Wang Ming quickly turned around and rushed into Wudang Mountain. He had to tell Jiang Chen and the others the news quickly.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the courtyard was peaceful. Song Yuanqiao and the others didn't know anything about Yang Guo and others coming to pay homage to the mountain.

At this moment, Wang Ming was panting and quickly pushed the door open and stood in front of everyone, with nervousness in his eyes.

He hesitated and said:"Master, it's not... bad!"

"Why are you so panicked?"

Wang Ming wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Condor Hero Yang Guo, Kuai Jian A Fei, and Dugu Nine Swordsmen Linghu Chong, the three of them came to pay homage to the mountain together and wanted to ask about their junior uncle!"

Everyone was stunned when they heard this. They didn't expect them to arrive so quickly.

Originally, Song Yuanqiao and others didn't take it seriously when they heard the news, but now they never thought...

Condor Hero and others would actually If they really join forces to come to Wudang Mountain and plan to have three swordsmen together, isn't that just bullying the few?

Besides, they have been famous in the world for a long time and are already known to everyone as senior figures.

If you challenge Jiang Chen like this, even if you win, I'm afraid it will be disgraceful to tell the truth.

"Let's go."

Jiang Chen's voice came. He was strolling in the courtyard and was about to step out of the courtyard. As the senior brother, Song Yuanqiao was used to taking care of his junior brothers. He was about to leave when he saw Jiang Chen, even if he had promised that he would never leave again. I meddle in his affairs, but I can’t let go of the worries in my heart

"Junior brother.

Song Yuanqiao said quickly:"Why don't you apologize to the heroes after you go out and ask them to go down the mountain quickly ?""

"After all, everyone has moments when they are young and frivolous, and occasionally verbally……"

"Far bridge."

Before he finished speaking, Zhang Sanfeng on the side couldn't stand it. He asked very calmly:"How did you agree to my junior brother in the first place? If you want to repay him then stay out of his business."

Nowadays, no one in Wudang Mountain except Zhang Sanfeng can guess what level Jiang Chen's strength has reached.

"Got it, master. Zhang

Sanfeng said with a smile:"Come on, let's go out and see what these three famous knights are doing.""


The crowd followed closely, and soon followed Jiang Chen to the outside of the mountain.

When Jiang Chen appeared, the wealthy people who came to watch the show had wonder in their eyes.

There were also some people walking around. The heroine couldn’t help but be impressed by his superb looks.

"I really didn’t expect that Wudang’s junior master uncle was such a talented person!"

"That's right, he's so handsome and charming, but it's a pity that his mouth is open!"

"Handsome indeed!"


The Condor Hero frowned slightly, looked Jiang Chen up and down and asked,"Are you Jiang Chen, the young master of the Wudang Sect?"


Jiang Chen said calmly:"You three are also coming to pay homage to the mountain?""


Yang Guo said calmly:"My little brother was able to defeat Songyang Tiejian and Yan Shisan at such a young age. His swordsmanship really makes us admire him.""

"However, what you said before is indeed a bit unpleasant. Although the Sword God list announced by Tianji Pavilion may be inappropriate, overall, their list is of extremely high standard!"

"The little brother said that all the people on the list are ants and are not qualified to be on the list with you. This is reducing us in the world to worthless."

"Even if the little brother was born in a famous Wudang sect, but we have heard of each other, how many years older than the little brother are we can be regarded as your seniors. You are so insulting, I feel so angry. I came here today to ask for advice from you."

"I also hope that little brother will not refuse!

Jiang Chen glanced at several people and said,"You all came here for the same purpose?""

Linghu Chong and Kuai Jian A Fei can both speak and just nod lightly.


Jiang Chen said calmly:"I'm in a hurry so I won't talk to you. The three of us will go together!"

Suddenly, the crowd fell into silence again.

People clucked their tongues one by one, staring blankly at Jiang Chen and Yang Guo, their eyes filled with disbelief.

What on earth is Jiang Chen going to do?!

The three of them come together? Crazy , right?

To be on the list, everyone’s strength and experience must be strong.

Taken alone, they are all masters in this world.

Condor Hero Yang Guo and Dugu Nine Swordsman Linghu Chong are both equally accomplished.

However, Jiang Chen actually provoked the three of them at the same time. Isn't this just asking for death?

