Although Kuhai Town is only a few dozen miles away from the Ming Imperial City.

However, as the saying goes, no matter how prosperous a place is, there will inevitably be dark corners where the sun cannot shine, let alone dozens of miles away from the imperial city!

Kuhai Town is just like its name. The people living here are deeply poisoned by the evil forces.

Especially the big boss, who on the surface runs many black industries including brothels, is actually the helmsman of a branch of the Tianzun organization!

Here, including brothels, casinos, water transportation and many other industries, almost all are controlled by the big boss.

The life of the people living here is naturally very difficult!

On this day, there was a young man in his early twenties, wearing a short jacket, but holding an iron sword in his hand!

If ordinary people saw such a sloppy-looking guy, no one would take notice of him!

However, if the opponent holds a sword in his hand, it will naturally be different!

Who doesn’t know that people with martial arts skills can kill people just like chopping melons and vegetables?

Of course, people with martial arts skills can definitely make money much easier than others!

“Boss, bring me a bowl of Yangchun noodles!”Wen Hua came to a noodle stall, put the iron sword in his hand on the table, and said!

“okay!”Naturally, a noodle stall cannot afford to hire a waiter. The boss walked over with a smile on his face and responded.

“Why are you still standing?”

However, after discovering that the owner of this noodle stall responded, he stood beside him with no intention of leaving. Wen Hua looked at him in shock!

“Here, young hero, do you want a bowl of Yangchun noodles?”Hearing this, the owner of the noodle stall was stunned!

None of these people in the world are noisy, and when they eat, they are always drinking and eating!

Although the young man in front of him looks sloppy, But he is a man of the world, right?

Just a bowl of Yangchun noodles?

This is completely different from the man of the world in his mind!

“how? No?”Hearing this, Wen Hua raised his eyebrows!

“Of course you can, guest sir, I’ll wait a moment!”

How dare the noodle stall owner say anything? He kept a smile on his face, but secretly murmured in his heart. It seems he is just a guy with a sword to show off, right?

And he is also a poor guy!

As for the noodle stall owner’s thoughts, Wen Hua Of course he doesn’t know!

Of course, even if he was told, he wouldn’t feel anything!

Not to mention having a bowl of Yangchun noodles now, which is already very good. In the past, he was so hungry that he could only dig other people’s sweet potatoes. Satisfy hunger!

“I seem to have achieved some success in my internal strength training recently!”

“Also, I barely mastered the swordsmanship!”

“Am I considered a master in the arena now?”

“No 287, right? Internal strength is just a first glimpse of the door, and swordsmanship is just a three-point mastery!”

“Divine Doctor Li said that what he taught me was just basic swordsmanship and basic internal strength!”

“For someone like me, in the arena, I can only be regarded as a newcomer who has just come out of the arena!”

Thinking about whether he has achieved some results after studying hard these days, Wen Hua quickly shook his head! What

Dr. Li gave him were basic internal skills, mental skills and swordsmanship, and he had only mastered part of it..

He was a newcomer, so he had to be careful!

However, just when Wen Hua was thinking about whether his martial arts was at the bottom of the world, a commotion not far away caught Wen Hua’s attention!

“Xiaoli, the big boss wants you to go back!”

Several men holding weapons said to a woman fiercely!

“I, I have paid off the big boss’s debt, I won’t go back!”The woman looked about seventeen or eighteen years old. Looking at these ferocious men, her face turned pale with fright, but she shook her head and said!

There were several people beside the woman. They seemed to be members of her family, but they were just poor. He looks like a man and wants to argue with you!

But, can you argue with the green-skinned gangsters?

You can reason with them, but they will play tricks on you!

He was knocked to the ground immediately!

The residents of the nearby town were so frightened that they hid away, looking at the hooligans in front of them in horror, but no one dared to step forward!

“stop!”Seeing this, Wen Hua shouted loudly and walked forward with an iron sword in hand!

Although he felt that his martial arts skills were low and he should be at the bottom of the world!

However, with the dream of being in the world in his heart, Wen Hua could not see death. No help!

If you don’t dare to take action when you see a situation where you need to punish evil and promote good, then why are you still dreaming about going back to farming?

“Boy, who are you? Dare to interfere in our affairs?”Jian Wenhua jumped out. The leader of the bullies glanced at the sword in Wen Hua’s hand. He felt a little wary, and then he yelled!

Looking at Wen Hua’s dress, it’s not a worry!

But seeing the sword in the other person’s hand, this ruffian They are a little afraid.

They are naturally afraid of Jianghu people who really understand martial arts!

“I? I am a person who sees rough roads!”Wen Hua said!

“court death!”Listening to what Wen Hua said, it was clear that he was going to intervene. A fierce look flashed in the eyes of the leading bully!

