Chapter 392 Junior high school students compete with high school students

“An announcement to everyone this time!”

Senyu Shinji looked at the team members who quickly assembled.

Nodded in satisfaction.

Then said.

“U-17 training camp is now decided.”

“Expanded team members!”

“For the first time this year, recruiting team members for junior high school students!”

When I heard Senyu Shinji’s words.

Everyone at Kikumaru Eiji thought Senyu Shinji was going to announce ten things.

After hearing this.

Suddenly opened his eyes.

“Minister, does that mean we can also enter U-17?”

Ishida Tie asked excitedly.

Then everyone looked at Senyu Shinji expectantly.

Although the National Middle-School Tennis Competition is now over.

And they are still insisting on training.

It is inevitable that there will be some confusion about the future.


Senyu Shinji looked at everyone and said with a smile.

The players in front of Tamamo suddenly cheered excitedly.

Even Kunimitsu and Akutsu, who have always been calm hands, flashed their eyes.

If you can join U-17.

In the future, he may be able to embark on the path of a professional tennis player.

“Of course, I have one more thing to announce!

Senyu Shinji waved his hand.

Suddenly everyone closed their mouths.

“Now, the U-17 head coach and tactical coach are here in front of us, Tamamo.

“Also, the team leading the U-17 will have a game with us.

“You guys get ready!”

After Senyu Shinji said this.

Everyone was suddenly startled.

I didn’t know what to say for a while.

Just then.

A team of people have come in outside the tennis club.

Look around.

This team seems to be high school students!

“Do you play against these U-17 guys?”

All the players in front of Yuzao immediately aroused a sense of fighting.

Except for Senyu Shinji and U-17’s many players.

Although it is said that some of them have played against U-17 before.

But it is not like today.

To play against the whole team.


After winning the National Middle-School Tennis Championship.

For a while, he couldn’t tell where his strength had reached.

It can be said.

The current game is an urgent game for everyone!

“Although they are U-17 people…!

“Although they are all high school students.”

“But! We have to win!

“Let them see the strength of King Yuzaoqian!”

Senyu Shinji’s eyes sharpened suddenly.

Exudes endless heroism.



All the members of Yuzao’s former team responded suddenly.

The strong fighting spirit broke out from their bodies.

Straight from the clouds!

“It’s very powerful!”

Irie Kanata on the U-17 side looked at this huge fighting spirit.

It is also one of the whole people froze.

The whole person’s breathing became a little quick.

They looked at the hand Kunimitsu and their eyes suddenly changed.

Deeply understand that the group of middle school students in front of you are quite powerful!

“Three ships coach, you can start!”

Senyu Shinji said with a smile on his face.

Afterwards, Mifūne Nyudō San and Yukio Kurobe were invited over.

As for the U-17 team, they are also looking at each other with the players in front of Tamamo.

Almost everyone exudes a strong breath.

Although these breaths are temporarily hidden.

But just a moment ago.

Everyone at U-17 felt it.

The middle school students in front of them are even more terrifying than imagined!

“Three boat coaches.

“Since there is a competition, then we have a five-game system?”

Senyu Shinji calmly said to San Mifūne Nyudō San.

“no problem!”

San Mifūne Nyudō San doesn’t care about it at all.

“Then start in ten minutes!

“The first doubles two game!”

After Senyu Shinji nodded three Mifūne Nyudō.

He said to the former team members of Yuzao.

Then led everyone to the side and started the pre-match tactical layout.

Because it is relatively close to the start of the game.

He put it straight in a nutshell.

Also introduced these seven opponents by the way.

“In the first doubles match, the opponent will definitely send Matsuhira and Tonin.”

“The doubles will be handed over to Ishida and Kawamura.”

“Matsuhira is a speed player, but also has a very strong offensive ability.”

“I am good at downwind, but when the opponent is upwind, he will be more impatient.”

“As for Tonin, he is a strength player.”

“He has quite good stamina, and he has a vigor of more courage as he fights.”

“But speed is his fatal flaw!”

Senyu Shinji introduced quickly.

Ishida Iron Crowd looked at him with admiration.

Senyu Shinji can not only explain the relevant information of U-17 so clearly.

Even can tell the other party’s weaknesses.

“This is our first game against U-17.”

“Xu Sheng is not allowed to lose!”

Senyu Shinji looked at the two of Ishida Tetsu.

The final order was directly issued.

“Yes! Minister!”

Both Ishida Tetsu nodded heavily.

Then took the racquet and walked towards the field.

As for the opposite, Kurobe Yukio also started the final guidance arrangement.

“Ishida iron in front of Tamamo is known as the most powerful person in the country!”

“As far as I know before, his strength has reached a level of six or more.”

“So you have to be careful!”


“The strength has exceeded six!?”

Shinobu looked disapproving at first.

But when he heard this.

The look in his eyes suddenly became shocked.

It can be said.

Inside U-17.

The most important thing to calculate the strength of everyone is the five-dimensional data.

The strength and spirit in the five dimensions of Du Ren now has also reached five.

The sum of five dimensions has just reached 20.

Among them, his strength and spirit are the most prominent.

But now Ishida’s iron power has actually reached more than six. (Good Lee)

What does it mean to be stronger than six?

It means that he is going to compete with Watanabe in u-17 in strength!

“As for Kawamura Takashi, he is more than just a baseline player.

“It’s even more a force offensive baseline player!”

“His power is almost the same as yours, he can bear it!”

“But its defensive power and offensive power are quite amazing!”

“Of course, they were already at the national peak in half a step before. This is only the previous data level.”

“Be careful!!

Kurobe Yukio said earnestly.

Matsudaira Miyako Kazuno nodded.


“Don’t shame U-17! Win this game!”

Kurobe Yukio also wanted to see how the current Tamamo Fronte everyone really reached.

After all, the U-17 who came this time had the lowest strength and was also a professional-level average!

“Yes! Coach Kurobe!”

After the two nodded, they walked towards the court.

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