Maoshan Ghostbusters

Chapter 1650: Little monster, please take a closer look at what you look like.

The doctor held a syringe and squatted next to the baby. Although the baby's expression could not be seen through the bed sheet, the baby's hoarse cry and the jitter of the bed sheet could fully feel that the baby was very scared at the moment.

"Mom! Save me! Mom, I don't want to die!"

The baby's tender voice was already crying dumb.

In this situation, everyone present felt compassionate.

The doctor sighed, "Little monster, don't cry. Who told you to cast the wrong mother, I have to ask you to feel wronged." After speaking, he raised the syringe and started to stick it down.

At this moment, a crippling cry suddenly sounded.


Everyone looked back in amazement, and saw a thick, long, purple-black thing leaping out of Master Azan's crotch.

The head of that thing is a mouth full of fangs.

"God, it's a monster, that gentleman is a monster."

Several nurses screamed in surprise, screaming and huddling together.

The doctor was also frightened and froze there, looking at the thing with wide eyes, unable to move.

The thing twisted his chubby body and hit the doctor's wrist with the syringe.

With a click, the syringe fell to the ground, smashed to pieces, and pink liquid was splashed everywhere.

The little baby in the bed sheet suddenly stopped shaking and crying, and giggled.

"Dad, save me! Daddy, save me!"

The thing moved toward the bed sheet, opened his mouth, bit the bed sheet, and tore it forcefully.

With a wiping sound, the sheet was torn.

The little baby crawled out excitedly and shouted, "Daddy, you are so kind, thank you for saving me."

The thing made a chirp, rubbed its head on the baby's body as if it were petting. The little baby also hugged the thing, very affectionate.

The doctor was so shocked that his mouth was closed from ear to ear, "This gentleman, what is going on?"

Master Azan smiled bitterly, "I think you can see clearly, I am not the father of this child, but the father of this child is it." After speaking, he pointed his finger at the purple-black thing.

The doctor stammered, "But how is this possible? This thing is clearly on you."

Master Azan said, "Now, let me be honest, this lifeblood is not mine, it is just a parasite on my body. And its behavior is not under my control. For example, it was before. It insulted the pregnant woman, caused her to become pregnant and gave birth to this deformed child."

The doctor said, "Then what should I do now? That child must die. Such a strange child cannot let him stay in this world at all."

Master Azan sighed, "It's up to me now, it seems that only I can kill that child."

The doctor said, "Be careful, that child's father won't let it go."

Master Azan nodded, "I understand. But in order to get rid of this deformed little monster, I can only offend the child's father. Doctor, you take the nurse and stand aside, I am going to cast the spell, so as not to accidentally hurt you."


The doctor immediately took several nurses and hid in a corner of the operating room.

Master Azan sternly said, "Hey, you two, don't engage in father-son love anymore."

The little baby who was snuggling close together and the thing quickly separated. The little baby stared at Master Azan fiercely. The thing also opened its mouth wide, showing its fangs, as if he was going to swallow Master Azan.

Upon seeing this, Master Azan laughed pretentiously.

"What are you doing? Do you all treat me as a strong opponent?"

The little baby gritted his teeth and said, "Don't kill me."

Master Azan smiled, "Give me a reason not to kill you first. Little monster, you should take a good look in the mirror and see what you look like."

"What's wrong with my appearance?"

"You are not human at all. Your appearance is different from ours."

"But there is no mirror here."

The little nurse shouted, "I have a mirror here." After speaking, he took out a small mirror from his jacket pocket, handed it to Master Azan, and hurried back to the corner.

The doctor replied, "You stinky girl, you still wear a mirror at work, you are looking for criticism."

The little nurse defended, "My hair is self-curling, and my hair is always unsatisfactory. I wear a mirror to make it easier to organize my hair. Besides, my hair is also related to the appearance of the entire hospital. I am also doing this for the good of our hospital."

The doctor sternly said, "Smelly girl, I will make excuses for myself if I like stinky beauty. I will clean up you when this is over."

The other nurses said anxiously, "Okay, stop arguing and see what they will do next."

Master Azan coughed twice and handed the mirror to the baby.

"Little monster, please take a closer look at what you look like."

The little baby turned out to be in the small mirror, looking at himself in the mirror, and suddenly cried.

"Why? Why do I look different from yours? Your face is round, but my face is pointed."

Master Azan sneered, "This question, you can ask your fox father, because he is a fox, not a human, so a human woman and a fox will give birth to a child like you."

The little baby was crying, his voice was so miserable.

The thing kept making a low growl, seeming to comfort the little baby.

Master Azan smiled, "Well, poor little monster, don't cry anymore. Since you have come to the wrong place, please leave this world."

The little baby begged, "No! Don't kill me."

Master Azan said, "You don't need to ask me. Because humans are a kind of creatures that repel the same kind by nature, even normal people with sound limbs and clear minds will be rejected, let alone you, a poor creature with a severely deformed appearance. It is to keep you. Not most of the human beings will not tolerate the existence of a monster like you. The result of your reluctance to stay is to endure all kinds of insults and tortures, all kinds of unfairness, and finally pass away with hatred. It’s better to have a good time now to avoid humiliation in the future."

The little baby shook his head vigorously, "No, but I really don't want to die. I have seen the outside world, with beautiful flowers and trees, and cute birds singing. This is such a beautiful place, I don't want to leave."

Master Azan sneered, "Poor little monster, no matter how beautiful those things are, they are not yours after all. You should be sober, don't be like your stupid mother, you should roll back to the underworld and reincarnate."

The little baby cried, "So what about my life?"

Master Azan said coldly, "Your life will be abolished. Is this still necessary?"

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