After saying goodbye to Joyce, Jiang Qi also embarked on the road to return to Destiny with Leana.

Jiang Qi on the road has been recalling the contact with Joyce and his group during this time, especially the handshake that Joyce made at the end, which brought him a great touch.

Unlike the Celine he knew, although he and Joyce did not know each other, he would naturally be attracted by his temperament and leave a relatively deep impression on him.

He has been trying to make up for his past mistakes that were not wrong, and he will also show his respect and mourning for the deceased, and perhaps Joyce is more of a real person than a lawyer.

“Do you think that people like them are really alive people…”

But before Jiang Qi could speak, Leanna’s voice sounded first, asking Jiang Qi about what she had seen in the past.

“What exactly do you mean by ‘lived’?”

Jiang Qi couldn’t help but take a deep breath, it seemed that he and Leanna were both extremely impressed by that group of people.

“I don’t know, but I can feel it, it’s a rare emotion, and tomorrow’s destiny is to make each member a precise tool and perform their own duties.” If I could have said this before, now… I guess I can’t be so sure anymore. ”

Leanna’s eyes looked at the distant city, and under the hazy and faint light of the early morning, there was a little more soft breath, which was undoubtedly very different from the feeling she had always had.

“In the end, they are just people, not mere machines, even if they are in an organization like the Mandate of Heaven.”

Jiang Qi also took a deep breath and gave his opinion on this issue.

“Internally… Is it a person in the end? But it’s also really troublesome for you, and you have to pay for my mistakes… You can’t just leave it at that. Since it’s already this time, it’s better for me to invite you to breakfast at my own expense, which can be regarded as a little gift from me. ”

As if thinking of some topic, Leanna looked at the distant city and asked Jiang Qi if he wanted to have breakfast with her.

“Of course, it’s no problem, I just happened to be hungry for a long time, and by the way, I tasted what the food here tasted like.”

Jiang Qi really feels a little empty in his stomach now, except for a little snack that he ate by the way when feeding the cat yesterday, he has not eaten for almost half a day now.

And even if he is not very hungry, in the face of the invitation of a beautiful woman of Leanna’s level, he will not say half a “no”, and he must agree to it as soon as possible.

What does that say, yes, drunkenness does not mean alcohol.

So under the half-push and half-push, Jiang Qi followed Leanna all the way to the city of London, intending to solve the problem of breakfast nearby.

In Jiang Qi’s previous life, the understanding of this kind of thing was extremely lacking, and to this day, the understanding of foreigners’ breakfast is still at the level of milk bread, at most it is just fish and chips.

So when Leanna walked with him on the streets of London, Jiang Qi looked at the dazzling shops on the street, and couldn’t help but have a feeling like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden.

Although he has the system, he has long been an ordinary person, but he can’t stand that he has never been to a city of this size, let alone find a way here.

In the end, it was taken all the way by Leanna and finally found a restaurant that sold breakfast.

Although the scale of this store is small, the decoration inside is unusually exquisite, and there are even outdoor tables and chairs placed along the street to provide customers with choices.

Since it was still early and there were not many people coming to eat, Leanna and Jiang Qi quickly chose a favorite position in the store, and then began to look through the menu on their table.

With the help of the system, he can also understand the menu in pure English, but even if he understands the words above, he can’t guess the specific content of the set menu at all, and can only reluctantly tell the waiter that he wants the same food as Leanna.

In contrast, Leanna was familiar with the road and ordered two traditional English breakfasts (themonmonty), including bacon bacon (bacon bacon), black pudding and black blood sausage, homemade french fries, ground mushrooms, baked beans in tomato sauce, roasted tomatoes and roasted toast. It is a fairly comprehensive and nutritionally balanced option.

After that, the waiter asked the two again what kind of drink they wanted, for Jiang Qi now, nothing can be more refreshing than a bottle of fat house happy water, and when he subconsciously blurted out the word “cola”, he suddenly remembered that there was Leanna sitting opposite him, so he gritted his teeth and forcibly changed the syllable that was originally “cola” to “coffee”.

Then under the waiter’s slightly surprised gaze, he nodded vigorously.

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