Maoshan Ghostbusters

Chapter 682: Why are you sitting on the steps holding my cat?

With a creak, the door of the stairwell opened.

A puff of mildew and rotten air hit his face, and Zhuang Mengdie couldn't help covering his nostrils.

The light in the stairwell was very dark. She took out the flashlight from her backpack to illuminate the road under her feet, and she saw a line of plum footprints of cats walking into the stairwell.

"Meow, it really entered the stairwell. But it's dark here, so scary."

Looking at the narrow window like a dove cage, Zhuang Mengdie couldn't help but sweat.

Following the plum blossom footprints on the ground, Zhuang Mengdie also walked into the stairwell.


The door of the stairwell closed behind her.

She turned her head abruptly and suddenly felt very disturbed when she saw the closed door.

She shivered and couldn't help but opened the door and walked away.

However, at this moment, she heard a familiar voice.


"That's the sound of meowing."

Zhuang Mengdie heard the cat cry, and retracted her hand reaching the door.

"Meow cat, is that you?"


The meows were not loud, and intermittently, as if they were coming from far away.

No, it should have come from somewhere above the head.


Zhuang Mengdie's gaze naturally looked towards the narrow and dark staircase.

Since the sound came from above, the Siamese cat should have gone upstairs.

She took a flashlight and found a line of plum footprints upstairs.

"So Meow, it really went upstairs."


Meowing upstairs again sounded helpless.

Zhuang Mengdie panicked, what happened to it.

Although she was scared, she had the courage to continue shouting when she thought that her beloved cat was there.

"Meow, come out! Come out quickly."


"Meow, I know you are on top, come down quickly."

However, I did not hear the brisk footsteps of the small cats coming downstairs, on the contrary, the meowing meows continued.

"Meow, what are you doing on it?"


Zhuang Mengdie couldn't bear it, so he had to hold on to the flashlight and walked up the stairs tremblingly.

Because she was so scared, she had to stare down at the plum footprints on the stairs, praying in her heart to see the fleshy little figure.

However, the Siamese cat seemed to be hide-and-seek with her, meowing on top of her head all the time.

Zhuang Mengdie climbed three floors in one breath and still couldn't see it, but the plum footprints on the stairs showed that Miao Miao was still walking up.

Just when she took a breath and was about to climb to the fourth floor, she suddenly raised her head and saw a woman in a white dress and white hat. The woman was sitting on the fourth floor steps with a cat in her hands. .

And that cat is her baby Meow Meow.

Zhuang Mengdie was too tired to catch his breath. When he saw the Siamese cat, he shouted excitedly, "Meow, come here."

Unexpectedly, the Siamese cat was unmoved, lying in the woman's arms, licking her fingers.

"Meow, what are you doing? Come here." Zhuang Mengdie shouted anxiously.

The Siamese cat still did not move, as if he hadn't heard her.

"Hey, who are you? Give the cat back to me. That's my cat. Why are you sitting on the steps holding my cat?"

Seeing that Zhuang Mengdie couldn't call the Siamese cat, he had to cast all his anger on the woman.

"Hey, I'm talking to you? Are you listening? That's my cat, please return the cat to me!"

The woman didn't say a word, but looked straight at her blankly.

This made Zhuang Mengdie's fire even bigger, "Who is it? Talk to her, ignore it, and hold someone else's cat without letting go."

"Hey, hey! I'm talking to you, give me the cat back!"

Zhuang Mengdie was almost roaring.

The woman looked at her, still silent, stood up slowly, holding the cat down the steps.

The light in the corridor was so dim that Zhuang Mengdie couldn't see her face clearly, so she had to raise a flashlight and shine it on her. Although it was impolite to do so, the woman's unusual behavior made her uneasy, and she couldn't help doing it.

This look did not scare her to faint.

The nurse's uniform on the woman was in tatters, and could even be described as unclothed, her eyes were black and there was a bruise mark on her neck.

Foggy grass, what is this?

Seeing the tattered nurse uniform on the woman's body, she suddenly felt familiar.

Damn, isn't this nurse's uniform the clothes worn on the corpse downstairs?

The woman got closer.

She could see clearly, embroidered four small red characters-Qingying Hospital on the chest of the nurse uniform.

It really was her!

Is this woman the soul of the corpse downstairs?

At this time, the woman also noticed an abnormal look on her face, so she sneered and took out a syringe, which was full of red and unknown liquid.

The woman pushed down the syringe, and the red liquid in the syringe immediately spit out.

"It's time for an injection, don't run!"

The woman grinned, holding the syringe and leaping towards Zhuang Mengdie.

Zhuang Mengdie screamed in fright and avoided.

The woman roared, "Don't run, no one is allowed to run when I get the shot!"

"You are dead, dead! Don't come over, don't follow me!"

Zhuang Mengdie was so frightened that she ran along the stairs, but after running a few steps, she couldn't run anymore. When she looked down, it turned out that it was a woman's hand that had caught her legs.

"You know how ghosts hold their legs?"

The woman said, slowly shrinking her elongated body to a normal size, and stood in front of Zhuang Mengdie.

"I have said that when I get the injection, no one is allowed to run! Now it's injection time, it's time for injection!"

"You're a lunatic! Insane! Get an injection when you see someone. You are an injection addiction!"

Zhuang Mengdie was caught by the woman to death, unable to move, so she opened her mouth and cursed.

"Swear, shout, scold vigorously, if I go on this stitch, you can't speak anymore."

The woman roared savagely, then she raised the syringe and pointed Zhuang Mengdie's carotid artery and pierced it down.

Seeing that the syringe was about to plunge into his carotid artery, Zhuang Mengdie was unable to resist, so she closed her eyes tightly and waited to die.

Just at this moment, a small, fluffy body jumped up and rushed towards the syringe.

With a click, the syringe fell on the steps and smashed to pieces, and the red liquid inside splashed around.

The woman was startled and let go of her hand.

Zhuang Mengdie, who had regained his freedom, immediately screamed, ran along the stairs, quickly ran to the first floor, opened the door and ran out.

In the stairwell, the woman and the Siamese cat, one person and one cat, glared.

The woman glared at the Siamese cat and roared, "Damn fat cat, destroy my good deeds, destroy my syringe! It's just unbearable."

The Siamese cat arched its back, glared at the woman, and meowed uncompromisingly.

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