Chapter 387 Deep in the dark

Xincun Seiichi almost wants to roar into the sky.

The whole person trembled crazily.

It was not caused by the injuries on his body.

Instead, the whole popularity is like this.

Failure again and again.

He seemed to be useless now.

His dreams were hit one after another.

The result of his crazy progress is that he can’t even catch up with the opponent’s footsteps!

“Are you angry now?

“Think it’s angry to lose in my hands again and again?,

“You overestimate yourself!”

Senyu Shinji chuckled lightly.

Then I saw him back to where he had just started.

Then said lightly.

“Give you two more games.”

“As long as you can make me move half a step.”

“Even if I lose!”

Senyu Shinji’s confident voice echoed throughout the arena.

At this time.

Almost all the audience worshipped Senyu Shinji infinitely.

“so amazing!”

“Being like Senyu Shinji!”

“This kind of self-confidence is simply incomparable with self-arrogance!”

The discussion resounded almost throughout the audience.

Even the people from Rikkai are now looking at Senyu Shinji on the field.

It was also involuntarily overflowing with a look of awe.

This is awe of the strong!

Xincun Seiichi almost went mad and mad inside.

He stared at Senyu Shinji on the opposite side.

It seems that the opponent really does not move at all after preparing for the game.

Xincun Seiichi doesn’t want to think about anything anymore.

There is only one thought in his mind.

That is to completely defeat Senyu Shinji!

This has become his deepest obsession!


The game is still going on.

Xincun Seiichi swings the ball again.

But Senyu Shinji was just like he said.

Do not move at all.

But the tennis ball flew straight towards him.

Then he gently waved the racquet in his hand to cut.

next moment.

The tennis shot went straight out.

Once again, it fell heavily in front of Xincun Seiichi.

His eyes were almost full of madness.

Directly wave the racquet again.

Want to hit the tennis back to Senyu Shinji’s baseline position.

“You can’t get a tennis ball over the net…!’

Senyu Shinji said softly.

It seemed to be said casually.

Xincun Seiichi was taken aback first.

Then he swung the racquet directly and hit the tennis ball.

But the next moment.

He understood why Senyu Shinji said that.

Because the spin on the tennis ball was so terrible that it shocked him!

He was about to swing the tennis ball.


Tennis is like soft.

Then a light impact hit the surface of the net.


Xincun Seiichi almost lost the last bit of reason in his eyes.

He served again.

There is no pause at all.

This time it was facing Senyu Shinji’s close-up position.

Then abruptly waved racquet.


With the tennis ball over the net.

The original route suddenly changed.

Flew directly towards Senyu Shinji.

It seems to be involved in something.


Senyu Shinji waved the racquet at will.

The tennis ball suddenly exploded.

It’s like a bolt of lightning.

Xincun Seiichi was about to wave the racquet immediately.

But the next moment.

The tennis ball has fallen on the baseline.



Xincun Seiichi stared at the tennis ball at the baseline with a dull face.

The whole person became more and more desperate.

The madness in his eyes also completely disappeared.

It became dim.

He suddenly said to Senyu Shinji.

“You can always see, hear, and feel.”

“Is it?!

Senyu Shinji smiled lightly.

“It’s just a simple use of mental power!”

“I think it is a superb stunt.

“And your mental power is just as tiny as dust in front of me!”

Then Senyu Shinji served directly.

The tennis ball suddenly flew past.

Xincun Seiichi has completely lost all fighting spirit.

It’s like a walking dead.

Randomly waving racquet.



Senyu Shinji scores directly!

Rikkai is here.

Sanada Genichiro immediately yelled at Xincun Seiichi.

“Xin Village, what are you doing?!”

“Cheer up!”

After hearing this.

Xincun Seiichi raised her head listlessly and looked at Sanada Genichiro.

But the next moment.

Sanada Genichiro was silent all over.

Because he saw despair in Seiichi’s eyes.

Saw the horror!

Xincun Seiichi is completely broken!

Sanada Genichiro and Rikkai were completely silent.

“Is Senyu Shinji really unbeatable?”

Now Rikkai people are echoing this question.

Whether it is for Rikkai people.

It is for Atobe Keigo and Shiraishi Kuranosuke.

Senyu Shinji is like a mountain that no one can cross.

It was so heavy that everyone couldn’t breathe at all.

that’s all.

After Xincun Seiichi was completely desperate.

There is no power to parry at all.







With Senyu Shinji hitting the tennis four times.

Get the next round directly and easily.

Xincun Seiichi’s face is like a blank paper.

Can’t tell if it’s cold sweat or something else.

It has been dripping towards the ground.

I stared at the racquet in his hand in despair.

I don’t know what hope he has now.

“Do you want to experience your own stunts?”

Senyu Shinji said softly at this time.

The audience suddenly became silent.

Xincun Seiichi also directly contracted the pupils of both eyes.

next moment.

“Hurry up and serve!”

Senyu Shinji urged.

Xincun Seiichi seems to have given up.

Initiate the ball weakly.


The tennis came directly to Senyu Shinji.

Then he directly waved racquet.

The tennis ball is like sticking to the racquet.

“Come on for you!”

“One-time five senses are extinct!”


The tennis shot suddenly exploded.

next moment.

Xincun Seiichi seemed to be plunged directly into a boundless (Lee’s) dark space.

Nothing at all.

There is only boundless nothingness and silence!

this moment.

Fear, helplessness, pain

Surrounded him completely.

Then the whole person was almost under a strong desire to survive.

Weeping hoarsely.

“Ah ah ah ah ah ah!”

Above the stadium.

Suddenly echoed.

The audience couldn’t help but frightened.

All five senses are extinct.

It’s really horrible!

Anyone could be like Seiichi Xincun.


This stunt was originally his own stunt!

The current scene is so amazing to buy.

at this time.

Rikkai is here.

Mōri Juzaburō stood up and shouted.

“Rikkai surrendered!”

“Sin Village Seiichi admit defeat!”

The voice echoed in the stadium.

After a few seconds of silence.

The audience suddenly burst into cheers. .

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