Martial Arts Conquer System

Chapter 1542: The Fury of the White Camel Mountain

Mei Chaofeng stared at him blankly, she was stunned. She hadn't expected that Ouyang Ke would have the courage to confront Tantric. If it comes to Tantric control not only a country, but the entire Western Regions!

"Order all the altar masters and let the door clean up the mess immediately. Tonight I must see all the Buddhist temples in their territory, blood flowing into rivers!"


"Order all the law guards under the sect to gather them immediately. They must arrive at the Tantric Zong City before tonight. I must hear the news of the entire Zong City being poisoned early tomorrow morning!"


"Order all the direct descendants of the Ouyang family, I want them to gather all their strengths. Tomorrow morning, immediately the entire Western Regions will hunt down and kill Tantric disciples! No matter what method I use, I want to see the Western Regions Tantric blood flow into a river!"


"Immediately strengthen the defense of Baituo Mountain. After tomorrow, Tantric will immediately counterattack. I will let them come back and forth!"


After Ouyang Ke gave the order, he returned to his seat with a cold smile on his face.

The butler glanced at him and said with some worry: "Young Master, fighting the entire Western Tantric Sect, I am worried..."

Ouyang Ke smiled coldly and said infinitely insidiously in his eyes: "There was a sentence in Genghis Khan's previous war books. I didn't like it before, but now I like it very much!"

The housekeeper was taken aback for a moment, and said in surprise: "What is it?"

Ouyang Ke stood up slowly, a deep chill appeared on his face, and the housekeeper couldn't help but shudder. He sneered and said word by word: "If you want to fight, fight!"

Thirty-six countries in the Western Regions, this country can be considered a relatively large one. The whole kingdom believes in Tantric Buddhism, which has fallen to the point of madness. The prestige of the abbot here is greater than that of the king. In many cases, the king has to ask the abbot what he wants to do.

So although this country is not very big, the temple construction is indeed magnificent. The monks in the monastery all look majestic, but they mean the Buddha.

At this time, the night was already deep, and the lights of the Buddha Yuan had gone out. The king's guards did not defend the king, but kept the monastery tightly guarded. For this country, the life of the king is not as important as the monks!

However, the soldiers must be murderous, so they should not be too close to the Buddhist temple. Their camp is very far away from the Buddhist temple, but the Buddhist temple is guarded like a railroad.

In a corner of the Buddhist temple, several guards were chatting by a campfire. The work of defending the Buddhist temples will last overnight. They are all devout believers and should not be slack in the slightest.

They were chatting happily when suddenly a small furry animal ran up not far away.

Several guards heard the movement and immediately looked over curiously, only to see the white rabbit walking over vigilantly.

A few guards looked at the rabbits in surprise, and one guard said excitedly: "There is such a rabbit in the middle of the night, it seems we have taken it tonight!"

Next to him, a veteran glared at him and reprimanded: "Nonsense. This is Buddha's monastery. You must not kill!" The soldier listened, licked his lips and said: "Then how are we now, let it go?"

The veteran looked at the rabbit and was really greedy. The state paid too little for the army, and most of the money was given to the monastery. They usually can't eat meat at all.

He looked at the rabbit and hesitated for a while before saying: "Or... grab it... don't taste too much!"

Several soldiers were overjoyed and immediately took out their bows and arrows and shot the rabbit to death. I hurriedly brought the rabbit. Several people gathered around the rabbit and drooled. The rabbit who had just died suddenly convulsed.

Several people were startled when they saw the rabbit that had just died suddenly emitting a strange gas from its mouth.

A few people did not react, and fell on their backs to the ground.

As soon as several people fell, there were several people in black who didn't know where they jumped out. They looked at the fallen soldier and smiled coldly: "Immediately poison the temple, the son said, don't keep alive!"

Several people in black nodded, with a cold smile on their faces, sneaking towards the temple.

After falling into the temple, the individuals split up and started to release poisonous smoke from each room. Unexpectedly, the entire Buddhist temple was slaughtered by them in the dark.

The next day, several guards who woke up heard a shocking sound, and a clever one stood up. They looked at each other and rushed to the Buddhist temple.

I collapsed the Buddhist temple and discovered that all the monks were slaughtered and cleaned!

The same thing was going on throughout the Western Regions, and overnight, many Buddhist temples, large and small, were massacred throughout the Western Regions. Some large Buddhist temples were able to counterattack, and some although successfully annihilated the enemy, the casualties were very heavy.

Everyone wondered who did such a terrible thing.

They hadn't hesitated for too long, but an even more shocking news came from Tantric Zongcheng that the temple of Zongcheng was attacked by unknown people.

Jin Lun had just returned to Zongcheng, before he had time to rest, he discovered that Zongcheng Temple had been besieged.

The war seemed to have been going on for some time. At this time, the Zongcheng monastery was bloody. No one thought that anyone would have the courage to attack the monastery, so the monastery was basically defensive. This group of people killed the monastery when they fell, and did not give the Buddha face at all.

Buddha is more than sixty years old and the master of Jinlun. Seeing that the monastery was attacked, Jin Lun couldn't help being furious and joined the battle with a loud shout.

His moves are open and close, quite a bit fierce. The people besieging the monastery found him, knowing that this person must have a position in Tantric Buddhism, so they joined forces to besiege him.

Jin Lun unexpectedly is still able to do well in the siege of these people. He is leaving time for his senior brothers to give them a chance to reorganize and defend the men in black!

The man in black has a fierce offensive, but Jinlun is not afraid, and his skill can still deal with these people.

Suddenly a man in black saw that this person was really mighty, and suddenly he took out a black sphere from his arms.

They attacked the monastery first with this kind of sphere. The sphere contained explosives, which could detonate instantly, and the explosives contained highly toxic fumes.

Jin Lun did not notice this person, but he could see a round ball flying over...


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