A fat wild boar was roasted and sizzling with oil. As baby-5 sprinkled the seasoning, the rich aroma spread throughout the island.

Children of the poor have to grow up early. Although she was only twelve years old, baby-5 had almost maxed out all her life skills.

"Lin, the barbecue is ready!"

After baby-5 left a roasted pig's front leg for herself, she shouted to the forest.

The next moment, Lin appeared in front of the wild boar, and he ate the whole roasted wild boar like a whirlwind.


Lin used the surgical space on himself, and then he used the power of the surgery fruit to speed up the absorption of his intestines.

The belly that was originally bulging became flat in an instant, and the energy of the food was continuously converted into energy and stored.

This ability is similar to the life return of the navy, but this ability is not a physical skill mastered by Lin. This is his way of using the surgery fruit to take advantage of it.

This is what Lin thinks is the correct way to use the surgery fruit.

Compared with the combat capability of the Operation Fruit, Lin En values ​​its control and transformation capabilities over the body more.

In just three days, Lin En felt that his physical strength and power had doubled.

"Not enough, baby-5, help me roast a few more large prey!"

After consuming the wild boar, Lin En opened his eyes and said to baby-5.

As Lin En said this, he rushed directly into the forest. In less than a moment, he dragged back a bigger wild boar.

This wild boar was the husband of the wild boar that was roasted just now. Now all of them entered Lin En's stomach neatly.

Hearing that she was needed, baby-5 naturally agreed happily.

But when she was dissecting the wild boar, she asked hesitantly: "Lin En, you have eaten five wild boars today. Will you really not be bloated if you eat like this?"

Baby-5 looked at the white bones piled up like a small hill around her, and a trace of worry flashed in her eyes.

Although there is a truth circulating on the sea that combat power is linked to the amount of food eaten, Baby-5 has also seen many big eaters in the Doflamingo Pirates.

However, the Doflamingo Pirates combined do not eat as much as Lin En now.

They have only been on this deserted island for three days, and the large beasts here are almost eaten by Lin En.

"Don't worry, it will be fine."

Lin En heard Baby-5's caring words, and he gently pinched Baby-5's little face.

"Well, then I'll start roasting now!"

Baby-5 got Lin En's encouragement, and she became happier.


Baby-5's left arm turned into a flamethrower, and the piled branches were instantly ignited, and the wild boar began to slowly emit fragrance.

"It's time to read the newspaper again today!"

Lin En looked at the news bird flying in the sky, and he directly covered it with the surgical space.

Then the pebble in Lin En's hand was replaced with a newspaper.

The headline of today's news is still about the Red Hair Pirates.

Although the Red Hair Pirates have not yet become the pirate emperor who reigns over the New World, they have already gained considerable fame.

Such a powerful pirate group is actually wandering in the East China Sea, which has aroused speculation from the World Government and the Navy.

Even the World Economic News is paying close attention, and the deeds of the Red Hair Pirates in the East China Sea are updated every day.

Today's news headline is [The Kingdom of Music Elegia is destroyed, and the Red Hair Pirates return to the East China Sea]

The photo in the newspaper is a photo of the destruction of the Kingdom of Music. In the fire, the photos of the members of the Red Hair Pirates look particularly terrifying.

"So, Shanks' adopted daughter Uta has left the Red Hair Pirates at this time?"

When Lin En saw this newspaper, the first thing that came to his mind was the future strongest singer Uta.

Uta is the ability user of the Song-Song Fruit, and has a singing voice that attracts the whole world.

Now that Uta has broken up with Shanks, perhaps this is a good opportunity to take down Uta.

After reading the headlines, Lin En suddenly realized that he was also in the newspaper.

[North Sea F19 Branch was destroyed by Lin En, and another supernova appeared in the North Sea]

This news only had a few short lines, which said that F19 Branch was killed by Lin En alone, and only Vergo survived the entire branch.

"This is Doflamingo's handiwork."

After Lin En saw this news, he immediately understood.

Doflamingo saw that directly recruiting Lin En was fruitless, so in order to prevent Lin En from joining the navy, he did this.

A wanted poster for Lin En also fell out of the newspaper. This photo was taken by Baby-5 on Mignon Island.The photo was taken when drinking tea.

"Ninety million berries? The navy really thinks highly of me!"

Lin En saw that he had a bounty of 90 million berries for the first time, and a strange color flashed in his eyes.

Ninety million doesn't sound like much, but this is not the sea of ​​bounties flooding ten years later. The bounties now are still very valuable.

The first bounty of Kaido, the Pirate Emperor who reigns over the New World, was only 70 million berries, and Charlotte Linlin was only 50 million berries.

With such a terrifying bounty, it's no wonder that Big News Morgans called Lin En the new pirate star of the North Sea.

As for another pirate star in the North Sea, it is naturally Doflamingo.

