Martial Arts Conquer System

Chapter 1562: Mature boy

Lu Yang did not stand alone in the Buddhist school, because the Buddhist school was too prosperous and it was not good, and the dominance of the Buddhist family was not the result he wanted. Yixiyu's devotion to Buddhism is bound to affect his own strategy, so Buddhism will be restrained in the future, and this one can be successfully completed without him.

Thinking of this, Lu Yang was in a good mood. In this way, Guo Jing will no longer have any trouble.

He was happy, his eyes fell on the two women on the bed, his eyes became hot...

Early the next morning, Huang Rong woke up in a daze, pushed Lu Yang and said, "Msang Gong, get up!"

She said this, but did not open her eyes. For the first time last night, Xianggong had to turn off the light and make affection. But the tossing was much worse than before. She was so sleepy that she could only let him mess around. After the tossing, Chen Shen went to sleep.

But this one who suffered a thousand swords, tossed in the middle of the night, and dreamed of messing with him again in the middle of the night when he was sleeping. The night was so tired!

She pushed for a while, but did not hear Lu Yang speaking, so she pushed again.

Suddenly, a crisp voice sounded: "Oh! Push or push, the night watchman pulls people up, they only sleep for a while!"

Huang Rong was stunned when he heard the sound, and suddenly opened her eyes, she saw a bright red lips in front of her face, and above her lips were a pair of eyes with gold coins.

Huang Rong was clever all over, and sat up quickly, only to find that she was naked, and quickly pulled up the quilt to cover herself.

Her work is fierce. All of a sudden, the person next to him woke up. The person slowly opened his glasses, glanced at Huang Rong, and said in a daze, "Sister Rong'er, stop making trouble, it's cold!" Pulling the quilt over, Huang Rong was all at once!

Huang Rong then reacted and pulled the quilt off the quilt without angrily, and Yinya bit straightly: "Still sleeping! Get me dead!"

After hearing his words, Qiu Qianchi was also a little sober, and he rubbed his eyes in surprise and said, "What's the matter?"

She came together, and the thin quilt covering her body slid down, revealing her white skin. Huang Rong was clever all over, and immediately grabbed the quilt and covered him, her face flushed and said: "Cover the quilt, you see what you look like!"

Qiu Qianchi was stunned for a moment before he came to his senses. He glanced at Huang Rong in surprise, and immediately grabbed the quilt to cover himself, and said in surprise: "What happened! What happened to me?"

Huang Rong gritted his teeth and said, "What do you think?"

Qiu Qianchi was stunned, his eyes widened immediately, and he said viciously: "He last night..."

Huang Rong's face was flushed, biting her lip and nodding.

Qiu Qianchi patted his thigh and said angrily: "This bastard, don't wake me up if there is such a good thing!"

Huang Rong listened for a while, thinking she had misheard, she said blankly: "What did you say?"

Qiu Qianchi said with a pity on his face: "Last night Xiang Gong... teased us like that... and didn't wake me up, it's really hateful!"

When Huang Rong heard the anger, she didn't care about being embarrassed. She pinched Qiu Qianchi's arm and said, "Die girl, don't you know that you are ashamed?" Qiu Qianchi hehe, although Huang Rong didn’t pinch very hard, she didn’t feel too much pain. She looked at Huang Rong badly and said, "My father bullied you. People naturally want to see it!"

Seeing her doing this, Huang Rong turned her head back frustrated and withdrew her hand, and said angrily, "It's just that you dare to do this by letting him mess around! If it's Sister Chaofeng..."

Qiu Qianchi laughed and said, "That vixen may have really done this kind of thing, because of his thoughts on Xiang Gong, what does Xiang Gong say he disagrees with?"

Huang Rong listened for a moment, and then nodded in agreement. He wasn't very shy thinking about this.

Qiu Qianchi smiled slightly and said, "Besides, I haven't seen where you are. Do I need to mind that?"

Huang Rong's face turned red again when she heard that, she gave her a fierce look and said: "Something that is still ashamed, get up quickly!"

Qiu Qianchi laughed, and forced a line of quilt, two slippery beauties appeared on the bed.

Just then the door was suddenly opened, and Lu Yang smiled and walked in.

The two girls were startled, but he was relieved when they saw him.

Lu Yang saw this beautiful scene as soon as he came in, and couldn't help but smile: "The two ladies are up, just in time, we are riding to the Western Regions today!"

Huang Rong waited for him ferociously and said, "The big bad guy will bully our sisters!"

Qiu Qianchi ignored them and put on his own clothes.

Lu Yang smiled and said, "I'm all in the same family, so I don't care what these are doing. I will take you to the Western Regions to play, which is a compensation!"

Huang Rong wore clothes fiercely, and said in a bad mood: "This matter is not over yet, if you don't make it to my old lady, I didn't play with you!"

Lu Yang smiled slightly, and the two girls quickly dressed. The three of them left Caolu and headed for the Western Regions.

They did not go to Mei Chaofeng's place, but went directly to Guo Jing's place. Now Guo Jing does not have an official position in the court, and Wuwei's guard is still Sima Rulong, but the two cooperate very closely.

In particular, Guo Jing now has a thorough understanding of Wu Mu's sutra and Jiuyin scriptures. Whether it is martial arts or warfare, he is a talent in the world, so Sima Rulong also relies on him.

Moreover, his current martial arts status is also very high. Many heroes come here admiringly. With Guo Jing as a benchmark, a large number of heroes flooded into the Western Regions.

When Guo Jing saw him here, he was naturally overjoyed and personally led the heroes to the city gate to greet him. Because Lu Yang carried the sword of Shang Fang, the dead horse Rulong also waited at the door with a large number of people.

At the gate of Wuwei City, the two rows of officials and martial arts heroes looked very spectacular, and everyone was looking forward to it, waiting for Lu Yang's carriage. But they waited for a long time, but they didn't see Lu Yang. After a while, a beggar disciple ran to Guo Jing and said a few words. Guo Jing was taken aback for a while before nodding to him.

As soon as the beggar helped the disciple go, Guo Jing immediately turned back to Lanxess and said, "You should go back first. My elder brother is low-key and has already entered the city first, so we have not been notified!"

Everyone was a little disappointed when they heard it. They came specifically to see Lu Yang. Many people have also come from the South from far away. ..


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