.

Gradually torturing his nerves.

The whole person is not shaking anymore.

It’s twitching!

But even so.

He still gritted his teeth forcibly.

There was no sound at all.

He has been knocked out for the second time.

If you scream out now.

He has no face at all to continue the game.

He is the son of God!

Xincun Seiichi got up almost with difficulty.

The whole person’s body was still twitching involuntarily.

That tennis shot by Gozen 0.1 Yu Shinji was horrible!

Horrible to Xincun Seiichi was completely afraid to think about it.

He is already seriously injured now!

“Do you want to continue?”

Senyu Shinji seemed to be speaking softly at this moment.

As if this world is not enough for him to care about.

Seiichi, Shin Village on the opposite side, said nothing at all.

Walked to the arena with awkwardness.

Then he held racquet with his trembling hands.

He raised the tennis ball again.

The five senses are still extinct!

Although Xincun Seiichi is no longer able to swing a powerful ball anymore.

But the tennis shot still rushed to the opposite side quickly.

“I hope you can keep going!

“After all, I also want to see what kind of experience it will be after all five senses are extinguished!”

Senyu Shinji said calmly.

Then moved quickly.

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