Martial Arts Conquer System

Chapter 1204: Lu Yang appeared

Thinking of this, his face suddenly felt cold, and his eyes showed murderous intent. He coldly said: "Okay! Since you know your mistake, I ask you, what's the guilt for poor command!"

Yang Kang immediately said: "With military law, you should be cut!"

Wan Yan Honglie did not say a good word, and the soldiers behind Yang Kang were startled. The prince’s favorite is his own son, even though Song State’s affairs have caused us to lose many brothers. But it's Ouyang Ke's fault, what happened to Lord Guan?

Besides, if the prince killed the little prince, could he still get around us?

They immediately knelt down and said: "Little prince is young, victory or defeat is commonplace, please be merciful to the prince!"

Wanyan Honglie glanced at the people, no matter if they were true or false, the face-saving effort had already been done. He hummed coldly: "Since you are interceding for him. This king will bypass you for the time being. But the death penalty can be exempted from living sins. After discussing politics tomorrow, you can decide your guilt!"

After that, Yan Honglie turned around, not even looking at Yang Kang, and went to the palace first.

After entering the palace, Wanyan Honglie dismissed the people, and only then showed kindness on his face, and said to Yang Kang: "This time, Kang'er performed very well. Although it failed, Kang'er's strategy can stand alone."

Yang Kangdao: "Thanks to my father's teaching, Kang'er can do this."

Wan Yan Honglie laughed and said with satisfaction: "You have to rest for a few days. Your Majesty will temporarily let me let go of the affairs of the South, and hope that I will handle the affairs of the North."

Yang Kang was surprised when he heard that this incident had such a big impact on Wanyan Honglie. He was a little guilty.

Seeing that he was a little guilty, Wan Yan Honglie smiled and said: "It is normal for your majesty to always mention something for your father in charge of military affairs. Even if there is no such thing, your majesty will still find the opportunity to scold me!"

Yang Kang felt even more guilty when he knew he was comforting himself. Wan Yan Honglie comforted him a few words, and said that Yang Tiexin left the palace, but he didn't know that he was almost recognized by Wan Yan Honglie. He hurried away from the city and returned to his residence.

Seeing that everyone was surrounding, Yang Tiexin walked over and saw Lu Yang appear again and again.

Yang Tiexin was overjoyed and stepped forward and said, "Son-in-law!"

Maybe it was a little excited, Yang Tiexin's eyes were wet.

Lu Yang was a little moved when he saw him so emotional, and abandoned everyone, and said to Yang Tiexin: "Father-in-law!"

Yang Tiexin stepped forward to hold his hand, and it took a long time to calm down.

Guo Jing stepped forward after a while and said, "Uncle Yang, I'm here to discuss how to rescue Aunt Bao!"

Yang Tiexin was taken aback, didn't he rely on Bao Xiwei to fetter Yang Kang?

Yang Tiexin knew that he had successfully fettered Yang Kang, and Bao Xiwei was of no use.

He didn't explain much, but said he had a way.

Yang Tiexin believed him in everything now, and several people discussed it before deciding how to cherish the weak.

After the plan is confirmed, they will prepare immediately the next day. In fact, Lu Yang alone can rescue Bao Xiwei. But he hopes that this opportunity will be left to Yang Tiexin, after all, he saved his wife himself. Eighteen years of waiting is worthwhile. Yang Tiexin almost pretended to be a hawker to the palace and told Wan Yan Honglie the matter.

Mu Nianci knew that Lu Yang intended to let Yang Tiexin help his wife by himself, so he arranged this. She was moved by Xianggong as new and caring for her father. But also cooperate with acting.

Because he didn't want her to take risks, Lu Yang asked him and Huang Rong to wait at home. According to Huang Rong's temper and this kind of excitement, of course she has to participate, but since it is Lu Yang's words, she will listen no matter what. She knew that Lu Yang's arrangement must make sense, and that there was no reason to find a reason.

Yang Tiexin was like a palace and told Bao Xiwei about the plan. Bao Xiwei was worried about Yang Kang and was unwilling to leave. Yang Tiexin knew that she didn't have the same confidence in Lu Yang that she had, so she had to say: "Kang'er's affairs must be handled by her husband."

Bao Xiwei got her husband's promise before agreeing to the plan.

At night, Bao Xiwei packed up his things, and Guo Jing led his disciples to create chaos in the palace. Wanyan Honglie was awakened in the middle of the night. The first thing he thought of was his princess. He immediately sent someone to check on his wife and was sent to protect him.

The guard found Bao Xiwei, and saw that she was fine, and began to protect him.

At this time, because there were too many guards in Bao Xiwei, and there were not too many guards in other places, Wan Yan Honglie couldn't go to Bao Xiwei.

But halfway through, suddenly a figure shot out from the darkness. Wanyan Honglie saw that this man was somewhat familiar with martial arts despite his bravery.

It took a while to see that it was the Yang family's marksmanship.

Wanyan Honglie was shocked when he saw it, and couldn't help saying: "Yang Tiexin!"

Yang Tiexin shouted, "Thief, we meet again."

Of course the guards didn't know Yang Tiexin, but listening to them, it seemed that this person had an enmity with the prince. How could he let this good opportunity of performance be let go, so he showed his full strength.

Lu Yang hoped that this incident would let Yang Tiexin act alone. It would be best if he could kill Wanyan Honglie. If he couldn't, he would feel better.

Several people were killed for a while, and several guards were killed by Yang Tiexin. Wanyan Honglie shouted loudly: "Untouchables! Look at the sword!"

The two men fought.

Lu Yang had said to the guard of the palace again in another direction, but because he was worried about Yang Tiexin, he sneaked in here and watched.

In fact, Wanyan Honglie's skill is much higher than Yang Tiexin's, but he is anxious at this time, Yang Tiexin is here, and the goal is bound to be his wife. He loves and cherishes the weakness too much in his heart, and he can't think of the life of losing her, so he is a little anxious about the tricks.

On the other hand, Yang Tiexin has more helpers, so he is not anxious and his tricks are methodical.

Wanyan Honglie saw that he might not be able to win, and it was not good for him to fight for too long. He thought for a while, and continued: "Brother Yang, the wife has become my princess, and now she is rich and beautiful. Your son has become my son, and his status is now much higher than you. You have to let them Go back to the old days?"

When Yang Tie's heart moved, his tricks became a little messy. Wanyan Honglie was overjoyed, and his tricks became sharp.

Lu Yang watched in the dark, ready to do it at any time.

Unexpectedly, Yang Tiexin's tricks were messed up for a while, and he immediately recovered stability. He smiled and said: "The right to wealth and wealth is nothing but clouds. In my wife's heart, these are as light as a feather than our family reunion. Your Excellency has deceived her for eighteen years with glory and wealth. What happened?"..


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