Of course, he would not be frightened by the iron sword in the opponent’s hand. The leading man held a dagger, and he looked fierce. Walked towards Wen Hua and stabbed Wen Hua with a knife! The iron sword was unsheathed, followed by screams. The leader of the bully was immediately cut with a cut on his wrist, and the tendon of his hand was severed. He couldn’t hold it and fell to the ground!

At the same time, the bloody sword was pointed at the opponent’s chest!

The men next to the bully looked like one of them was dead when he raised his hand, and they all looked at each other in shock. Don’t dare to step forward!

Although I don’t know how high the other party’s martial arts is, the martial arts displayed by the other party is more than enough to defeat a few of them.

Naturally, these people don’t dare to take action again!

“roll!”Wen Hua held an iron sword in his hand and yelled!

“Yes Yes Yes!”Hearing this, the man who had his hand tendons cut off endured the severe pain and retreated!


However, just as these bullies retreated, a swordsman in red on the street drew his sword and drew out Sheath, walked towards Wen Hua!

“What do you call Xiongtai? Judging from your appearance, you have extraordinary swordsmanship just now. What swordsmanship did you use?”The swordsman in red walked towards Wen Hua and asked at the same time!

Originally, the big boss asked him to come here to see what the legendary man who was stabbed three times in the brothel without saying a word was like!

No! Thinking about it, I didn’t see the other person making a move, but I saw a young man making trouble.

More importantly, I just had a glimpse of the other person’s swordsmanship, but I felt it was extraordinary!

“I? My name is Wen Hua, and what I just performed was just basic swordsmanship!”Looking at the swordsman in red who came over with his sword drawn, Wen Hua also cheered up and replied.

Looking at the other party’s appearance, he knew that the person coming was evil!

And looking at the stainless steel sword in the other party’s hand , is obviously a master of swordsmanship.

Feeling that he is the lowest martial artist in the world, Wen Hua is a little nervous, but at this time, he cannot back down!

“Basic swordsmanship? Since my brother doesn’t want to say anything, don’t blame me for being rude!”

For the basic swordsmanship that Wen Hua said, the red swordsman naturally didn’t believe it!

Such exquisite sword moves are just basic swordsmanship?

This lie can’t be drafted?

Wen Hua also wants to defend himself. But at this time, the swordsman in red didn’t give him this chance. He raised his sword and pointed it at Wen Hua as fast as lightning!

This sword was very fast!

Wen Hua was shocked when he saw this! , and at the same time, what he had understood from Dahe Sword Intent flashed through his mind reflexively!

(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The iron sword in his hand suddenly trembled, and then, Wen Hua used his sword skills to the extreme and faced him!

There was a click!

The stainless steel sword in the red swordsman’s hand was cut off instantly!

Along with it, there was a deep and long sword mark on his chest, and there was a trace of blood. Money poured out like crazy!

Looking down at his chest, he was almost disemboweled. The swordsman in red looked at Wen Hua again, with a look of unwillingness and disbelief in his eyes.

“You, you actually said that you are, yes, basic swordsmanship! ?”

With only such unwilling words left, the swordsman in red fell straight down!

“Is this guy worse than me in martial arts?”Looking at the swordsman in red who fell in front of him, Wen Hua lowered his head and looked at the iron sword in his hand, and said calmly!

At first, he seemed to have extraordinary bearing, and he thought he was a master. He was forced to have no choice but to He tried his best to deal with it, but he didn’t expect that he would defeat the opponent with one move.���Instant kill? []

I am already the lowest swordsman in the world, but the opponent’s martial arts seems to be worse than mine?

This made Wen Hua stunned, and then he shook his head with a secret smile.

Unexpectedly, the other party was actually just such an embroidered pillow. It was really useless!

However, Wen Hua secretly complained that the red swordsman’s martial arts was far lower than he thought.

However, there were two people not far away who noticed Wen Hua!

To be more precise, everyone on the street was paying attention to Wen Hua, but these two people noticed the extraordinary performance of Wen Hua’s sword just now!

“That sword just now was not only exquisite in its moves, but more importantly, it contained a hint of sword intent?”

Yan Shisan, who was wearing a black cloak and covering his face with a big hood, gently touched the bone poison sword in his hand, muttering secretly in his heart!

When Wen Hua took out the sword just now, Yan Shisan Thirteen clearly felt a tremor from the Bone Poison Sword!

And being able to cause his own sword to tremble was something that could only be done by sword intent, right?

However, looking at Wen Hua’s appearance, his internal strength was not beyond the acquired realm. , can he understand the sword’s intention?

Yan Shisan finds it difficult to understand!

How many great master level swordsmen cannot understand their own sword’s intention, but a Houtian level swordsman can actually understand the sword’s intention!

“Sure enough, there is a talented person in this generation, whose cultivation in the acquired realm has touched the threshold of sword intent!”