With the operation fruit and 90 million berries, those bounty hunters in the North Sea are probably looking for Lin En now.

"Hey, hey, hey, Vergo did a great job on this. In this way, Lynn will not be able to join the Navy and the World Government."

In the Don Quixote family's base camp, Doflamingo smiled at the newspaper in front of him.

"I say, I say, in this way, Baby-5 kidnapped by Lynn can also return to the family, and our family can also gain a powerful subordinate."

"Now those gangs and bounty hunters in the North Sea have begun to act, and Lynn will soon have nowhere to hide!"

Trebol put his sticky head close and said to Doflamingo.

"Dover, if we do this, aren't we afraid that Lynn will die in the hands of those bounty hunters? In that case, we will still get nothing."

Diamante didn't understand why Doflamingo cared so much about a teenage kid.

"If Lynn dies, the Operation Fruit will reappear on the sea, which is also a good thing for us."

"But I don't think Lynn will die. How can those bounty hunters be his opponent for a man who can defeat Pica just after eating a devil fruit?"

Doflamingo recalled the scene of his previous conversation with Lynn. He had a hunch that Lynn's future achievements would not be simple.


"Dad, the legendary Operation Fruit has appeared!"

"If this little brother named Lynn can come to the New World to join us, then Dad, your hidden injury may be healed."

New World, on the Moby Dick.

Captain Marco of the First Squadron pointed to the news in today's newspaper and said to the tall man sitting on the bow.

"Gulala, don't care about such trivial matters. I am also a mortal and will die sooner or later."

The man with a crescent-shaped beard didn't care at all. He picked up the newspaper in Marco's hand.

"The trainee kid on Roger's ship should be coming to the New World to compete for hegemony!"

Whitebeard paused for a moment on the headlines of today's newspaper, and then he looked at the page recording Lin's news.

"The first bounty is 90 million Baileys, this kid is incredible!"

Whitebeard looked at Lin's bounty, and a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Although the wanted order did not specify how old Lin was, based on Whitebeard's experience, Lin was definitely not over 15 years old.

With such achievements at such an age, Whitebeard has recognized his strength.

"If this kid can come to the New World, I allow him to use the flag of the Whitebeard Pirates!"

Whitebeard looked at the wanted order in his hand and said in a deep voice.

The Whitebeard Pirates are the strongest pirate group in the world. If Lin hangs the flag of the Whitebeard Pirates in the New World, then Lin can walk sideways in the New World.

"Great, if Brother Lin can come to the New World, I believe he will become our brother!"

Hearing Whitebeard's recognition of Lin, Marco changed the way he addressed Lin.

"The Operation Fruit has appeared, but where is the Dark-Dark Fruit?"

In the corner of the Moby Dick, Marshall D. Teach, who was holding a large glass of wine, looked gloomy.

He had been on the ship of the Whitebeard Pirates for more than ten years for the Dark-Dark Fruit, but the Dark-Dark Fruit was still missing.

"Teach, what are you in a daze about? Cheers!"

Captain Thatch of the Fourth Division appeared in front of Marshall D. Teach.

"Captain Thatch, cheers!"

When Blackbeard looked up, he restored his honest face.

He had been disguised like this for more than ten years, and even Whitebeard could not see through his disguise.

“Wow, the Operation Fruit has appeared. It’s a pity that he is not an animal type, otherwise I can let him be the real fighter of the Beasts Pirates.”

Wano Country, Onigashima.

Kaido, the strongest single-player creature on land, sea and air, was drinking happily while flipping through today’s newspaper.Lin En's first bounty was higher than his, which made Kaido take a closer look.

That's all.

The competition in the New World is the most brutal, and Kaido has seen too many geniuses die.

For Kaido, geniuses who have not grown up are worthless.

The three big bosses and the Flying Six under Kaido are all monsters among monsters.

Geniuses are not lacking in the Beasts Pirates.

It was the Operation Fruit that made Kaido a little curious. If it weren't for this title, Kaido wouldn't have looked at Lin En more.

This kind of thing happened not only among the Pirate Emperors, but also among the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

Alabasta, Rain Feast.

Crocodile Crocodile, the Seven Warlords of the Sea, tapped the armrest of the seat with his hand, and he finally picked up a Den Den Mushi.

"Mr. 7, go to the North Sea and recruit Lin En for our Baroque Studio."

"Lin En's fruit ability and strength are very good. It would be a pity if Doflamingo killed him!"

After hearing the reply from his subordinates, Crocodile hung up the Den Den Mushi.

Crocodile's bounty for becoming a Shichibukai was only 81 million Baileys, while Lin En's initial bounty was 90 million Baileys, which is enough to show Lin En's ability.

With Lin En's joining, the Baroque Studio he founded will be more perfect, and Lin En may also become Mr. 1's right-hand man.

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