Chapter 395 Upgraded version, smash burst

“Boy, go to hell with your arrogance!”

Matsudaira yelled.

Then the whole person jumped up.

Posed an extremely strange posture directly in the air.


next moment.

Racquet hit the tennis ball hard.

Suddenly there was a roar of impact.

Then the tennis ball was like a flash of lightning.

Directly shot out.

A hundred flowers bloom!

Matsudaira’s stunt!

Tennis can be said to be fast for this shot.

I can’t see where the tennis ball appears at all.

at this time.

Kawamura Takashi suddenly burst into a terrifying aura.

He seemed to be completely angry.

An irritable breath escaped from his side.

The whole person’s eyebrows are also directly upside down.

It seemed to be a different person.

Immediately began to wave “Five Two Seven” racquet crazily here.

His speed is his weakness.

It is also the weakness of Ishida iron.

When these two power players doubles together.

It is bound to encounter this kind of opponent who scores with a high-speed ball.

That’s it.

They also consulted Senyu Shinji.

“Since you can’t see the high-speed tennis ball.”

“Then just turn the entire area into an impeccable space!”

Kawamura Takashi took Senyu Shinji’s words deeply in his heart.

In the subsequent training.

I have been putting this idea into action.

There is only now this scene.

Since you can’t see the tennis ball.

Then use your strong physical strength and strength.

Defend this area!

With the moment he waved racquet frantically.

There seemed to be a violent hurricane above the whole person’s arena.

Scrolling around them recklessly.

Then it seemed as if the whole area was burning up.

The scorching breath is almost rushing towards the face.

And this time.

The high-speed tennis ball also rushed over.


After it hit this hot hurricane.

Suddenly its speed was reduced infinitely.

It’s as if tennis is suffering from continuous cutting.

next moment.

The tennis ball fell weakly to the ground.

Kawamura Takashi calls this a hot wind barrier!

Ishida Tie has already come to the tennis spot.

“Blast and Break Sixth Form!”

A roar that horrified everyone suddenly echoed.

Everyone present was already shocked.

He was immediately awakened by this sound.

Ishida stomped heavily on the ground.

The power of horror suddenly appeared on the arm.

Then he waved it down boldly.


The roar suddenly exploded violently.

The tennis ball was squeezed and deformed directly by the huge force.

Then burst out directly.

Matsuhiko Matsudaira on the opposite side was still in a sluggish state.

At this time, I only feel that it is difficult for the whole person to move.

Even the one on the side could not help but widen his eyes.

The surging air wave hit them fiercely.

“so horrible!”

Du Ren immediately trembles directly.

This hit tennis.

He didn’t even have the courage to mention racquet.

Not to mention it was a counterattack.


next moment.

The whole ground shook.

The dust flew up.

Then it turned into a billowing heat wave rushing around.

After a while.

The smoke dissipated.

Shinobu left a scorched black mark on their side of the arena.

A deep pit full of cracks.

The tennis ball hit the ground directly!


“how come?!!”

Matsuhiro and Matsuhira swallowed with difficulty.

Looking at the dazzling marks on the ground.

Can’t help but become more frightened.

The horror of this tennis shot has made them all fear.


Why can Kawamura Takashi make such a high-speed tennis so slow!

This is the most unwilling situation for them.

“Using one’s own strength, it can drive the airflow over the entire arena.’

“Then it turned into a hurricane?”

“And how does this Kawamura Takashi feel like a different person!”

“Able to make such a defense with a power player

Three Mifūne Nyudō’s three eyes were also placed on Kawamura Takashi’s body.

He never expected it.

It’s not just that Ishida iron is superior.

Even Kawamura Takashi is in this situation.

Can use one’s own strengths to the limit.

Then resolve the weakness.

Kurobe Yukio glanced at San Mifūne Nyudō San.

Laughing without speaking.

Although he was also surprised at the growth rate of these two people.

Second round.

Tamamo-mae serve bureau!

“U-17 is just that!

Ishida Tie Shen said.

The racquet in his hand was also swaggered a few times.

Kawamura Takashi at the back also sneered violently.

The opponent can’t even break their weaknesses.

This kind of opponent has no pressure at all.

“Do you really think you can be so arrogant in the next game?”

After Matsuhira heard this.

It was already impatient enough.

Now I completely forgot the horror of Ishida’s iron tennis just now.

Shouted with a look of anger.

“Let this game end sooner!”

Ishida Tie Shen said.

Kawamura Takashi also nodded seriously.

Then Ishida Tie directly raised the tennis ball in his hand.

Then he suddenly retreated backwards.

For this scene.

The people in front of Tamamo are quite familiar.

But on the other hand, everyone at U-17 is a bit confused about what Ishida iron is going to do.

“Sprint and burst into pieces!”

With the voice of Ishida Iron.

He suddenly stepped back with his feet.

As if it were a wild beast.

Crashed out.

The breath exuding from the whole person was frightening.


There was a loud noise suddenly.

The tennis ball is like a loaded bullet.

Rushing to the opponent.

The entire arena is stagnant.

The air didn’t seem to be coming.

The tennis ball went directly through the hole by this blow.

Matsudaira and Tonin almost stood there blankly.

The racquet in my hand seems to be completely out of hold.

They feel that they have received the iron horror of the opponent’s Ishida.

The fierceness exuded by that kind of power.

It is no longer something that their hearts can bear!

next moment.

The tennis ball passed directly over the two of them and crashed to the ground.

So far.

A bigger pit appeared again.


Ishida Iron did not stop.

“Next is the second ball!

The breath on his body has become stronger.

Fierce no longer seems to be able to describe him at this time.

He is more like a giant bear on one side.

Looking down at the weak creatures.

Tonin and Matsudaira were almost standing on the field trembling.

The emotion of fear almost fills their hearts.

“Smash and burst into pieces!”

at this time.

Ishida Tetsu also roared.

The tennis ball was also thrown high!,

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