Martial Arts: Start With Yuxu Temple, Poison The Sword of Baifeng

Chapter 060 Madam Wang? Wang Yuyan? It's all mine!

It was dusk, in the Mando Villa.

In the center of the water pavilion, Ye Ling shook the folding fan lightly, put on a black robe, and walked slowly in front of everyone.

Behind him, in addition to the four daughters of Dao Baifeng, Zhong Ling, Shangguan Haitang and Liu Sheng Piaoxu, there are three more daughters of the Murong clan.

Among them, Aju Abi, the twin sisters, all wore a similar long green dress, walking gracefully.

Wang Yuyan followed Ye Ling's side closely, still wearing that simple plain white dress, but the expression on her face was a little stiff, as if she was still a little afraid of Ye Ling beside her.

At the very end of the team, Murong Fu, whose hands and feet were tied, was walking at the back with a miserable expression under the watch of Dao Baifeng.

Ye Ling and his party had not yet walked out of the water pavilion, and the servants of Mantuo Villa had already notified them.

After a while, behind the "563" pavilion in the water pavilion, a pair of women in blue walked out, all dressed as maids, each with a sword in his hand.

I saw these women lined up in two rows, holding their long swords on their waists, and when they stood together, a woman walked out from the back of the villa, surrounded by several majestic servants.

This woman is about forty years old, but her face is well maintained, her skin is smooth and tender, her complexion is fair, and there is a faint hint of pink between her cheeks. At first glance, her appearance is six points similar to Wang Yuyan.

Under the thin gauze, the graceful curves are about to emerge. Although she is not a girl, she has a bit more mature charm of a woman, and she can really be called a beautiful woman.

And such a beautiful woman that is rare in the world is not a little bastard, it is the owner of this Mantuo Villa, the mother of Wang Yuyan, Li Qingluo.

Because her husband left early, Li Qingluo was a widow for many years, so outsiders only called her Mrs. Wang.

"Yan'er? Fu'er?"

As soon as Madam Wang stood still, she saw Wang Yuyan behind Ye Ling, and Murong Fu, who was bruised and dying.

Seeing this scene, when Madam Wang exclaimed again and again, she realized something was wrong, frowned, her beautiful eyes filled with anger, and looked up at Ye Ling.

"Who is your Excellency?"

"Tie the little girl and hurt the little nephew, what do you want to do!"

With just one daughter, she can make Mantuo Villa famous all over the world, and Mrs. Wang has her own advantages.

Seeing Wang Yuyan's eyes from a distance seemed to be frightened, Madam Wang thought for a while, and then she figured out the reason.

"Haha! 35

"Madam thinks too much, I have no idea at all, I just want to try the depth of Madam. 35

Ye Ling shook her head with a smile, but her eyes began to wander on Madam Wang's body.

Try the depth?

Madam Wang frowned at first, and her eyes flashed a bit of confusion, apparently not understanding what Ye Ling meant.

"The yellow-haired boy from there can't even speak clearly!

"Left and right, take him down for me!

However, seeing that her own daughter and nephew were all in Ye Ling's hands, Madam Wang thought for a moment, then shouted loudly, and then ordered the people of Mantuo Villa to fight out, trying to get Wang Yuyan and Murongfu back from Ye Ling's hands.

Immediately following, the two rows of women in green clothes and several healthy women beside Mrs. Wang shouted in unison and then came to kill Ye Ling together.

But the expression on Ye Ling's face was completely unmoved, he closed the folding fan with a "snap", and then raised his hand to send out a six-pulse sword.

I saw a flash of cold light, and the people in Mantuo Villa didn't even touch the corner of Ye Ling's clothes, and they all flew out backwards, with a tragic death.

What! This man has such strength!

Seeing that Ye Ling had killed most of her subordinates in her breath, Madam Wang's expression changed immediately, her eyes were full of shock and disbelief.

But before Madam Wang could react, a figure suddenly flashed by.

Mrs. Wang hurriedly wanted to retreat to the side, but she never thought that Ye Ling had already come behind Mrs. Wang. As soon as she stretched out her hand, Mrs. Wang was taken into her arms by Ye Ling.

"Clap clap clap!"

Taking Madam Wang into her arms, Ye Ling quickly tapped several big acupoints on her body.

Madam Wang, who was still trying to struggle, couldn't move for a moment, her almond eyes glared at Ye Ling, but she could only watch him do whatever she wanted.

After easily subduing the glamorous young lady Mrs. Wang, Ye Ling smiled slightly, and then took out a three-corpse brain pill from her arms.

"No! Please! Don't feed my mother that!

Seeing Ye Ling taking out the Three Corpse Brain Pill, Wang Yuyan in the distance naturally recognized it very well, and quickly shouted in surprise, and pleaded for Ye Ling loudly.

But Ye Ling was unmoved by it, pinching Madam Wang's red lips, Ye Ling sent the Three Corpse Brain Pill in.

"It's over! There's absolutely no hope now!"

Seeing that Madam Wang was taken down by Ye Ling so easily, the last glimmer of hope in Murong Fu's heart was instantly poured into a chill...

A flash of despair flashed in his eyes, Murong Fu couldn't bear to continue being humiliated, and now he was ruthless and wanted to commit suicide by biting his tongue.

"Want to die? 99

"Don't even think about it!"

Naturally, Ye Ling noticed Murong Fu's abnormality, sneered, and then pointed to the sky, and directly stopped Murong Fu.

"Madam, watch this guy, don't let him die!"

Ye Ling commanded Dao Baifeng.

Then, she turned her head again and looked at Madam Wang in her arms.

At this time, the three corpse brain pills had already started to attack, and Madam Wang was trembling all over, dripping with perspiration, and her red lips twitched with a pair of shell teeth, which was obviously unstoppable.

"Madam, the antidote is here, as long as you are obedient, I will give it to you right away!

Ye Ling looked at Madam Wang meaningfully, shaking the antidote in her hand.

" little thief, even if I die, I won't promise you!""

Although Madam Wang was breathing loudly, her whole body was already soaking wet.

But still gritted his teeth and refused to agree.

"Oh? Really?"

"If that's the case, then I can only be sorry!"

"Madam, you don't want your daughter to know about her biological father!

Seeing that Madam Wang was still not begging for mercy, Ye Ling chuckled softly, and then whispered in Madam Wang's ear.

"What! How did you know!

Mrs. Wang glared with almond eyes, but a hint of disbelief flashed on her face. After 2.5 minutes of hesitation, Mrs. Wang finally chose to give up.

"I...I listen to you.

"You must not tell her about Yan'er now"

At this time, while Madam Wang spoke, her eyes gradually became empty.

"Haha! Just be obedient!

"You are obedient, as long as you are obedient, of course I won't say anything!"

Ye Ling nodded with a smile, and then put the antidote into Madam Wang's mouth.

The antidote entered her stomach, and the pain gradually disappeared. Madam Wang recovered and looked at Ye Ling with a flushed face.

"Mrs. Wang, I don't accept everything from my subordinates."

"Since you have decided to follow me, I still have to give it a try as to your depth!"

After saying that, Ye Ling chuckled lightly, then dragged Madam Wang and walked to the martial arts room of Mantuo Villa together.

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