Martial Arts Conquer System

Chapter 1549: Ouyang Feng

Lu Yang said in a bad mood: "I have been thinking about some useless things all day long!"

Qiu Qianchi snorted, then glanced at him and said: "I think you are duplicity, and even dreaming that you want that girl to be on your bed!"

Lu Yang's face blushed. Auntie had been with him several times, and he couldn't remember too many. Although he couldn't help but reverie every time, he didn't make any impulsive things.

He is not Liu Xiahui, and he is not gentle, but he still has the necessary criteria. Silly aunt is immature, she is just a child to put it bluntly, and he still feels a little uncomfortable to behave against a child.

Seeing him not talking, Qiu Qianchi expected him to be a ghost, and sneered: "Let me say, like is like, that girl is so cute, it hurts me to marry someone else!"

After hearing this, Lu Yang rolled his eyes helplessly and said: "I am a man, what do you feel distressed about, she won't marry you!"

Qiu Qianchi curled his lips and said, "People feel distressed. I just let her be my sister. What's wrong?"

Lu Yang said helplessly: "Well, I have served you, so you can't help it!"

Qiu Qianchi smiled triumphantly, but her smile didn't last long, so she let out a horrified look in her eyes.

Lu Yang was taken aback by him, and said dumbly: "What's wrong!"

Qiu Qianchi stomped his feet and said, "That's okay, people cheated you!" After that, she looked at Lu Yang with tears in her eyes and said, "You know the nicknames of the sisters of others!"

Lu Yang smiled helplessly, and comforted: "It's okay, I won't say it casually!"

Qiu Qianchi didn't spare him, and punched him with an old fist: "Bad boy! Liar! People have become a traitor this time!"

She didn't dare to use force, hitting Lu Yang with a fist was similar to massaging. Lu Yang smiled and said: "You see you are anxious, don't worry, I won't say it casually, they are not careful people either! Big deal, I will lie to them next time!"

Hearing this, Qiu Qianchi immediately stopped his movements, and his eyes lit up and said, "Really, you also flirted with them, making them the same as others!"

Seeing his excited look, Lu Yang couldn't help but knocked her on the head and said, "Little villain!"

Qiu Qianchi let out a cry, clutching his head and said: "Aren't they all learned from you!"

"They all learned from you!" Huang Rong snorted coldly.

Ouyang Feng said furiously after hearing this: "Did I let you deliberately leave a clue to the beggars? Little girl, don't think that the old man dare not kill you, and make the old man angry, the old man can't care about Lu Yang!"

Huang Rong snorted coldly: "Your Ouyang Feng's great skill, you are not afraid of me on Peach Blossom Island, not afraid of beggars, not afraid of heaven and earth, why Dao hid here. When did I deliberately leave them a clue. Our way Walking in the wilderness, there is no half of a person, a clue where it came from!"

Ouyang Feng coldly snorted: "Are you bullying the old man blind? Isn't the pattern on the tree a sign?"

Huang Rong glanced at the strange pattern on the tree. It was indeed the secret mark of the beggar gang, but she couldn't tell the truth. Instead, she said angrily: "Old poison, don't frame me, this is Sanskrit in the scripture, you think Why can I memorize so many scriptures? It is because I have a special memory method. If you don't let me write it, you can also remember the Jiuyin Zhensu. Don't ask for it!

Ouyang Feng listened for a while, and was stunned for a while before he was discouraged and said, "I will write it down on the ground instead of using it on a tree!"

Huang Rong sneered, then glanced at the symbol and said: "It's getting late, this girl has to rest!"

After hearing this, Ouyang Feng glanced at her fiercely and said: "Wild girl, the weather is good today, and where to rest is not the same!"

As soon as Huang Rong heard the three words "Ye Yatou", countless faces appeared immediately, her eyes flushed, and she cried: "Old poison, you are disrespectful! You bully me a little girl, you are shameless!"

Ouyang Feng heard her cry and frowned, "How did I bully you? In this weather, where is the rest different?"

Huang Rong said angrily: "I'm going to a good place, I won't rest here!"

Ouyang Feng was furious, but he couldn't get angry when he saw Huang Rong's pitiful appearance, so he said angrily: "I really don't know if Lu Yang is blind, and he looks at you like a wild girl!"

Huang Rong immediately said angrily after hearing this: "I am a wild girl, and I was raised by a beautiful mother with a silly voice, what's the matter, my husband likes it, let me take care of you!"

Ouyang Feng coldly snorted: "This way, you will hate your grandfather sooner or later!"

Huang Rong turned red when she heard it, and she said angrily: "Old poison, what are you talking about!"

Seeing that she was so angry, Ouyang Feng felt a little regretful in his heart. He had known that he would not irritate this girl. But he is arrogant and has no habit of apologizing.

He curled his lips and said: "As long as every big man likes everybody's lady, I think you are like this, although you like it now, you may not like it in the future!"

Huang Rong glared at him, but couldn't think of a reason to refute, so she had to say: "I like it, my mate! It's up to you!"

Ouyang Feng shifted his mouth again, ignored her, and walked forward freely.

After the two people walked for a long time, Huang Rong suddenly hurried to catch up with him, as if he wanted to talk but stopped.

Seeing her doing this, Ouyang Feng frowned and said, "Go ahead, what's wrong?"

Huang Rong glanced at him, then hesitated for a while before saying: "Old poison, what did you mean by that sentence?"

Ouyang Feng didn't bother to argue with him and had to say: "What's the point, man, when he was young, he liked lively and cute. Like an old man, he likes energetic. But he is getting older!"

He thought for a while and said: "I remember that the old man liked a woman when he was twenty, but when he was twenty-five years old, he didn't like the same woman anymore. It's strange to say that the old man started to like the ladies!"

Huang Rong raised her head and cut at him, and whispered, "Bah! The big carrot!"

Ouyang Feng ignored him, but continued to say quietly: "But when he was thirty years old, the old man didn't like the ladies anymore. Instead, he liked the married women. The old man still remembers that woman..."..


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