Martial Arts: Start With Yuxu Temple, Poison The Sword of Baifeng

Chapter 064 Heavenly Cultivation Technique? Sorry, I created it myself!

"And you two sisters!

Seeing that Aju Abi was snickering at her feet, Ye Ling would not let the pair of sister flowers go.

"You guys didn't do well last night!"

'After the extra class for Yan'er is over, you two and I will have to tutor together~ I'll do it!"

After saying that, Ye Ling chuckled lightly, and then patted the Azhu and Abi sisters again.

The faces of the two sisters froze, and a trace of reluctance flashed in their eyes - willing to come.

But even so, Aju Abi didn't dare to say anything, she could only lower her head and stay silent.

"All right!"

"You guys go to the cabin to warm up first, I'll come later!"

After pinching the faces of Azhu Abi and the others, Ye Ling gave instructions to Azhu Abi and Wang Yuyan.

Although the three of them were shy, they didn't dare to disobey Ye Ling's orders, and immediately turned around and walked into the cabin.

Seeing the three girls leave, Ye Ling did not rush to follow, but instead got up slightly and meditated on the reclining chair.

"When I was promoted to Great Master before, I had already successfully obtained the Great Master title of [Fingering Great Master].

"Now I've got ginseng fingerings and other Shaolin fingerings."

"With so many fingerings, maybe I can try it out and create my own Cultivation Technique!"

Sitting on the reclining chair, Ye Ling began to think in his heart.

You must know that the title [Fingering Great Master] can not only increase the power of all Ye Ling's fingering Cultivation Techniques by 50%, but also increase the mutation probability of fingering martial arts.

At this time, Ye Ling has almost mastered most of the fingering martial arts in the world, and has long been able to create a Cultivation Technique by himself.

Coupled with the gain of [Fingering Great Master] and the hidden profession of [Poison Immortal], there is a great possibility to create a top-level Cultivation Technique far beyond the world.

Thinking of this, a gleam of light flashed in Ye Ling's eyes, and then he immediately started to create martial arts!

Once decided, in the next second, Ye Ling jumped from the reclining chair to the deck, his hands and fingers rapidly changed, and all kinds of fingering martial arts were used.

A yang refers to endless changes, unpredictable reality.

Six Meridian Divine Sword six swords came out together, earth-shattering.

Shenhe refers to domineering and fierce, as fast as electricity.

In addition, there are many other fingerings, such as Ananda Finger, Nianhua Finger, Wuxiangjie Finger, and Great Vajra God Finger, which complement each other.

As he continued to perform, Ye Ling was immediately immersed in the mystery of fingering martial arts.

One moment, two moments, three quarters...

Half an hour passed in a flash.

Suddenly, Ye Ling felt a flash of light in his mind, and suddenly opened his eyes!

Create your own Cultivation Technique! It's done!

At the same time, the system prompt sound also sounded in Ye Ling's ear.

[Congratulations to the player for successfully completing the self-created Cultivation Technique, and comprehends the heaven-level inferior product's self-created Cultivation Technique - rampant and domineering!]

[Ding! [Fingering Great Master] The effect is activated, and it means that the Cultivation Technique "runs wild" and starts to mutate! 1.2.3...The mutation is successful, and the low-grade Cultivation Technique "runs overbearing" has mutated into the top-grade Cultivation Technique "only hand" Shrouding the Heavens!”

Surely something has changed!

【Fingering Great Master】Eternal God!

Ye Ling was overjoyed, and quickly opened the system panel and looked at the description of "Shrouding the Heavens with one hand".

As a top-grade Cultivation Technique, Shrouding the Heavens has many features.

【The ever-changing: "One-handed Shrouding the Heavens" gathers the strengths of hundreds of fingering techniques and martial arts, including the essence of many martial arts such as one yang finger, six-pulse god finger, etc., so it has all the characteristics of the above martial arts! And its power is increased by 100%]

【One-handed Shrouding the Heavens: When the player uses this Cultivation Technique to attack, any similar martial arts must be suppressed!】

After seeing these two features of Shrouding the Heavens, Ye Ling was surprised, and the smile on her face couldn't be suppressed.

Needless to say, it is a Cultivation Technique created by collecting a large number of fingering martial arts. It is natural to have the characteristics of these Cultivation Techniques.

