It can be said that even these broken beasts and dead men who have no wisdom think that Jiang Qi is dead, and the surrounding of a circle outside here, even the Valkyrie may not be able to escape.

However…… The sun in the sky is gradually obscured by a layer of dark clouds, goose feathers and snow are still falling, and the cold wind is still blowing.

“Village Rain”

“Out of the sheath”

A sword light rushed to the sky from below, and the blood-colored thunder also fell at the same time, landing directly on the position where Jiang Qi was.

Those chariot-level and knight-level Collapse Beasts that surrounded Jiang Qi instantly disintegrated, either cutting off their spears, penetrating their bodies, or destroying their feet by thunder.

Those Avalanche Beasts who were hit by this blow all had black spells on their bodies, and the spells spread rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, covering the whole body of these Avalanche Beasts in a short while.

In the next second, these broken beasts, which should have no blood and blood vessels, all fell to the ground, their bodies were melting, and they were gradually decomposed by the curse poison.

And Jiang Qi, who was originally besieged, held the village rain in one hand and the scabbard in the other, without any damage on his body, and on the silver-white blade, there were several blood-colored arcs flashing.

“It seems to be good” Jiang Qi lowered his head and shook the village rain, his gaze shifted to the other broken beasts and dead soldiers, the fighting intent in his eyes gradually rose, and the smile at the corners of his mouth became a little crazy.

Like a devil, he rushed out again, and every time he waved the village rain, he could reap the life of a broken beast or a dead man.

With sensitive movements, he dodged the arrows of the ranger dead soldier, skillfully used the scabbard to control the guard dead soldier, and took the opportunity to throw out the village rain and kill the ranger dead man.

When the Breakthrough-level Collapse Beast came, it immediately avoided it and let it directly crash into the guarding dead man on the ground, causing it to die completely.

On the snow, Jiang Qi kept running, waving the weapon in his hand, sometimes in the east, sometimes in the west, like a ghost in the snow.

The red thunder directly decomposed the limbs of the Honkai beasts, and the black curse poison caused the Honkai Beasts to lose their lives, the ranger dead were easily killed, and the guarding dead soldiers had no power to fight back.

Even if its own strength is much weaker than those Collapse Beasts, who makes the weapons used too against the sky.

It’s just that these subordinate collapse beasts of silicon-based creatures are naturally unable to resist the sharp edge of the demon knife village rain, and the moment they are cut, the death omen star is already shining above their heads.

Using the blade to directly fight with the spear of the knight-level Honkai beast, the spear was easily cut, and it successfully stabbed on its body, and with a casual swing, its body turned into two halves.

Nearly a hundred Collapse Beasts and Dead Soldiers, this is a number that makes the Valkyries of Destiny feel some distress, without A-level Valkyries, it may not be easy to solve, and casualties are a normal thing.

However, in the hands of Jiang Qi alone, he was wantonly played, like balloons one by one, bursting with a prick.

A full hour later, Jiang Qi inserted the blade into the abdomen of the last guard dead soldier before stopping his movements and exhaling.

Looking at the corpses of the Broken Beasts and the corpses of the dead soldiers around them, he couldn’t help but show an extremely satisfied smile.

In the battle just now, only the ability of the demon knife village rain was used, and even the power of the direct death demon eye was not used, it can be said that it can solve these guys, seven successfully returned to the village rain, and three percent returned to their own training and persistence.

But this amount is indeed relatively large, even if Jiang Qi relies on the ability of village rain, so that they can be cut at will like Chinese cabbages on a chopping board.

However, the physical strength consumed in the battle is indeed amazing, and if the number of Collapse Beasts is more, he is likely to kneel.

“But so” Picking up the scabbard next to him, Jiang Qi pulled out the village rain and walked towards the village.

The corpses of these broken beasts and dead men were flooded by the snow, and they were not interested in dealing with them.

At that time, in the battle, I was not eroded by the collapse energy, but when dealing with this kind of thing, it would be funny.

Due to the physical exertion, Jiang Qi completely used Village Yu as a crutch, and wiped his face casually with the snow on the ground to sober himself up, and by the way, he also threw the clothes stained with the blood of the dead directly into the snow.

After walking for nearly half an hour, Jiang Qi returned to the village and happened to meet some people who were about to leave the village.

“Huh? Xiao Qi, why are you outside? The Uncle Chris that Jiang Qi met before was about to leave, and when he saw Jiang Qi actually walk in from outside, he was also stunned.

“It’s okay, just… Just outside to clean up some garbage, I’ll go home first, goodbye, Uncle Chris” Jiang Qi shook his head lightly and continued to walk towards the house.

Chris couldn’t understand Jiang Qi’s words for a while, clean up the garbage? Where did the garbage come from on this snowy day? Some garbage was also buried in the snow.

Seeing that he couldn’t figure it out for a while, Chris didn’t continue to think about it, and continued to leave the village with his wife and children.

Others were the same, although they had some doubts about Jiang Qi walking in from outside, they didn’t think much, let alone imagine, in just one hour, Jiang Qi would wipe out all those broken beasts and dead men outside.

After returning home tired, as soon as Jiang Qi walked into the door, the whole person’s spirit relaxed, and the tiredness of the battle also surged up, and sleepiness surged in his heart.

After walking quickly to his room, Jiang Qi’s eyes were dark, and he fell directly on the bed and fell asleep.

When Xi Lin in the inner room heard the noise, she ran to Jiang Qi’s house, and saw that there was still some snow on her body, and she didn’t even cover the quilt, and Jiang Qi, who slept directly, didn’t react for a while.

“Hey, sleep like this, aren’t you afraid of catching a cold?” Xi Lin walked to Jiang Qi’s side and spoke directly.

Obviously, Jiang Qi, who had fallen asleep, could not hear her speak, and he was physically exhausted and dying, and he was completely unconscious when he fell on the bed.

Otherwise, he wouldn’t have even picked it up from Village Yu, and just left it on the side of the bed like that, regardless of whether it would be taken away by Celine and played with as a toy.

Seeing that Jiang Qi did not reply, Xi Lin also frowned, just now she also heard a very noisy sound outside, but because Jiang Qi asked her to stay at home to take care of her mother, naturally she did not go out.

So what happened outside, Xi Lin didn’t know at all, after all, those broken beasts and dead soldiers, they didn’t even enter the village, and they were completely destroyed by Jiang Qi.

“Jing will cause me trouble, what a headache brother” Celine sighed like a little adult, helped Jiang Qi take off his shoes, pants and coat, dragged him to the bed with great effort, and helped him cover the quilt.

After doing this, Xi Lin looked at the village rain that was thrown on the ground by Jiang Qi, looked at Jiang Qi, and after hesitating, she lifted it up and let it stand next to Jiang Qi’s bed.

After making sure that there was nothing else, Celine was ready to leave the room, but before leaving, she whispered something to Jiang Qi, who was already asleep.

“Good night, smelly old brother, good dreams”

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