In that short future, in fact, there is not much change, but the position of oneself has changed.

Cecilia still didn’t know what to be considered acting, and the series of attacks was merciless.

The future that Jiang Qi is going to is only the future after a minute, since they all say that he is acting with Cecilia, then he doesn’t mind practicing his skills and brushing his proficiency.

Going to the future in a minute did not consume too much time, but fortunately, I have experienced this kind of thing through time and space several times, and I am used to it, otherwise, there may be some discomfort.

His space manipulation ability has not been upgraded to a very powerful state, and the power of time and space is a very powerful ability.

If it weren’t for the relatively simple use of the ability of the Emperor Engraving, it would be very difficult for him to use his time ability.

“Go, Black Abyss” Cecilia was really merciless, directly liberating the destructive ability in this divine key, and the terrifying energy attack directly attacked Jiang Qi.

“Holding the grass” Jiang Qi saw the merciless attack of this guy Cecilia, and she was a little doubtful, whether she only heard about fighting with herself.

Immediately, Jiang Qi clenched his fists and was about to strike towards the black abyss, after the power of destroying the gift was used, it would not be difficult to break this attack of the black abyss.

But things are not always as expected, a spatial vortex suddenly appeared, and the Rubik’s Cube composed of golden spatial power directly blocked this blow.

Xi Lin walked out of it, pulled Jiang Qi and flew towards the sky, so that Jiang Qi had no choice but to retract his strength before he punched out.

“Stupid, don’t you know to hide this attack?” Celine flew up with Jiang Qi’s arm, and with her current strength, it was not difficult to grab Jiang Qi and fly.

“You’re awake” Jiang Qi immediately knew who the person who was holding him was, the person with the power of space, in this world, there was no one else except Celine.

“Hmph, be grateful” Cyrene snorted softly, did not speak, looked at Cecilia on the ground, and stretched out her hand to prepare three spears of Yakong.

Jiang Qi saw that Celine seemed to be planning to play for real, and he was anxious all of a sudden, and he and Cecilia were just playing, although the other party didn’t seem to know what acting was.

Just as Jiang Qi was about to stop it, two uninvited guests came over, falling on the ground like two meteors, smashing out a big pit.

Through the smoke, Jiang Qi could see that the mask on the face of the one who landed first had been shattered, revealing his original appearance.

It was Otto, and as for the other one, it was naturally Walter, and this time he found the target by mistake.

“Okay, my goal is here, you go play with your future sister-in-law, Celine” Jiang Qi said and rushed directly towards where Otto was.

The speed was so fast that even before Celine could react, she had already fallen to the ground, and one hand had already grabbed Otto’s face, pressed him to the ground and rubbed him, and ran wildly on the ground.

Otto didn’t even react, he felt that he was suppressed in an instant, his face rubbed madly against the ground, the skin on his face fell off several layers, and he ate a lot of dirt in his mouth.

Jiang Qi’s speed could not be described as unfast, and in just a few seconds, he had already rushed into the group of Collapsed Beasts with Otto.

After confirming that no one was seeing, he stopped, concentrated all his strength on his legs, kicked him fiercely, and kicked Otto as a football on the body of a knight-level broken beast.

“Void Ten Thousand Treasures Mimicry, Heavenly Fire Holy Tailor, Boundary Lifting, Annihilation Form” Jiang Qi immediately took out the Void Ten Thousand Collections, making it change into the appearance of the Seventh God Key Heavenly Fire Saint Division, and skillfully injected his endless power into it, allowing it to be directly liberated into its true posture.

“Annihilation, unsheathed”

Wielding this great sword that exudes terrifying heat, it has terrifying energy like the incarnation of the God of Destruction, as if only the light of the star entering the world can compete with it.

If ordinary people used this power, they would definitely be burned to ashes by the terrifying high temperature emanating from this big sword.

But for Jiang Qi, who possessed the gift of the level of [Unknown Body], it was nothing, waving the calamity.

The terrifying energy poured out, and all the surrounding Collapsed Beasts were burned to ashes by the flames, leaving no residue left.

It wasn’t enough to wield the calamity, Jiang Qi transformed the Void Wanzang into the appearance of the Sixth God Key, the Black Abyss White Flower.

“I am the black that devours everything, I am the white who gives birth to everything, born before the creation of the world, exists after annihilation, the key of God, the black abyss white flower, the first rated power-the holy spear blooms”

Throwing this perfectly simulated holy gun, Jiang Qi can be said to have spared no effort, and as much power as he can exert, how much power he can exert.

The holy spear was thrown, and the terrifying energy contained in it swept through everything, penetrated everything, and devoured everything.

“Gunganir, the Shooting Star Gun. O lost spear of the heavenly realm, give me the enemy through my eyes”

An artifact that has a 100% magic gun that can penetrate anything it hits, although Odin, the god king as a strategist, has not fully exerted its strength, but Jiang Qi is different.

In order to perfectly annihilate their enemies, even if it is worth the cost, the dead will use the twelve bullets of the engraved emperor to return to the past to rescue them.

But there is one thing that he must ensure, and that is the complete death of the bishop of the Mandate of Heaven, Otto Apocalis.

Even if he can only die physically now, he must let him die completely in society and cannot appear on the world stage.

“Demon Dao Village Rain, Chidori pull out the sword, let the thunder wash away all the sins”

After throwing the Great God Declaration, Jiang Qi took out the village rain again, and the thunder in the sky became extremely violent, and the blood-colored thunder continued to fall on the blade of the village rain.

With a wave of the blade, the red thunder also landed from the sky with Jiang Qi’s swing, constantly falling on the ground, and bombarding the collapsed beasts one by one.

Each thunder took a Broken Beast away, and the place where it was heavily attacked was naturally the location of Otto, whom Jiang Qi was targeting.

“And, the last aurora column”

A little aurora shone on Jiang Qi’s clenched fist, and the power of the dark fruit was also concentrated on it, exuding terrifying fluctuations.

The power possessed by the Straight Death Demon Eye (Infinite), the power of the Twisted Demon Eye and the Straight Death Demon Eye were all unleashed, and they swept towards the location of Otto that he had confirmed.

Jiang Qi blasted out his fist, the aurora shot out from the fist, and a pillar of light passed through the space, spanning a distance of hundreds of meters, and landed in that place, and the ground was directly pierced.

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