Martial Arts Conquer System

Chapter 987: :Explore Xia Ke Shan Zhuang

The analysis of this girl is very good, but it is almost the same as Lu Yang thought.

This matter was a little unacceptable to Fu Hongxue. He frowned and gritted his teeth and said, "If Xiang Yingtian wants to kill the Kanto Demon, why not go the day after my father's death, and wait until New Year's Eve?"

"Yang Changfeng was the martial arts leader of the year. Who was it? After his death, Xiang Yingtian, a righteous brother, certainly had to preside over the funeral. It is reasonable and reasonable for this process to continue until New Year's Eve." Mingyuexin continued to stick to her own opinion and said, "This is the case. Come, all the doubts can be easily solved. Isn't it?"

Lu Yang looked at Fu Hongxue's expression, his expression was a bit hideous. After a while, he suddenly raised the single-handed sword and pointed the tip of the knife at Mingyue Xin.

Lu Yang was speechless, but this guy became angry.

Lu Yang raised his hand, grabbed Fu Hongxue single-handedly, and said, "Hey, Fu Hongxue, don't go crazy!"

Mingyue Xin was extremely indifferent, and said with a light smile, "Fu Hongxue, if you really have no doubt about Xiang Yingtian in your heart, then no matter what I say, it won't make you so angry. You are so angry. There is only one reason for this, and that is that I have said what you think in your heart."

Lu Yang Look moon heart of this eloquent, really is quite spanking, but she was so beautiful, it is naturally any man Xiabu Qu hand, but, except Fuhong Xue this chump.

"Of course, everything I just said is just my personal guess. If you want to prove what you suspect, it's better to see it clearly, instead of getting angry and angry here!" Mingyuexin took a few. Said sarcastically.

Fu Hongxue's single-handedly weakened, the anger on his face disappeared completely, and he looked a bit lost. Lu Yang stretched out his hand and patted Fu Hongxue on the shoulder and said, "Brother Fu, if you want to investigate Xiang Yingtian, I will naturally help you."

Fu Hongxue pursed her lips and paused for a long time before she said, "Back to Xia Ke Villa!"

When he said this, it meant that he had to find Xiang Yingtian to clarify the matter. After he said that, he turned around and prepared to go straight to the Xia Ke Villa.

At this moment, Mingyuexin said, "Hey, are you going back like this?"

Lu Yang saw that Mingyuexin's eyes were sly sly, and he knew that this girl had any tricks.

As expected by Lu Yang, the girl Ming Yuexin gave Fu Hongxue another plan.

When Lu Yang, Mingyuexin and Fu Hongxue returned to the Xia Ke Villa. Xiang Yingtian was meeting guests, and in the main hall stood a guy dressed in the Western Regions. This guy was very short and not burly. If he stood on tiptoe, he could barely reach Lu Yang's chest.

At this moment, Lu Yang helped Fu Hongxue into the main hall, and Mingyuexin followed them. Fu Hongxue was holding her chest, her face a little ugly, as if she was seriously injured.

When Xiang Yingtian saw Fu Hongxue like this, he quickly stepped forward and took Fu Hongxue from Lu Yang and said, "Hongxue, what's wrong with you?"

"The nephew is useless, he was hurt by Ye Kai! If it weren't for Lu Yang and Mingyuexin halfway, the nephew would not be able to return to the Xia Ke Villa!" Fu Hongxue gritted his teeth and made a painful look.

It seems that Fu Hongxue's acting skills are not terrible! Lu Yang couldn't help but feel happy.

Here, Xiang Yingtian's expression is a little strange, "What? Are you going to find Ye Kai again and desperately?"

"My nephew is out of anger, and wants to go to get the head of Ye Kai item. Where do I know..." Fu Hongxue pressed her lips tightly after saying this.

Xiang Yingtian paused for a while, then stood up straight, and said to Crazy Blade, "Crazy Blade, you should arrange for the Western Region envoy to rest in the wing!"

"Yes! Messenger, please go here!" Crazy Saber said, also decently.

But this messenger who looked poor and short, had a pair of small eyes that looked at Mingyuexin like thief.

Mingyuexin is of course very beautiful. It's normal to attract men's eyes. However, this messenger's gaze was obviously full of possessiveness, and he really wanted to eat swan meat!

Lu Yang looked at the toad, it was a burst of upset. If it weren't for Fu Hongxue's major event in this time, he would have to teach the toad a lesson.

After several urgings from Crazy Sabre, Toad reluctantly retracted her gaze and followed Crazy Sabre away.

"Hongxue, let's go to the wing to talk. Does your injury matter?" Xiang Yingtian said softly in an extremely concerned tone at this moment.

The wing room of Xia Ke Villa.

Xiang Yingtian just hushed a few words and left in a hurry. When Fu Hongxue saw him leave, her frown stretched out and exhaled.

"Xiang Yingtian knows that you are pretending to be injured!" Mingyuexin said in a word.

Both Lu Yang and Fu Hongxue were taken aback. Lu Yang couldn't help but said, "No? I think Brother Fu pretends to be pretty, even I almost forgot that he was fakely injured!"

It is close to the position of Lao Tzu's Oscar actor! Lu Yang naturally said this sentence in his heart.

"If Xiang Yingtian really believes that Fu Hongxue is injured, he will definitely stay and heal Fu Hongxue because he has always been good to Fu Hongxue. Now he just said a few words and left in a hurry. Isn't it doubtful? "Ming Yuexin's logic is another analysis.

But what this girl said is quite reasonable. Lu Yang touched his chin and nodded involuntarily.

"Then what should we do now?" Fu Hongxue frowned and asked.

Mingyue smiled lightly and said, "Once a person becomes suspicious, he is easily confused. This is not a bad thing for us. Tonight, I will act according to my plan."

After Mingyuexin said this girl, she gave out the plan to adjust the tiger away from the mountain.

This strategy is not bad, but it seems dangerous for Mingyuexin to lead Xiang Yingtian alone. After Lu Yang listened, he said, "Isn't it right? I'll go with you to lead Xiang Yingtian."

"There are many crises in the Xia Ke Villa. You and Fu Hongxue are better along the way. Don't worry, Xiang Yingtian has no grievances with me. Moreover, because of my position in the arena, Xiang Yingtian will never do anything to me."..


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