Chapter 522 Is it light, electricity, or wind!

“This kid on the opposite side is over!”

“This is a world-class basketball skill! I think it’s better to give up early in the face of such a skill.”

“Now he shouldn’t dare to make the slightest movement!”

The people around the court immediately ridiculed Senyu Shinji on the court.

In their opinion, this game was completely a crushing game that Senyu Shinji was looking for.

But just when they were laughing.

Suddenly it seemed to see a ghost.

The whole person couldn’t laugh anymore.

Because Senyu Shinji on the court randomly waved the racquet.

The sparkling light hit the ball suddenly dimmed.


What is more shocking is.

Tennis unexpectedly broke out again with a brighter light.

Almost instantly illuminated the court side.

It is also a light shot!

Rushed out in a sudden.

A wave of air rolled directly around.

“what!?!! ”

The people around suddenly exclaimed.

There was obvious horror in their eyes.

But the opposite.

Senyu Shinji on the court seemed to have done a rather casual thing.

That kind of wind is light.

That kind of calm and gentleness.

“How can the strength of this kid be so terrifying?!”

Many people can’t believe the scene before them.


Their gazes at Senyu Shinji changed directly.

next moment.

Above the court.

The light shot that had just been swung out suddenly flashed a terrifying golden light and rushed towards Gerald.

That kind of shock makes people’s breathing almost paused.


The tennis ball slammed onto the ground of the court.

The solemn look on Gerald’s face grew stronger.

He even exclaimed.

“Is this still just hitting the ball?!!”

He couldn’t believe the scene before him.

Although light hitting is a world-class skill.

But there is no such horror as Senyu Shinji is showing now!

It was exactly like a bright sun directly piercing through the entire space and descending in front of him!

Gerald swallowed involuntarily.

He doesn’t think that the ball is still a bare shot now!

This is definitely a light hit that has surpassed!


The loud noise of horror appeared directly in the tennis hall.

They even felt that the ground was shaking at this time.


The tennis ball was ejected directly.

Enter again and emit a more dazzling light.

It can be said.

Following Senyu Shinji’s racquet just now.

This tennis ball has been given unparalleled power.


Gerald was instantly hit by the blast of air.

That feeling made him breathe instantly.

“I can’t resist at all…!”

Gerald’s face became more solemn.

A trace of panic gradually spread across his face.

The current tennis ball is not something he can fight back at all~!

“Does it end like this?”

“Don’t you dare to even try?”

“If this is the case, how can I provide effective information for the entire team?”

Gerald was constantly advising himself to forcibly take the blow.

But after he just picked up the racquet in his hand.

The fear in his heart immediately swallowed all his courage.


Gerald could only tremble slightly and watch the tennis ball eject out.

Because at that moment.

He deeply understands.

If he fights back forcibly.

Will definitely die!



The tennis ball fell directly out of bounds.

And where the tennis ball fell.

Cracks spread and appeared one after another.

Sand and gravel splashed all over.

As the dust dissipated.

What appeared in front of everyone was a deep huge pit.

The tennis ball is now inlaid in the center like a black charcoal.

Everyone swallowed involuntarily.

A cold sweat came out.

Their eyes were filled with fear.


Senyu Shinji won the first game directly!

this moment.

Everyone finally understood.

Senyu Shinji is the strong one!

That kind of terrifying powerhouse!

It’s just a shot of tennis.

Can show such a powerful and incomparable power.

And the opponent is obviously a random blow~!

“Is this his true strength?”

Jeff of the Free Nations team suddenly changed his face.

Looked blankly at the pit on the court.

As for the other free national team members, they are even more unbearable than him.

Many people turned pale.

Others are already sweating coldly.

The limbs were trembling non-stop.

Senyu Shinji’s plan just now is really terrifying!

Can blast the ground out of such a huge pit.

Such strength is completely beyond their imagination.

Above the court.

Senyu Shinji saw that Gerald had no choice to fight back the tennis shot.

He said to Gerald with a smile on his face.

“Why don’t you fight back?”

“You can obviously fight back?”

“Don’t show mercy to me!”

After Gerald heard these words.

His face suddenly changed.

Even the people around the court couldn’t help but twitch their mouths.

fight back?

Who would lose a point in a tennis that can fight back?

The key is that he can fight back!

“”Now it’s my turn to serve!”

“Be careful!”

Senyu Shinji smiled at Gerald on the opposite side.

The whole person suddenly rose up with a strong aura.

The surrounding air waves surged directly.

That’s it alone.

Everyone moved directly backwards.

Because that majesty is too terrifying!

It just makes them fall into the same breath.

At this moment, Senyu Shinji’s eyes seemed to be filled with endless stars.

That’s vast.

But it is full of ruthlessness and majesty.

He whispered softly.

“This trick is to slash thunder!”


A horrible thunder and lightning flashed around him.

Purple-black lightning flashed one after another.

at this time.

The tennis ball in his hand was thrown straight into the air.

The racquet in his hand was cut out like a knife.

(Wang’s good) A terrifying and huge wave of cutting appeared directly on the court.

He rushed to Gerald on the opposite side.


He seemed to be pinched by his throat.

The emergence of the red brush.

The other side.

The racquet in Senyu Shinji’s hand was also cut to the tennis ball.


Lightning and thunder started.

The tennis ball is directly transformed into a bright purple light.

Fly to the opposite side instantly.

next moment.

A long purple awn broke apart inch by inch.

As if cut off by a sharp knife.


Nine tennis figures appeared over Gerald’s court.

Bright electric lights flashed above them.




Accompanied by roars.

All the tennis balls fell to the ground.

Then it ejected.

Rushed towards Gerald.

Li this moment.

The fear was removed from Gerald’s eyes.

There is nothing else!.

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