Martial Arts World

Chapter 2623: 1 other ally

For the prudence of Emperor Lin Sha of the Ming Dynasty, Li Jingxu, the blissful real person, did not care.

It was just that he had already ordered his life, and he did not have the idea of ​​procrastinating. He drove directly to the East China Sea, but did not expect that in the hidden place of Mrs. Tianhu Baoxiang, he really collided with Emei.

Especially when he saw that Situ Ping, a bitter child whose strength was almost neglected among the people coming from Emei, Li Jingxu's face was so heavy that he didn't know the thoughts of Emei's coming.

Sure enough, Emei came to someone who didn't know what to say to Mrs. Tianhu Baoxiang, so that the master of the Earth Immortal Peak to avoid the Heavenly Tribulation even broke through the ban, attracting the rolling clouds and the Four Nine Thunder Tribulation.

This world is extremely harsh on alien monks. Despite the fact that Mrs. Tianhu Baoxiang has been reincarnated, the forty-nine days of robbery might still be nearly half stronger than ordinary monks.

Even Mrs. Tianhu Baoxiang’s cultivation was profound, and she couldn’t stand the repeated bombardment of the enhanced version of Forty-nine Days Tribulation. However, she insisted on three, ninety-seven thunders, and she lost her mana.

At this time, Emei came to prepare to shoot, and the bitter child Situ Ping also arrived to work for Emei. Unfortunately, the real person Li Jingxu did not agree.

He directly appeared in front of Mrs. Tianhu Baoxiang, preventing the trickery of Emei's comers, and looked as usual in the face of the sudden skyrocketing power.

His appearance, and the position at this time obviously touched the counter-scale of the Heavenly Tribulation, the dark clouds in the sky instantly spread a thousand forces, and the electric snake flickered with great power.

Li Jingxu did not intend to carry the skyrocketing power, and directly showed the small flag sent by Emperor Lin Sha of the Ming Dynasty. The small flag rose in the wind and the word Shenwen flashed the rumors, and the dark clouds in the sky seemed to be encountered. Like a loved one, a brain rushed into the banner of the gods rising in the wind.

The difficulties that have plagued Mrs. Tianhu Baoxiang for many years are so light and easy to solve.

Everyone was stunned by this scene. Until the daylight came, the injuries of Mrs. Tianhu Baoxiang's body recovered instantly, and her momentum was gradually rising. Suddenly breaking the bottleneck of Dixian, a wave of Tianxian terror came out, this Only then did all the Emei people wake up completely.

Mrs. Tianhu Baoxiang, it is so easy to achieve the status of Tianxian!

Emei is quite uncomfortable. The bitter child Situ Ping didn't play a role at all. Mrs. Tianhu Baoxiang successfully achieved the status of Celestial Immortal. They just wanted to be so cheeky that they were unlikely.

There is also the Bliss real person Li Jingxu present, and the Emei people dare not to be arrogant, and finally have no choice but to leave this sad place and hurriedly return to the East Sea Fairy Island to report this to Zhangjiao.

Li Jingxu and Mrs. Tianhu Baoxiang had nothing to say. He took the newly-born Tianxian monk to Beijing, and when he arrived, he handed over the person to Emperor Linsha.

"Mrs. and his daughters are all studying at the Royal Academy. My wife will live in the academy. Don't disturb the study of Sister Qin's if you are fine!"

Lin Sha is only a little bit of momentum, and she will just break through the heavenly realm, and she has no way to master the skilled Tianhu Baoxiang lady easily to suppress it, so that she understands the huge strength gap between the two sides.

After Mrs. Tianhu Baoxiang showed a soft attitude, he then said in a deep voice: "Your pair of daughters have great luck, so don't delay their great future!"

Mrs. Tianhu Baoxiang looked out of the palace with her face so cute that she still had a messy mind, and she had no idea what happened.

However, she understood that Bliss real person Li Jingxu was still unhappy with her. The emperor's strength and horror that she saw just now suppressed her breathlessly, which was not something she could fight.

Human dynasty, when did such a powerful emperor emerge?

And when she was far away from the palace, the dish felt loose, as if the burden on her shoulders was under her control.

His heart was horrified, and he looked back at the magnificent palace of the red walls and high watts of gold. His face was suddenly stiff, and his heart was full of fear, just indifferent eyes to the Golden Dragon of the National Games above the palace.

At this moment, she had a feeling of stiffness, and the blood and blood in her body stopped flowing.