When used, the power is increased by 100%, which is also passable.

But compared to the ever-changing, the one-handed feature of Shrouding the Heavens is like a hang-up.

You know, Ye Ling has already gathered most of the fingering martial arts in the world.

However, in the world of Rivers and Lakes, there are still several fingering masters, and their stunts are all above one male finger.

For example, Lu Xiaofeng's Lingxi Finger was made by combining the Qiankun First Finger of Shen Tianjun, the king of Kyushu in the past. No matter what kind of weapon the opponent used, it could be caught by the Lingxi Finger, so he couldn't continue to attack.

There is also Di Feijing's big abandoned son catcher, who is known as "the king of catchers in the world" as long as he holds any part of the enemy's body, even if it is the hair or earlobe.

In addition, there are Lu Jian's Heavenly Tribulation, etc., all of which are top-level fingering martial arts.

But at this moment, as soon as the characteristics of the one-handed Shrouding the Heavens came out, these top fingerings were determined, and it was never possible to compete with the one-handed Shrouding the Heavens again.

Just when Ye Ling was happy, the system prompt sounded again.

[Congratulations to the player for fulfilling the conditions and triggering the hidden profession - Heaven Practitioner!]


Hidden job again!

Ye Ling was a little surprised, and then quickly looked at her own character attribute.

I saw that at this time, in the column of own hidden profession, there was an extra [天Practitioner]

・・・・Seeking flowers...

[Tian Practitioner: 1, the chosen person for many top-level Cultivation Techniques! Can increase the power of the player's use of all heaven-level Cultivation Techniques! 2??? (conditions are not met, cannot be viewed)]

[Trigger condition: Possess 15 or more Heaven-level Cultivation Technique!]

【Conditions to be fulfilled: Collect all 50 Heavenly Cultivation Techniques】

Seeing the note behind [天Practitioner], Ye Ling understood it all at once.

First of all, the Six Vein Divine Sword, Lingbo Weibu, and Beiming Divine Art, which were obtained in Dali at the beginning.

Afterwards, Ye Ling got the Vajra Unbreakable Magic and Qigong Dafa in Zijincheng again.

After killing Murong's father and son, he learned to join the fingers, doubly turn the stars and move the seven heaven-level Secret Techniques represented by the Nianhuazhi among the seventy-two stunts.

Coupled with the one-handed Shrouding the Heavens created today, Ye Ling happens to have 15 Heaven-level Cultivation Techniques, so he has reached the triggering conditions and triggered the job transfer task of [Tian Practitioner].

From the attribute point of view, the first attribute alone can bring Ye Ling a substantial increase in strength.

Don't even think about it, the rest of the properties that present question marks must be very terrifying.


"Looks like I'll have to pick up my pace and continue to collect other heavenly Cultivation Techniques! 35

Ye Ling's heart moved secretly, when she decided to do so.

You must know that a [Poison Immortal] has brought countless conveniences to Ye Ling.

[Sky Practitioner] is obviously rarer than [Poison Immortal]. Once the job transfer is successfully completed, it will definitely bring Ye Ling to a higher level.

At the same time, because Ye Ling completed the self-created Cultivation Technique and unlocked the hidden profession again, the world announcement also rang in the ears of all players.

【World Announcement: Congratulations to player Ye Ling, the first one to successfully complete the Cultivation Technique and get 30 Prestige Points from Rivers and Lakes】

【World Announcement: Congratulations to player Ye Ling for reaching the goal and unlocking the hidden profession - Tian Practitioner】

Both announcements were replayed three times in a row, and countless players were instantly boiling, and many people even exploded in their mentality.

"Why is this guy again! Can you change someone!"

"I vomited, daddy only got a yellow-level Cultivation Technique, you told me that someone has already created a Cultivation Technique?"

"Brothers, the anti-Ye alliance has been established. Let's kill Ye Shen with me and grab the magic!"

"Huh? It's just your stinky fish and rotten shrimp? It's better not to, otherwise it will be ugly."

"Ye Ling is already a Grandmaster at least, isn't it a death sentence to go to him?"

"That's right, why don't you join our Yeshen Support Club and call Yeshen together! 35

The World Channel was full, and there were even a lot of people going to Suzhou, wanting to find Ye Ling and find out what to do.

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