Chapter 399 Only a genius, Fuji’s brilliant talents

next moment.

The tennis ball suddenly roared and shot over.

Suzuki Yi was in a messy state.

He couldn’t figure out that the middle school student on the opposite side could even break through to the limit of Selfless State’s talent.

Jingwei Yicha looked at Suzuki-Yi, who was already lost.

There was also an anxious look on his face.

Then the whole burst shot out directly.

Want to hit the tennis ball next.

I saw him squat down directly.

Then he kicked his feet suddenly.

Came to the baseline position in an instant.

Then he waved racquet decisively.

And this time.

Tennis also roared.

Smash directly to the ground.

Then it spins frantically.

After a pause of one second.

It was completely ejected.

Hit directly on the racquet of Jingwei Yicha.

The spinning force on the tennis ball suddenly burst out.

The power on the racquet was completely disintegrated almost instantly.

The strong rotation force almost made his hand almost unable to hold the racquet.

The whole person’s arms trembled frantically.

Police tail gritted his teeth.

Just hit the tennis ball directly.


The powerful rotation force almost wiped out his power.

It flew lightly to the surface of the net.

Then fall down.


Fuji Syusuke scored again!

Looking at the two Suzuki Yis opposite.

Fuji Syusuke said with a smile.

“Please hold on!”

After hearing this.

It’s not just Suzuki.

Even Yuwei Yicha was directly angry.

This is deliberately picking fresh!

They were actually provoked by a middle school student!

The two immediately glanced at each other.

He directly raised the tennis ball in his hand again.

Then Suzuki Yi directly squatted down.

Then jumped up in place.

Then do a snap action.

Swipe the ball directly.

The tennis ball hits racquet violently.

Suddenly burst out.

This used almost all his power.

Fuji Syusuke chuckled as he watched the roaring tennis ball.

“The wind is blowing!!


A strong cyclone rose from below.

Like a whirlpool, the airflow of the entire court was completely driven up.

Then it surrounds Fuji Syusuke’s body within half a meter in diameter.

Completely formed a special area.

He wandered around after the tennis court.

The racquet in his hand did not directly wave.

On the contrary, it seems to be admiring the blowing of the wind.

The tennis ball that Yi Suzuki played with all his strength also reached the sky above Fuji Syusuke.

Suddenly it seemed to be caught in an invisible vortex.

Spinning frantically.

The realm of Fengshen that had been long-lost to reappear suddenly appeared!

“come over!”

At this time.

The racquet in Fuji Syusuke’s hand waved lightly.


The tennis ball was ejected directly.

As the tennis ball fell on the court on Suzuki Ichi’s side.

It was not ejected at that time.

Instead, it rolled straight and fast against the ground.


Suzuki Ichi and Kazuo Kazucha on the opposite side were all in a sluggish state.

“It seems to be suffocated!”

“Fuji wants to show off his own stunts all the time!”

Senyu Shinji chuckled lightly.

Looking at the top of the stadium, Fuji Syusuke nodded involuntarily.

Inui Sadaharu on the side clenched his fists involuntarily.

He still remembers what Senyu Shinji said before.

The next game is when they play.

Fuji Syusuke has already played.

This shows that he has his own game in the singles game.

This time, I still have to face off against the U-17 players of high school students.

The pressure suddenly grew.

But then it dissipated directly.

Inui Sadaharu’s face suddenly turned into a confident look.

Senyu Shinji believed him so.

Then he can’t let Senyu Shinji down!

Above the court.

Suzuki Yi and Kuo Yicha still haven’t recovered for a long time.

The three Mifūne Nyudō three on the U-17 side suddenly roared.

“When are you two idiots going to be in a daze?”

All the U-17 players suddenly shuddered involuntarily.

But Yukio Kurobe looked at Fuji Syusuke on the court with an elegant smile.

Following the voice of Mi Mifūne Nyudō San reached the ears of Suzuki Yi and Kuo Ichicha.

The two suddenly woke up.

Blushing quickly, he continued to look at Fuji Syusuke.

There was caution and shame in his eyes.

“In this game, we are desperate to defeat you!”

Suzuki Yi said almost decisively.

Lu Wei Yicha on the side also looked like this.

If this game is lost.

Three Mifūne Nyudō three will never get done easily!

Fuji Syusuke gave a chuckle.

“Then go on!”

…Seeking flowers 0-

This time the opposite was changed to serve.

I saw him throw the tennis ball directly into the air.

Then he suddenly retreated backwards.

Until the tennis ball reaches its height.

He also kicked his feet suddenly.

Sprint out directly.

The racquet in his hand is also directly waved.

This is a one-shot sprint smash.

at the same time.

This tennis shot is also a corner kick.

It was almost a decisive blow from the police tail.

The tennis shot was almost directly directed at the corner of Fuji Syusuke’s blind spot.

Sonic booms echoed above the court.

The airflow on the entire arena is even more chaotic.


Fuji Syusuke on the opposite side seemed to not even see the tennis shot of Yuo Ichicha in his eyes.

I saw him take a step towards the corner.

In an instant, he came to the corner of the tennis court.

As the tennis ball fell on the ground.

The racquet in his hand was also directly swung out.


The power of tennis seems to be invisible in Fengshen’s realm.

In this way, he was hit back straight out.


The tennis ball did not shoot directly.

Instead, the racquet in the hands of Fuji Syusuke was swung into the air from bottom to top.

Then he said with a chuckle.

“Star Fireworks!’

Suddenly a violent hurricane rushed into the Fengshen domain.

A tennis ball that was shot high in the air.

Suddenly under this hurricane facing the other side.

Started to rotate irregularly.

Suzuki Yi and Kuo Ichicha were lost.

How can such tennis strike them back?

Just when they were lost.

The tennis ball fell straight down.

There is a descending inertia on it.

Makes the power and spin on the tennis ball almost surpassed before.


The tennis ball fell directly to the ground.

The two suddenly woke up.

Want to fight back.


The tennis ball was ejected directly.

It’s too late.


Fuji Syusuke easily won the game alone!

The third round.

Yuzao former serve bureau.

Fuji Syusuke said to them with a smile.

“I have thoroughly learned your style of play!”

“I have completely predicted your tennis.

“Then, please experience the Closed Eye that I have evolved again!” One,

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