Chapter 412 Gatekeeper of Hell–Oni Jujiro

“The players in front of Yuzao are too terrifying!”

“Is this really just a team of middle school students?”

“It’s four consecutive victories now, if you win the last game

“The last one is Senyu Shinji!”

U-17 here.

Matsudaira took a peek at San Mifūne Nyudō San.

Can not help swallowing saliva.

Because the San Mifūne Nyudō San at this time is already in an extremely serious state.

In fact, he didn’t even think of it.

The people in front of Yuzao would have such strength.

Even U-17’s third court ace Irie Kanata lost the game.

The only hope now is Oni Jujiro.


“It’s my turn to play!”

Senyu Shinji chuckled lightly.

Then his voice was clearly audible to U-17.

The audience fell silent in an instant.

“Senyu of the fairy!

Even the voice of such words.

In the ears of all U-17s, it was extremely ear-shattering.

The whole body trembled involuntarily.

Matsuhiko Matsudaira on the side was almost shivering.

They vaguely remember the fact that Senyu Shinji almost swept the entire U-17 before.

It seems that the original scenes are still vivid.

Whether it is Tsukimitsu Ochi, or Tohno Atsukyo.

Or Tanegashima Shuji.

And Byōdōin Hōō.

They are all defeated!

This kind of terrifying strength, let alone people like them.

Even the other strong players of U-17 are destined to lose!

“It’s just the age of junior high school students.

“It already has the strength of the professional pinnacle.

“And this is the previous information!”

“No one knows exactly what situation he has reached!”

“Even many well-known tennis professionals want to fight him!”

“This is Senyu!”

Du Ren said softly.

Even looking at Senyu Shinji’s eyes, there is a strong look of worship.

It can be said.

Everyone present will be defeated by Senyu Shinji!

“It seems that the ghost will lose this time”.!”

Suzuki Yi and Kuo Kazucha also sighed with frustration.

“I believe the ghost will defeat him!”

“U-17’s ranking can’t explain the strength of strength at all!”

The shivering Matsudaira Miyako said with a dull face.

He didn’t want U-17 to be defeated by the group of middle school students in front of Yuzao!

“Ghost, win!”

Three Mifūne Nyudō three concise three words.

It seemed to hit everyone’s hearts like a sledgehammer.

San Mifūne Nyudō San then just looked at Senyu Shinji solemnly.

After hearing this.

Oni Jujiro also nodded solemnly.

For how terrifying Senyu Shinji’s strength is.

He is quite clear!


Oni Jujiro took his racquet and walked to the court.

“I am going to fight you after all!”

Oni Jujiro looked at Senyu Shinji with a serious face and sighed.

“You must go all out!”

Senyu Shinji chuckled lightly.

His complexion is still quite gentle and calm.

“Otherwise, you might not be able to hit back!’

As if for Senyu Shinji.

This game is simply trivial.

“I will!”

Oni Jujiro was not angry because of this.

Instead, he nodded solemnly.

Because he really understands Senyu Shinji’s terrifying power.

This is not big talk at all!

This is the truth!

He had watched Senyu Shinji’s game video over and over before.

It’s pretty sure he didn’t use his full strength.

He can’t imagine what kind of strength Senyu Shinji is now.

“Tamazao played the U-17 last big single match before.”

“Oni Jujiro serve the bureau!”

“Game start!”

The temporary referee hurriedly blew the whistle.

“Ghost, leave it to you!”

Three Mifūne Nyudō’s three eyes revealed a glimmer of hope.


It only lasted a moment.

It just disappeared.

Because he understands that Senyu Shinji is an existence that Oni Jujiro can’t beat!

Just when three Mifūne Nyudō three thoughts.

Above the court.

Oni Jujiro has already tossed the tennis ball in his hands.

Then he waved racquet flagrantly.

As if a strong evil spirit rose from his body.

Standing on the court like a ghost and god.

Facing such a powerful Senyu Shinji.

He can only go all out at the beginning.

“Let me see how powerful you are!

Oni Jujiro’s momentum is like a rainbow.

With the tennis off the racquet.

Suddenly broke out an even more terrifying power.

You can even see endless thunder on it.

It seemed like a ghost and god was yelling at Senyu Shinji.

It flew terribly to Senyu Shinji’s side.


The tennis ball slammed to the ground.

Then suddenly it ejected.

On the ground, cracks quickly appeared.

The madness spread to the surroundings.

“…” The strength is quite sufficient.

“It’s a lot worse!”

Senyu Shinji said softly.

The racquet in his hand was also waved brazenly at this time.

But it is not a normal swing.

It’s a backhand crosscut!

“Broken light!”

In an instant.

A silver light suddenly appeared.

It’s like the sky is divided into two halves.

Everyone only felt black in front of them.


When I opened my eyes again, the tennis ball had already hit the baseline.

“O-15! ”

The provisional referee on the side spoke in due course.


Everyone at U-17 swallowed instinctively.

This ball is really amazing.


On the other side, Oni Jujiro was bitter.

As if his tennis shot just now didn’t have much power at all.

Zhi (Li Haozhao) then responded easily with an elegant gesture.

Is this Senyu?

This makes him feel so embarrassed.

“His strength has definitely reached the peak of professional level!”

San Mifūne Nyudō San said softly.

Just between light swipes.

He hit back with such a powerful blow of Oni Jujiro.

Don’t give him the slightest reaction time at all!

It seems that there is no suspense in this game!

Above the court.

“Senyu-kun, you are really strong!”

Oni Jujiro said with an extremely solemn expression on his face.

Then his body suddenly rose up with a radiant light.

Selfless State!

Turn it on!

After Oni Jujiro opened the Selfless State.

No nonsense.

Serve directly again.

Tennis suddenly changed.

It was almost instantaneous.

Ten tennis balls appeared over the court.

Almost overwhelmingly rushed towards Senyu Shinji. .

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