Chapter 579 Enter the second round of the challenge

that’s all.

Thus ended the first day of the Sydney Cup Professional Challenge.

The 128 contestants have also directly become 64 contestants.

As for the Japanese national team, they are also very unlucky~ they are eliminated.

Seiichi Yukimura and Fuji Syusuke have a bad luck.

Directly met a professional player with world-class strength.

Was subsequently eliminated.

It was Akutsu and Kunimitsu who made it to the final.

As for the high school students, they basically suffered extremely bleak results.

Only Byōdōin Hōō, Duke Watanabe and Oni Jujiro three advanced.

This time.

Even Tanegashima Shuji, Irie Kanata and Tokugawa Kazuya were also eliminated.

Many of the Japanese national team players who were eliminated are somewhat lost.

I was a little excited again.

After all, to be able to participate in such a professional challenge.

It is indeed a pretty good exercise for them.

Seeing that everyone’s emotions are not as high as before.

Senyu Shinji did not comfort them either.

After all, a sport like tennis will win or lose.

If you can’t even see this.

If you stand up again.

Then there is absolutely no possibility for them to advance to a higher position.

Then he looked at the people who had successfully advanced.

“First of all congratulations to a few who have successfully advanced!”

“Tomorrow’s game is the second round of the Sydney Cup Professional Challenge!”

“I hope you can get promoted smoothly!”

Compared to the first round of competition.

The second round of competition is definitely more intense than before!

This is absolutely beyond doubt!

It can be said.

In the next game.

The probability of encountering a world-class player has reached 100%.

After all, there are only 64 players who are still competing in the Sydney Cup Pro Challenge!

Senyu Shinji knows this very well.

Also know.

After the game is over tomorrow.

The players who are successfully promoted are definitely quite rare!

Maybe there are only a few people in the end.

All the successfully advanced players clenched their palms involuntarily.

Secretly made up his mind.

Must strive to advance!

Speechless overnight.

Time passed quickly.

The next day.

Inside the Sydney Stadium.

At this time among the sixteen groups.

Senyu Shinji was assigned to the fifth group.

It can be said.

The players in this group are quite strong!

Both are professional players.

The other player is not.


These people didn’t have the slightest pressure on Senyu Shinji.

It’s hard to even pay attention.

after all.

His strength is not comparable to these few people!

Above the court.

With one blow, the tennis ball with an unusually bright light kept bombarding the opposite court.

Senyu Shinji’s opponent just felt a sense of the end of the world coming.

The whole person was in endless trembling.

Shaking constantly.

Faced with tennis like this.

He couldn’t afford the slightest courage to fight back.

Even if he has world-class strength.

But it’s only the world-class ordinary level.

It is not Senyu Shinji’s opponent at all.

The gap between the two is too big!

next moment.

Accompanied by a terrifying roar.


Suddenly the tennis ball fell heavily on the ground.

Sand and gravel splattered!


The whole game is over!


Senyu Shinji wins straight away!

“Won again!”

“It’s simply invincible!”

“Who can compete with Senyu?”

“If there is no accident in this round, Senyu Shinji will be promoted smoothly again!”

The audience around the stadium suddenly exclaimed.

In an instant, Senyu Shinji became the most shining focus on this arena!

As everyone expected.

There was no suspense in the next two games!

Senyu Shinji swept the next two games directly.

Successfully advanced again.

And it was promoted with the first shining points!

It can be said.

For everyone around the arena.

Senyu Shinji is like an invincible god.

Senyu’s name was almost cheered by everyone at the end.

The audience who watched all the way.

There was a look of worship for this invincible posture.

Whether it was the previous qualifiers.

It’s still the official game now.

Senyu Shinji didn’t seem to be the slightest obstacle.

That kind of indomitable heroic posture has become an unforgettable scene for them.

It can be said.

It’s not just the audience who knew the name of Senyu Shinji.

Even the rest of the contestants almost knew about Senyu Shinji.

…Seeking flowers 0-

Especially those who want to win the Sydney Cup Professional Challenge this time.

It is now beginning to investigate all the information about Senyu Shinji.

After all, it continues to pass over time.

Anyone can meet Senyu Shinji.

And after they investigated.

Everyone is in a state of extreme shock.

Some even couldn’t believe the content they found was true.

But their shock did not affect the end of the second round!

In this round of competition.

Among the members of the Japan national team.

Kunimitsu and Akutsu were not able to advance this time.

Even high school students Duke Watanabe and Oni Jujiro also met strong enemies.

It was eventually eliminated.

It can be said.

Those who are currently competing in the Sydney Cup Professional Challenge.

It is only Senyu Shinji and Byōdōin Hōō.

Compared to Senyu Shinji.

Needless to say his strength.

Even facing those professional players.

In the end, it is also the existence that can win victory with an invincible posture.

As for Byōdōin Hōō’s words.

Although his strength has reached world-class.

But as long as you are lucky.

It is still possible to continue to move forward.

Senyu Shinji looked at everyone.

Then he said to Byōdōin Hōō.

“Tomorrow is the last round of the round robin!”

“Take a good rest today, get ready!”

Byōdōin Hōō nodded in response.

Now the game has progressed to this point.

He also wants to keep moving forward!

Especially being able to fight against the real world powerhouse.

That even caused the blood in his body to boil directly.

As for the rest of the Japan national team.

Although some lost in being eliminated.

But I can see so many games of the world’s strongest players.

It’s also quite exciting!

that’s all.

The Japanese national team directly after the game.

Go straight to their foothold.

The next day.

The third round of the Sydney Cup Professional Challenge is about to begin!

Now the number of contestants has shrunk from 64 yesterday to 32.

As stipulated by the previous rules.

32 players.

Above 8 courts.

The final round of motivational battles has officially started. one.

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