Yang Guo suppressed the anger in his heart and said:"Little brother, we just But seriously, are you kidding me?"

"Do I have time to fuck you all?

He stretched out his right hand and said:"Don't talk nonsense, hurry up!""

Song Yuanqiao and others have been in peace for a long time. If Jiang Chen behaves modestly in front of them now, it would be unexpected.

Isn't this what he always says and does?

Yang Guo took a deep breath and pulled out the black iron heavy sword in his hand.

His heavy sword weighs a hundred kilograms and is powerful enough to cut through anything. He originally thought that coming to pay homage to the mountain today was just a formality.

When Jiang Chen saw the three of them preparing to attack at the same time, he would apologize for his previous recklessness..

Who could have predicted that everything Jiang Chen said was beyond their expectations!

So they can’t blame him for being rude today!

"Taoist priest.

Yang Guo said calmly:"I wonder if the Taoist priest can take out your sword?""

Since he can be on the list of sword gods, he must also be a swordsman.

Since he is a swordsman... then why haven't I seen his sword?

"I don't need to use a sword.

Jiang Chen said calmly:"There is no sword outside the body, and there is no sword in the heart. There is no need for a true swordsman to use a sword. Everything in the world is my sword!""

Yang Guo was stunned for a while. Kuai Jian A Fei and Ling Hu Chong beside him were also slightly moved. They looked at each other with wonder in their eyes.

But that emotion was fleeting.

"Taoist priest, I'm sorry!"

After Yang Guo finished speaking, he took the dark iron heavy sword in his hand, which was filled with golden zhenqi, and aimed it at Jiang Chen's head and hit it hard.

People seemed to hear the sound of breaking through the air, and the huge long sword roared like a giant dragon.

Linghu Chong and Kuai Jian A Fei rushed toward Jiang Chen from the left and right sides. The swords in their hands were like snakes, and the golden light continued to surge. Jiang Chen was completely enveloped in it.

These three were singled out, but they were all well-known masters in the power. Now, how could he protect himself when the temperature of the surrounding air suddenly dropped ? It was a summer night, but it felt like the middle of winter, as if we were in a snowy sky.

When Jiang Chen saw this scene, there was a hint of coldness at the corner of his mouth.

"Next, I will show you what real swordsmanship is!"

Jiang Chen closed his eyes and recited the mantra, and then he stretched out his right hand.

The sound of Sanskrit chanting was rising and falling under the night sky, resounding in the sky like thunder rolling, and it was heard all the time. Yang Guo was stunned for a moment, and he didn't know if it was an illusion.

They felt as if the sword they were holding tightly was no longer under their control, as if it had its own life and was about to break away from their restraints at any time. He broke into a cold sweat and his body couldn't help but tremble slightly. could this happen?

Yang Guo fought hard and tried to control this inexplicable force, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't achieve his goal.

The power was too terrifying and fierce, as if his weapon would be torn into pieces at any time. Their bodies also stiffened at this moment, and they couldn't help but twist! Originally, the three of them were moving towards Jiang in an orderly manner!

Jiang Chen was approaching, but this sudden change made them all dumbfounded.

What happened?

It was as if there was an invisible barrier around Jiang Chen's body, blocking Yang Guo and the others away. The knights in Jianghu had cold sweat on their foreheads, and their expressions were a bit distorted.



Jiang Chen, who was standing in the middle of the three, still looked calm with his sword in his hand. The pressure exerted on him seemed to be getting bigger and bigger at this moment.

Jiang Chen sighed secretly.

"Do chickens and dogs dare to come to Wudang to kill and run wild?"

"I said that all the Sword Gods are ants!"

"Are you still not convinced?!"


Jiang Chen stretched out his right palm and grasped it in the air. Suddenly, a huge force came. The weapons in the hands of the three of them flew out quickly and hovered above Jiang Chen's head.

It was as if they had regarded Jiang Chen as their sword. host

"Get out of here!!!"

Strong zhenqi power was injected into the long swords. Jiang Chen suddenly exerted force, and three long swords suddenly flew out and fell towards Yang Guo's people.

Before they could resist, surging smoke and dust suddenly came.

The endless infuriating energy rushed out in an instant. Boom!

The sound shook the sky, and a series of friendly cracks appeared, and the terrifying infuriating energy rushed out.

On the three of them.



Then, the three figures hit the ground hard, their eyes full of pain.

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