Martial Arts Conquer System

Chapter 1279: Love in action

The whole underworld began to rectify under Lu Yang's hands. And his clothing store shines even more, with the help of the underworld, he has established a complete entertainment street! The circle of fashion stores promoted other industries. His rouge shop, etc., have developed very much. The prosperous rouge shop has gradually developed into other industries!

The whole street has become the street that never sleeps in Qufu. Even in the middle of the night, this street is still full of people! His behavior finally made other companies notice the situation here and began to try to enter Lu Yang's entertainment industry. But Lu Yang's entertainment industry has been bought by him.

Lu Yang's business became more and more popular, and finally aroused the jealousy of other firms...

At noon that day, Lu Yang processed a transaction and planned to take a break. Unexpectedly, a servant hurriedly said: "Boss Xu from the son Jinyang firm is here!"

Lu Yang was taken aback for a moment, and said strangely, "Jinyang firm?"

The servant nodded and said: "Jinyang business is the largest business in Jinyang. We have been going to Jinyang to do business with us in Qufu!"

Lu Yang understood it now, with an unexpected smile at the corner of his mouth. He thought that at this time, the first one to attract his own investment should be a local business in Qufu! He nodded and said, "Well! Let him build it!"

Lu Yang always thought that boss Xu must be a dozen years old. At least a middle-aged person. And this boss is so young that he is only about 30 years old.

An elegant gown, a snowy scarf. White-faced and handsome, his moustache steals a gentle taste. The whole person makes people feel like spring breeze and refreshed!

Lu Yang couldn't help but smile, saying a thousand times, "Your Excellency is Boss Xu?"

Boss Xu's face immediately became respectful when he heard the words, but his eyes were swollen but he smelled like ghosts. He bent forward and said: Xu Youcai in the next. It is from Jinyang! ""

Lu Yang smiled and said, "Boss Xu, you are welcome!" He made a piece of jewelry. Xu Youcai sat down on his side, and Lu Yang smiled and said, "Boss Xu came here in the same way. I don't know what is going on with Zhao Zaixia?"

Xu Youcai smiled and said, "I don’t know anything. I came from a long distance. I heard that Qufu's local business is the most resounding, and I admire it very much! Besides, my Xu family is also in the Yellow River estuary to make a living! Your Excellency cleared the Yellow River gangsters. , My business in Jinyang is also annoying. Now the Yellow River Basin, your Chamber of Commerce has mastered a large amount of business. Our many fleets in Jinyang have to join the Yellow River Chamber of Commerce, and Jinyang’s local trade has received a very big impact. And all of these are the arms of the son, so I want to look at him!"

When Lu Yang heard this, his eyes rose slightly. In the Yellow River Basin, Qufu is the only city. It can only be said that Qufu is a relatively large city. After the decline of the commercial roads in the Yellow River Basin, the cities along the coast have gradually become depressed! Jinyang should be one of them. Although Lu Yang's behavior promoted the Yellow River commerce. But his chamber of commerce is too aggressive, and has absorbed many fleets one after another!

The girl Bai Su is also very greedy, constantly squeezing other fleets, causing them to join the Yellow River Chamber of Commerce!

After listening to Xu Youcai's words, Lu Yang didn't understand his purpose anymore. He originally thought that Xu Youcai came for his clothing business! In class, he said the caravan in such a simple and direct way, could it be for other things!

Thinking of this, Lu Yang wondered: “I’m not in charge of the chamber of commerce anymore! I’m mainly involved in Qufu business now. Business in other places is handled by the president of the chamber of commerce. If boss Xu wants to cooperate, he should not be weak with them. The discussion is over!"

Xu Youcai laughed when he heard the words, and LANXESS said, "It's true that Lai Xia is only a businessperson on land, so the fleet and Lai Xia cooperate. Actually, it is not very important!"

Lu Yang suddenly felt a little puzzled, and thought, what did you come to do with me after you cooperated?

But Xu Youcai said: "I know that your clothing business is completely responsible for the chamber of commerce. But the chamber of commerce is mainly responsible for Qufu. If your business wants to expand to other places, you can’t rely on the chamber of commerce!"

Lu Yang was taken aback, and said with some doubts: "Your Excellency meant..."

Xu Youcai smiled, and said: "Being underneath means. My Xu family is willing to pay to build a fleet to build a team. How do you feel about buying and selling clothing between Qufu and Jinyang?"

Lu Yang stunned when he heard the words, he was stunned for an instant!

He finally understood what this man meant. He wants to cooperate in the clothing business, but he does not directly talk about cooperation. Instead, they directly put forward the conditions and said to help build a caravan. If Lu Yang refuses, it is tantamount to directly rejecting a good condition. If Lu Yang agrees, the clothing business will also be acquiesced!

Thinking of this, Lu Yang couldn't help but admire him, but he was very smart. He bypassed the bargaining process in the clothing business and directly used his favourable terms to force himself to agree!

Thinking of this, Lu Yang smiled bitterly and shook his head and said, "If I disagree, I will become a fool!"

Xu Youcai knew that he saw his thoughts, and laughed: "The son has seen my trick! It must be a clever recognition. I don't know what the son is really thinking?"

Lu Yang squinted his eyes slightly and thought for a while: "The matter of establishing a fleet specifically proposed by your Excellency is indeed a good idea. It seems that you also know. Clothing delivery is different from other commodities! Make sure that the clothing is not deformed or dirty. This is the most important point. I don't know what you have to pay attention to?"

Xu Youcai obviously came prepared, hehe smiled and said, "I have prepared a thousand feathers below. It is used to make boxes for transporting clothes. And there are measures to prevent moisture on the fleet! As long as the son agrees, our founding team can Be exploited!"

Lu Yang nodded when he heard the words: "Yes! Your thoughts are good! It seems that you have already studied this matter!"

Xu Youcai smiled and said, "I am a member of the country of Yan who do things...hehe! I can't be called the country of Yan anymore, I should be a member of the country of Zhao. I want to be prepared for things from Jinyang!"..


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