Chapter 556 How could it be so terrible?

next moment.

The giant bear roars!

The audience was in a rush!

A heavy wave of air directly hit Senyu Shinji’s body.

The uniform on his body is constantly floating in this air wave.


“It seems that a giant roaring bear has emerged just now!”

“Is this the real strength of King Ralph, Lord Mao Xiong?”

Players from various countries suddenly lost their color in shock.

No one thought that Ralph’s tennis shot was so terrifying.

Can show such power.

It’s a tennis ball that can’t be hit back with a single blow!

Above the court.

Senyu Shinji looked at the tennis ball that was howling.

For a moment it seemed to see a giant bear yelling at him. ,

“Giant bear.

That violent wild breath kept blowing on him.

As if to swallow him completely.

The entire court is almost eclipsed.


Even such a terrifying power.

Senyu Shinji’s calm expression remained unchanged.

The gentle smile seemed to hang on the corner of his mouth.

“It is indeed a very strong tennis ball!”

“But even so, it still has no effect on me!

Senyu Shinji’s gentle voice was clear to the audience.

The next 26 moments.

Just in the dull eyes of everyone.

His body is standing directly on the court sideways.

The racquet in his hand seems to be a sharp knife for killing bears.

Raising hands and feet, an indescribable stalwart gesture.

As if everything was not in his eyes.


In an instant.

Just whizzing from the tennis ball.

And the racquet in his hand also slammed out fiercely.


Next second.

An unprecedented powerful pressure swept the audience and caused a wave of waves.

In the dust storm, a full moon was faintly visible.

The endless moonlight shone on.

Everyone saw a misty figure, coming out with a sword.

A sword light cut the full moon in half.


The tennis ball was divided straight into two pieces, passing the bottom corners of both sides of the court.

The afterimage of Zhanyue remained in the air.


then. ,

Everyone can even hear the wailing of a giant bear.

That’s it.

The Bear’s Embrace was directly shattered!

Ralph couldn’t believe this scene.

A wave of terrifying air immediately rushed towards his body.

this moment.

Faced with such air waves.

His posture of a giant bear seems to have no power to return at all.

Can only die sadly in endless wailing.

next moment.

Sand and gravel are splattered.

It kept splashing on his body.

Make him feel a burst of pain.


Kill the moon and destroy the bear!

The eyes of everyone in the auditorium had been dumbfounded.

Can’t say a word at all.

He could only stare at Senyu Shinji on the court with his mouth open weakly.

How powerful is the Bear’s Embrace!

Such a terrifying blow was directly under the opponent’s racquet.

Completely annihilated.

Even the tennis ball that flew past was cut in half.

But even two halves of tennis.

Can show such a roaring sound.

This almost surpasses everyone’s cognition.

It can be said.

Ralph’s tennis is the best hit.

Senyu Shinji’s tennis surpasses the best one!

“too frightening!”

“Even such a terrifying giant bear’s embrace was shattered!

“How powerful is the opponent?”

After everyone in the Mao Xiong national team saw this scene.

Almost lost his voice and screamed.

Their voices were filled with considerable fear.

Above the court.

Relf stared blankly at the two tennis halves on the ground.

The whole person feels lost and powerless.

“Even the giant bear’s embrace is like this?”

The unreal feeling frightened him.

A bit of cold hits my heart directly.

Make his body tremble involuntarily.

at this time.

Senyu Shinji chuckled lightly.

“You have one last ball!”

“This is your last chance!”

His face was as gentle and calm as ever.

It seems that the tennis shot just now is nothing at all.

Just after Senyu Shinji’s words fell.

Ralph on the opposite side suddenly woke up.

at this time.

He looked at Senyu Shinji’s eyes constantly changing.

He can feel it.

Senyu Shinji on the opposite side did not show his full strength at all!

The opponent’s strength has long surpassed his imagination!

this moment.

His mood became heavier.

But it is still playing.

All these thoughts can only be suppressed forcibly.

Then continue to serve.


The tennis ball he swings is still as powerful as ever.

Then he rushed towards Senyu Shinji’s court in a whistling manner.

Smashed to the ground fiercely.

Senyu Shinji’s expression suddenly became fierce.

The racquet in his hand seemed to be stretched out.

Swipe out directly and fiercely.

next moment.

The tennis shot went straight out.

Just at this time.

As if a huge giant appeared on the court in a trance.

Then it flashed by again.

No one can clearly see what it is.

But the breath of pound discs kept swirling on the court.

That feeling gives people an extremely terrifying sense of oppression.

next moment.

Senyu Shinji whispered softly.

“Ball Mountain!’

The behemoth that appeared in a daze suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

Countless shadows of mountains and rivers continue to stretch.

The momentum is huge.


A popping sound resounded throughout the court.

The tennis ball tore the air and blasted on the ground with unparalleled intensity.


The ground 627 burst.

Dust rolled up in the sky, and countless gravel and rubble flew out of the air.

A huge pit was exposed.

A grass-green tennis ball in the pit is still spinning.

The racquet in Ralph’s hands was still frozen in the air.

At that moment just now.

He finally gave up the tennis shot back.

Cold sweat suddenly appeared on his forehead.

Because he can feel how terrifying the power of this tennis ball just now.

It’s not something he can resist!

That kind of thick and majestic momentum.

It’s so real!


The audience suddenly fell into silence.

Ralph, who had always been extremely fierce, was still standing sluggishly on the court at this moment.

Mechanically raised his head to look at Senyu Shinji on the opposite side.

Opened his mouth.

In the end, he didn’t say a word.

“There seemed to be rolling mountains just now!”

“It’s horrible!”

“How could that kind of tennis be hit back?”


There was an uproar from the silent audience.

The crowd in the auditorium was simply plunged into great fear.

The body was shaking involuntarily.

They only found out at this moment.

Senyu Shinji was scarier than they thought.

There is even a hint of rejoicing now.

Fortunately at the opening ceremony.

Did not continue.


It is difficult for them to imagine that facing such a tennis ball will not cause death.

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