Chapter 426 The expeditionary force sets off, first stop in Korea

At seven o’clock in the evening.

As Senyu Shinji just returned home.

The phone number of Kurobe Yukio also dialed.

“Let me lead U-17 to the U-17 World Cup?”

Senyu Shinji thought about it.

Soon I figured out the cause and effect of the matter.

Hearing the sighs of Yukio Kurobe on the other side.

Senyu Shinji replied softly.

“It’s not impossible to ask me to lead the team.”

“But these twenty people want me to personally choose!”

Kurobe Yukio was overjoyed.

I didn’t expect it to go so smoothly this time.

He answered again and again at the moment.

“Coach Senyu is the head coach, of course this matter is qualified to decide!

Kurobe Yukio worked hard to suppress the excitement in his heart.

It can be said.

With Senyu Shinji leading the team.

This game is definitely winning!

“When does it begin?”

Senyu Shinji asked briefly.

“Go to the capital of Goryeo country in four days.”

“So it is necessary to determine the final candidate within these three days.”

Kurobe Yukio was afraid that Senyu Shinji would regret it.

Hastily finished the matter in one breath.

“I know it at 26.”

“Tomorrow I will go to U-17.

“I will bring three people there!”

Senyu Shinji said casually.

“Bring three people?”

Kurobe Yukio couldn’t help but get up.

But he quickly understood who it was.

It is not Tamamo’s top three-Akutsu, Kunimitsu and Fuji Syusuke.

For this matter.

He fully agreed with his hands.

Because he has been completely impressed by the powerful strength of these people.


Kurobe Yukio directly expressed his understanding.

Senyu Shinji also responded afterwards.

He hung up the phone directly.

It can be said.

This time is different from the previous game.

The previous competitions were domestic competitions.

And the game that is about to start now is world-class!

This is one of the reasons Senyu Shinji agreed.

He also wants to see the level of players in other countries.

Then smiled and shook his head.

So he started to call the three of Yajujin.

And these three people after learning.

It was also quite excited to agree.

The next day.

Senyu Shinji’s driver drove four people directly to U-17.

for him.

There is no problem at all to bring the entire Yuzao former team members.

But for now.

Kikumaru Eiji’s strength is still lacking.

The possibility of entering the U-17-Army is still quite low!


Senyu Shinji brought only the three of Akutsu.

After half an hour’s drive.

The four also came to the U-17 training base.

After they got out of the car.

This is the U-17 training camp gate.

Many people have been waiting.

“Head Coach Senyu is here!”

“I heard that even Byodoin was defeated by head coach Senyu!

“The point is that the head coach Senyu is still at the age of a middle school student.

“It’s amazing!”

These U-17 people said with excitement.

For Senyu Shinji.

They had seen it before.

It’s almost impossible to say that it swept U-17 directly.

For the qualifications of the head coach.

Definitely all quite agree.

“Welcome head coach Senyu to U-17!”

Everyone cheered loudly.

This is the respect the weak should have to the strong!

The three on the side Mifūne Nyudōsan was in a good mood.

But after seeing this scene.

His face is also hard to look directly.

There is a little jealousy and envy in it.

After everyone came to the office.

“Since it is an army, it is also an expeditionary army.

“Then choose the strongest existence in U-17!”

“So, this time we must reorganize the army!”

Senyu Shinji said in an unquestionable tone.

People completely forget that he is still a junior high school student.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

In the end, it was decided after several people’s deliberations.

Players from the first five courts challenged the U-17 active players.

There is only one designated challenge opportunity!

Failure is eliminated!

The time is limited to two days.

“U-17’s reshuffle!”

Yukio Kurobe sighed involuntarily.

Obviously they also want the strong hidden in the five courts to appear.


This time, the handicraft Kunimitsu brought by Senyu Shinji and the three of them will also participate.

Then the news was announced directly.

The people in the five courts also gathered directly.

Because this time it was Senyu Shinji leading the team.

So almost all the capable people chose to participate.

Whether it is Irie Kanata of the previous court number three.

Or Oni Jujiro from court No. 5.

Ever since.

The two-day challenge directly kicked off.


Some people in the U-17-army chose to directly show their strength.

Let the people who come to the challenge be daunted.

Such as Tanegashima Shuji.

Such as Date Boy.

Of course, some people were directly replaced tragically.


The No.4 fog valley was replaced by Tokugawa Kazuya.

Kaji Kazena of NO.5 was replaced by Oni Jujiro.

Tohno Atsukyo of NO.8 was replaced by Akutsu.

No.10’s Gray Fuji Koutaro was replaced by his hand Kunimitsu.

No.18 Takahashi Aoi was replaced by Fuji Syusuke.

No.19 Inoue Kazuya was replaced by Irie Kanata.

The positions of the others remain unchanged.

“This game is over!”

“The new army has officially appeared now!”

In the evening.

Senyu Shinji stood in front of the crowd and said lightly.

“A good day’s rest!”

“At seven o’clock the day after tomorrow.”

“All the members of the army gathered at the gate of the training camp on time!”

“We are going to go to Korea!”

Twenty members of the first army responded in unison.

“Yes! Head Coach Senyu!”

Then after Senyu Shinji’s departure.

The crowd also dispersed.

One day passed quickly.

The day of the gathering.

At seven o’clock.

A member of the U-17 army has already assembled at the gate of the training camp.

Everyone was whispering.

Some people are discussing how to crush South Korea well this time.

Some people are silent.

There are also some people who marvel at those around them who have never joined the expedition team.

This time it also appeared.

at this time.

Senyu Shinji’s figure also appeared in front of everyone.


He spoke lightly.

next moment.

A line of 20 people stood up directly.

Directly ban the sound.

It can be seen that Senyu Shinji’s majesty in the hearts of everyone at this time.

“Give you ten minutes to check if you have all the items.”

“Ten minutes later, let’s go!”

Everyone also quickly checked.

After a while.

Everyone stood together.

Look at Senyu Shinji with bright eyes.

“The U-17 Expeditionary Force is set off!”

Senyu Shinji said loudly.

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