Martial Arts Conquer System

Chapter 255: Battle Ouyang Feng

Lu Yang also poured internal power into his voice. Although it was not as pure and strong as Ouyang Feng's internal power, it was almost the same. After Lu Yang shouted, Ouyang Feng jumped down from the air after a while. He was still in a distant place a while ago, and in a blink of an eye he rushed in front of Lu Yang, his light work is also considered amazing.

Ouyang Feng rushed in front of Lu Yang, and without a word, he slapped him with toad power. His toad skill is veteran, but Lu Yang is not weak. After all, his toad skill also has three levels. He immediately confronted Ouyang Feng one by one. The first thirty tricks were not at a disadvantage. After thirty tricks, Ouyang The vigorous internal strength of the front showed internal strength, and it was a little difficult for Lu Yang to take the move, but it was impossible for Ouyang Feng to beat Lu Yang for a while.

The little dragon girl stood tall and slender. Seeing Lu Yang struggling, she immediately swung her sword out. It was the Jade Girl Suxin Sword Technique. At this moment, the little dragon girl had practiced the Jade Girl Heart Sutra and the Nine Yin Scriptures, which naturally increased its power. The long sword pierced Ouyang Feng’s neck, shocking Ouyang Feng and went backhand. To block, Lu Yang missed the opportunity to hit Ouyang Feng's armpit.

This palm is extremely powerful, straight to Ouyang Feng. Ouyang Feng's body fell out, but Ouyang Feng had rich experience and had not yet landed, so he got up. His complexion did not change at all, as if he did not have a middle palm, it can be seen that his internal strength is indeed thick to the extreme.

Seeing that Ouyang Feng is so brave, Lu Yang immediately said, "Old servant Ouyang, why are you so rude, you will attack your master as soon as you meet? Is it mad?"

"I'm pooh!" Ouyang Feng took a sip, and the tattered clothes were highly agitated because of the mighty internal strength, and he sternly said, "You kid, dare to deceive me. There is nothing in this world that can't be beaten for ten thousand years. Xiaoqiang! You lied to me to pass the toad kung fu to you, I want to kill you!!"

"Hey, old servant Ouyang, I have already said that. Wan Daxia has long since retired from the arena and will not ask questions about the rivers and lakes for life. Of course, the generals on the rivers and lakes do not recognize the Wan Daxia." Flicking a neurosis, the difficulty should be It’s not very big, but Lu Yang is full of self-confidence, and then fudges, “Also, the old servant of Ouyang can be regarded as the dragon among the people. Other ordinary people don’t recognize the existence of Daxia Wan, because they don’t have vision, and they didn’t expect to even you Also, hey"

Seeing Lu Yang saying this, Ouyang Feng immediately shouted, "If this man surnamed Wan really exists, why can't he come out? Boy, you said you showed the toad work to the man surnamed Wan. After he saw it, he would definitely be greatly affected. Surprised, he immediately came out to fight with me, why there is no movement so far!"

Lu Yang was funny, Ouyang Feng was really crazy. Immediately said, "Ouyang Feng, although your toad skill is a martial arts of the world, in the eyes of Daxia Wan, it is just a shabby kungfu that is not worth mentioning. I will show this set of toad skills to Daxia Wan, he Sneer, not in your eyes at all, why would you come out to a duel for you immediately?" "Nonsense! You kid is full of nonsense, my toad skill is the second most amazing skill in the world. How could the surname Wan not be in the eyes!" Ouyang Feng listened to Lu Yang said that his lifelong faculty toad skill was worthless, and his lungs almost exploded.

"Old servant Ouyang, I didn't lie to you. Wan Daxia said that he has no interest in your kung fu. He was afraid that you would not believe me, so he just gave me some tips on this girl. Look at this girl, she is very young , Looks very weak, but did you see her internal strength just now?" Lu Yang said half-truth, "Also, when you saw me that day, you should have known how my internal strength was, right? , What do you think of my inner strength?"

"You and this girl's internal strength can be regarded as second-rate masters in the world today." Ouyang Feng has studied martial arts throughout his life and naturally knows the world's internal strength well. I saw the two of them just now. Although they didn't fight for a long time, they had a general understanding of their internal strength.

"That's right. This is the result of Wan Daxia's personal guidance. The internal strength of the two of us is not as good as Wan Daxia. You said that such a character will put your toad skills in the eyes? Also, If Daxia Wan really doesn't exist, who do you think can make me and this girl's internal strength improve so quickly in a short time?" Lu Yang launched the final round of psychological offensive against Ouyang Feng.

Ouyang Feng was stunned immediately, he really couldn't find such a person. For a while, I didn't think of the ancient tomb, let alone the cold jade bed. Suddenly he was speechless, startled, and said, "Is there really such an expert in the world? I, Ouyang Feng, can't fight against such an expert? Good!" Ouyang Feng muttered to himself, and immediately. Raising his eyes, his eyes were as big as a copper bell, and he glared at Lu Yang, "Okay! I will show you the world’s first marvelous work. Indifferent!"

Lu Yang breathed a sigh of relief, and finally succeeded in fooling the lunatic. He immediately laughed and said, "Okay, okay, I will learn your best skill in the world and show it to Daxia Wan. If he is not interested this time, it's not my business. Okay. Now, can you show it?"

Ouyang Feng didn't move. Instead, he looked at Xiaolongnu and said, "I can only hide it for you. If I was stolen by someone, it would be bad. You and I go to the woods. I will show it to you!"

Xiaolongnv knew that he was guarding herself, and she said coldly and coldly, "I am not uncommon about what the world's most amazing skill is." Then she turned to Lu Yang and said, "Lu Yang, I think this person is crazy, you Be careful."

"Don't worry, Long'er, I'll be fine." Lu Yang felt the care of Xiaolongnv and couldn't help feeling warm. This treatment is truly extraordinary.

Lu Yang followed Ouyang Feng to the woods, but when Ouyang Feng turned around, he waved his palm, and when the internal force was violent, he immediately sealed the acupuncture points of the little dragon girl. Immediately, he took Lu Yang's shoulders and pulled Lu Yang to the woods. ..

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