Martial Arts Conquer System

Chapter 1073: : War of the Cold Room

Lu Yang looked at this face, and at that moment, he also forgot to attack.

Gong Ziyu covered his face subconsciously, but realized that it was too late. He leaped a step back, sneered and said, "My son Yu once swore a poisonous oath, I must kill anyone who sees my true appearance. Since you have seen it today, don't even think about it or leave. The top of the sky!"

This is a bit atmospheric, but unfortunately it is bragging. Lu Yang mentioned the Evergreen Sword and said lightly, "Even if you are old, it doesn't matter, why hide yourself behind the mask? Just like you, it's not much fun to live!"

"Shut up! Shut up!" Such appearance was seen, and it seemed that Gong Ziyu's mood fluctuated greatly, almost out of control and shouted.

"It is rumored that the young man at the top of the sky, Yu Ziyu, is a handsome boy who looks like Pan An. Seeing it today is really eye-opening!" Ye Kai said that it was somewhat cynic.

"Shut up!!" Young Master Yu was angry, and under this anger, he rushed straight to Ye Kai at an astonishing speed. This is the rhythm of killing Ye Kai and then fast!

Ye Kai suddenly shook his palm, and the two flying knives shot out at almost ghostly speed. Young Master Yu resisted with the jade fracture fan, but separated Ye Kai's two flying knives, and rushed in front of Ye Kai. The jade fracture fan rushed towards Ye Kai's chest, carrying the mighty true energy.

At such a close distance, Ye Kai's long-range throwing knife skills had no room for display. Immediately he had to deal with Gongzi Yu.

Lu Yang knew that Ye Kai Jueji was not Gong Ziyu's opponent in the melee, and immediately rushed forward. When Gong Ziyu's folding fan splits the middle leaves, the folding fan is separated.

At this time, the people of the six major sects were still waving their weapons on the spot. The degree of perfunctory has reached the level of 50 cents extras, and they didn't even look for an opponent.

Although Ye Kai's close combat was not Gong Ziyu's opponent, he was also a world-class master of Tiandao. Lv Yang and Ye Kai joined forces, naturally taking the advantage, but within a hundred moves, Lu Yang slapped Gong Zi Yu's chest with a palm, and Gong Zi Yu vomited blood, and his body retreated quickly.

Gong Ziyu got this palm, almost doomed his battle to be a defeat.

Before Gong Ziyu retreated to the throne, he suddenly shot, opened the stone door of the secret room, and got into the secret room alone.

Lu Yang and Ye Kai winked, and the two of them stepped forward. Lu Yang naturally gripped the Evergreen Sword, and Ye Kai also pinched out a few flying knives. In this secret room, I don't know what's weird, it's better to be cautious.

When the two entered the secret room, they only felt a chill. This chill is straight into the bone marrow, making people can't help shivering from the inside out.

Lu Yang looked intently. In this fact, there were actually several ice coffins, and I wonder if there were any monsters lying inside. The walls of the entire secret room are covered with a thick layer of ice. At this moment, the son Yu is sitting on one of the ice coffins.

With a smile as cold as this ice cellar, he said, "In order to preserve my face, I sleep in this ice coffin every day, but I still can’t stop the aging process of my face. Lu Yang, Ye Kai, I have Countless wealth, but you can't have the face of an ordinary person, you know my pain!"

"So, you are so young, but your face is so old, is it natural?" Lu Yang couldn't help but asked curiously. This kind of strange disease has also been reported in modern society.

"It's all to blame Yang Changfeng!" Young Master Yu gritted his teeth and said, with an unstoppable look on his old, haggard cheeks, "If Yang Changfeng hadn't been with other women when my mother was pregnant, how could my mother be angry? So much so that I got fetal gas, which made me suffer from this incurable strange disease since I was born!"

Lu Yang couldn't help being a little surprised. When he was angry when he was pregnant, he would still give the fetus this disease! Is there a scientific basis for this statement? Nonsense!

"So you learned that your mother killed my dad, didn't blame her at all?" Ye Kai asked.

"Yes! I hate not only Yang Changfeng, but also Hua Baifeng! If Hua Baifeng seduce Yang Changfeng first, these things would not happen!" Gong Ziyu's emotions were a little bit agitated, and his face was abominable, and it became even more ugly when excited. .

"It seems that the grievances between you can't be counted with ten abacus. Gongziyu, I think you should hand over the Great Compassion Fu, and then hand over the antidote to the Yin and Yang Life and Death Talisman. Everyone is even, you continue to be your Yuntian Master of Zhiding, how?" Lu Yang called retreat as advance. He knew the character of Gong Ziyu, and he would never agree.

"Don't think about it!!" Sure enough, Gong Ziyu refused without hesitation and shouted, "I said, everyone who has seen my appearance must die, you must die, and the people of the six major sects outside must die too!"

"Hey, you can't be the leader of the martial arts by killing the people of the six major sects!"

"Leader of the Martial Arts? Humph, kill them, I am still the Supreme Martial Arts, and no one knows the secret of my appearance anymore, hahaha!" Gong Ziyu looked crazy.

Lu Yang turned the Evergreen Sword upside down and exhaled, "No need to say anything, let's go to war. Anyway, it doesn't make sense to say anything."

Gong Ziyu sneered, and slightly hooked his finger. On the wall close to Lu Yang's left, a chill burst out suddenly.

The scope of the cold air was very wide and the speed was extremely fast. It almost sprayed on Lu Yang's arm with lightning speed. For a moment, Lu Yang only felt the cold air straight into his bone marrow, and the entire left arm was instantly frozen.

Lu Yang immediately activated the zhenqi, and the frozen arm could be thawed under the forced movement of the qi. If the person who is frozen does not have Lu Yang's powerful true energy, his blood will coagulate, and within half an hour, the entire left arm will be necrotic and abolished.

When Ye Kai saw this scene, his expression changed drastically. It seems that this ice secret room is the last refuge of this young man Yu.

With a grinning smile at the corner of Gong Zi Yu's mouth, he raised his hand slightly, naturally he was going to repeat the trick again. Ye Kai was sharp-eyed, and shot out with a throwing knife. Gong Ziyu had to block, but he bought time.

In this ice secret room, there are ice walls on all sides, and no one can predict where the cold air will come from. This is really unpredictable. The only way is to make a quick fight. ..


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