On the other side, Xie Xiaofeng, whose alias is useless Aji, naturally noticed the sword intention contained in Wen Hua’s sword just now!

For a swordsman, sword intention is far more important than sword moves. Even the cultivation of internal strength is more important! Even though he is known as the Third Young Master, his understanding of sword intention is still not accessible!

, I will lose!

The louder the name of the third young master of Shenjian Villa, the more the third young master will feel the heavy pressure on him!

This pressure is so heavy that he can’t breathe, and therefore, he will be more afraid of himself in the future. Failure!

Today, seeing such a young swordsman touch the threshold of the sword’s will, Xie Xiaofeng feels even more that his decision is right! Didn’t Sword God Li Chungang lose to Wang Xianzhi in the end?

So, it was the right thing to withdraw from the world!

When his reputation was at its highest, retreating bravely was the right thing for him to do!

“Thank you, thank you so much, hero……”

Not to mention what Yan Shisan and Xie Xiaofeng thought when they saw Wen Hua draw his sword. At this time, Xiaoli’s parents and other residents gathered around and expressed gratitude to Wen Hua. thank!

The poor people in Kuhai Town have suffered from these bullies for too long.

Now that a hero finally stood up and took action for the poor, many residents of Kuhai Town naturally burst into tears!

“Everyone, there is no need to thank you. It is the duty of martial arts practitioners to draw their swords to help when encountering injustice!”

Seeing these poor villagers coming up to them and expressing their gratitude to him one by one, Wen Hua replied with a smile on his face!

Wen Hua only felt that the value of his life seemed to be perfectly reflected at this moment!

In his heart What is his dream?

Isn’t it to eliminate evil and promote good, and then become a hero that everyone respects?

Now, he has helped a bullied woman and has received praise and support from so many people. It can be said that this is not it. Have you always wanted to travel around the world and have the scene you dreamed of?

“Hero, I beg you to teach Aji martial arts!”However, when she was thanking Wen Hua, an aunt suddenly spoke to Wen Hua.

As she spoke, she pointed to a man in his twenties and seventies who stood silently next to him!

Following the aunt’s direction, Wen Hua looked He glanced at it, then shook his head with a wry smile:”Auntie, you, you are making things difficult for me. Anyone in the martial arts world can defeat me with my martial arts. How can I teach others?”

Yes, from Wen Hua’s point of view, how long did it take for him to practice the basic swordsmanship and basic internal skills taught by Divine Doctor Li?

Even the peerless internal skills and peerless swordsmanship can only be regarded as the first glimpse of the door, right?

More Not to mention just basic internal skills and swordsmanship!

As a newcomer who has just started practicing martial arts, what qualifications do I have to teach others martial arts?

“Hero, you, you just defeated that powerful-looking guy with one sword strike. Your martial arts skills are very high, so don’t be humble!”

Xiaoli’s brother next to him came up and said, not believing that Wen Hua’s martial arts was as bad as he said.

“Not bad, not bad, he defeated other swordsmen in one go, he is a master!”

“Yes, even if I don’t understand martial arts, I still know that he is a master!”

“The hero obviously has such good martial arts skills, so there is no need to be humble, right?”


Following Xiaoli’s brother’s words, other residents of Kuhai Town nearby also nodded and said, feeling that Wen Hua was being too modest!

“You just said that he looked very powerful, so the guy just now really just looked more powerful!”Wen Hua smiled bitterly and shook his head at Xiaoli’s brother!


At this time, Xiaoli also owed Aji and came to Wen Hua and said:”Hero, everyone calls him useless Aji. I feel heartbroken when I hear this. Please accept Aji as your hero. Disciple, I want him to become a useful Aji!”

For people in Kuhai Town, martial arts is an opportunity to change one’s destiny. After all, it is much easier for people who know martial arts to make money, and they are much more popular than the modern version of the exam. It is not easy to meet them.

A swordsman with strong martial arts skills and a kind heart, Xiaoli naturally wants to help Aji seize this golden opportunity!

“Everyone, my martial arts is really not that good. If I teach others, wouldn’t it be a complete mistake?”Hearing this, Wen Hua said with a wry smile!

“Hero, you are so good at martial arts, but you don’t want to help us poor people. You just look down on us. You are no different from the bad guys like Big Boss!”Seeing that Wen Hua was not moved no matter what he said, Xiaoli’s brother next to him came directly to a wave of moral kidnapping!

These words made the corners of Wen Hua’s mouth twitch slightly!

Act chivalrously, eliminate violence, punish evil and promote good These are the motivations for Wen Hua to travel around the world! However, he didn’t expect that he would end up being forced to become a disciple after helping others?

The red-clothed swordsman seemed to be a master, and he was killed instantly by his sword!

Thinking of this, Wen Hua, who originally believed that he was a low-level swordsman, began to wonder. Could it be that my martial arts skills are really bad?

: Đạo Thiên Vô Tình

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