Chapter 181 Snow Trail!!

After bringing enough supplies, Jiang Qi and Tallulah finally set out to find the guerrillas.

But what made Tallulah feel concerned was that when she heard that Jiang Qi decided to go on an adventure with her, none of the four people accompanying her showed too much surprise, as if Jiang Qi and her were doing something ordinary.

She admitted that Jiang Qi was a somewhat powerful existence she had seen, able to make a lot of food out of thin air, and could also kill the chasing pickets with a single sword, but this time she might not only face those wine bags and rice bags, but the guerrillas’ attitude towards them was not clear, in case a conflict really broke out.

“The hearts of your group of companions are really big, knowing that you are doing such a dangerous thing with me, and you can still be so calm.”

Seeing his indifferent look, Tallulah finally couldn’t help but ask him.

“It’s nothing, after all, they all know my strength, this is just a small trouble, can they still have ten powers over me?”

Hearing Tallula’s cautious tone, Jiang Qi couldn’t help but feel a burst of amusement, and replied to her like a joke.

“It’s better to be in good time if you are joking, after all, I don’t know what we will face next, and we may even die.”

For Jiang Qi’s frivolous attitude, Talulah frowned slightly, she couldn’t understand Jiang Qi’s confident look at all.

But what she doesn’t know is that confidence often comes from strength.

Although the terrain on the snowfield is relatively open, which is not conducive to hiding one’s body, for the experienced talula, he managed to find a way back to the pickets.

Finally, they came to the vicinity of the village where there were traces of guerrilla activity.

Unlike Jiang Qi’s leisurely approach, as soon as Tallulah approached the village, she began to try to find the location of the guerrillas, and began to survey the surroundings in detail.

“Go this way…”

Tallulah raised her head and looked somewhere in the distance, and then couldn’t help but pull up Jiang Qi and walked towards that place.

The traces are still fresh, which means that they haven’t been gone for too long, and if they try their best to catch up, they may be able to keep up with each other, and Tallulah doesn’t want to miss such a rare opportunity.

Along a slightly narrow path, the figures of Tallulah and Jiang Qi rushed, trying to keep up with the speed of the guerrilla withdrawal, because once this time was missed, it was difficult to say that there would be such an occasion next time.

It was driven by this mentality that caused Tallula’s pace to appear much more impatient than usual, and it was also in this situation that she relaxed her vigilance around her.

Therefore, when Tallulah came to a fork in the road with relatively compact terrain, she suddenly felt that her feet were loose, as if a bug had moved a certain mechanism, a large net was directly pulled up from the ground, and her whole person was hoisted into the air, and the next moment, above the originally sparse and ordinary ground around her, several devices that looked a little simple suddenly appeared, and the products mixed with the breath of source stones were mercilessly shot towards Tallula in the middle sleeve.

Because she was not familiar with this kind of source stone equipment, Jiang Qi was not able to find the trap at Tallula’s feet at the first time, but could only quickly raise her hand after she was hit and help her block those products that seemed to be spell crystallizations that shot at her.

“Hmm, damn it, the body, all paralyzed, with no strength.”

Talula instinctively wanted to struggle, but there seemed to be some special spell in that big net, which made her body paralyzed, and it was difficult to break free from such restraints in a short time.

At this moment, if Jiang Qi hadn’t blocked those dark weapons for her, I’m afraid that Tallulah would be seriously injured even if she didn’t die now, and in this completely unable to organize defense, she would be like fish on a stone board.

“If you run now, it’s still time, don’t worry about me…”

Talula, who realized that she had been tricked, couldn’t help but shout at Jiang Qi, it was really her own carelessness that she fell into such a trap, and there was no need to implicate Jiang Qi because of her own fault.

“It’s over there, I’ve already seen it, so I don’t have to spend time hiding anymore.”

It’s just that Jiang Qi didn’t pay attention to Tallula’s low roar, but raised his head to look behind a messy rock, and said word by word.

At the same time, an invisible coercion also began to be released from his body, directly acting there.

Although he was not familiar with the source stone system here for the time being, relying on the Demon Eye of Direct Death, he still saw the people hidden there, and if nothing else, the trap that Tallulah stepped on should have been set by them…

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