He turned his head hurriedly, and the feeling of being uncomfortable all over his body seemed to be suddenly suppressed by a powerful creature. Obviously, the strength of the National Games Golden Dragon was not simple!

I had a lot of thoughts in my heart, and followed the palace people to the Royal Academy. After reminding, I fully recovered. When I saw a pair of daughters, I couldn't care about anything at all. The mother and daughter cried with headaches. The scene was so touching that I couldn't help it. Tears followed.

At this point, Mrs. Tianhu Baoxiang lived at the Royal Academy and accompanied her daughter to live a quiet and peaceful life.

I don't know what happened. With Mrs. Tianhu Baoxiang staying by her side, Qin's sisters seemed to put down a big rock in their hearts. The two sisters who had no worries about the study of the rune's way.

Half a year has passed since the last break of the Intermediate Runes. The Qin Clan broke through to the ranks of Advanced Runes within one day!

The sisters were promoted one after another, and although there was no huge movement, the rising breath still attracted the attention of Emperor Lin Sha.

What a terrific rate of promotion!

Lin Sha suddenly realized at this moment that the sisters of the pro-family were indeed the bells and whistles of the luck of the Rune Way, otherwise the progress of cultivation would not be so fast.

The study of the Rune Way is not comparable to orthodox practice.

Lin Sha doesn't think that the sisters Qin are the top geniuses that haven't been encountered for thousands of years, otherwise Emei wouldn't be able to hold'Three Heroes and Two Clouds' so high!

The Qin sisters are really lucky. This is a good time for the influence of the Rune Way to expand. The Rune Way has gradually become one of the mainstreams in the humane sequence. The rise of luck has brought great benefits to the practitioners of the Rune Way.

Obviously, the two sisters of the Qin family are the lucky ones, and they are favored by the rune way. As long as the rune way does not fall, they will only get higher and higher, and even become the rune way. The spokesperson for is also unknown.

Further to the magician equivalent to Dixian, for the Qin clan sisters, there is almost no problem.

The Great Rune Master, which is equivalent to the Celestial Realm, is not out of reach for the sisters of the Qin Family. At least the two sisters are full of confidence at this time, and they want to go further in the rune way.

"Your two sisters should be low-key, and don't just disclose the repairs on the rune way to avoid unnecessary trouble and loss!"

Lin Sha already had great confidence that the Qin sisters broke through the restrictions one after another and achieved the unprecedented rune state. Naturally, they did not want the two sisters to fall in the middle of the accident.

There are so many geniuses in this world, but there are few sincerity in the end that can make great achievements. Isn't it because of the fall in the process of growing up? Lin Sha doesn't want this kind of thing to happen to the Qin's sisters.

Hearing the news of the two sisters' breakthrough, he went to the Royal Academy for the first time, and encouraged the happy sisters to make a connection, and at the same time, he did not forget to give a warning.

But obviously, the sister Qin who was in a state of excitement and excitement did not listen to his words. Lin Sha didn't take it seriously. He did everything he should do. If the Qin sisters still had an accident in the end, it's no wonder he did anything.

Despite knowing that the sisters of the Qin family are very likely to be the children of the runes of the Rune, Lin Sha did not cancel the learning opportunity of the little girl of Lianhong Yao, nor did she tell her that this was a small blow, so she continued to study hard at the Royal Academy , Maybe there will be unexpected gains.

With the increasing influence of the Rune Way, the luck it contains is also rising rapidly. Even if the Qin sisters are the children of the luck, the rest of the Rune Way practitioners also have excellent opportunities for improvement, as long as they can grasp Sure, the future is not necessarily worse than the Qin sisters.

Although luck is important, it is more important to have a tenacious fighting heart.

Regardless of its own luck, Tiandao has left a line of vitality for someone, as long as he can grasp it well, his achievements will not be worse.

Lin Sha should leave the Black Qin Sisters with a senior rune training manual, which contains information on how to consolidate their realm and how to improve it after they were promoted to advanced A series of things are recorded very clearly.

Just follow the instructions above, and once you accumulate enough, you will be able to break through the realm of high-level runes. It is another world when you reach the realm of runes.


Regardless of what happened in the capital city, the senior officials of Emei were shocked by the fact that Mrs. Tianhu Baoxiang was interrupted by the bliss of real people, and they were immediately depressed and helpless.

Because of this kind of thing, you can't find the trouble of finding the real person of Bliss.

The relationship between Mrs. Tianhu Baoxiang and the real person of Bliss is much stronger than the relationship between her and Emei. People who shot halfway through Emei's senior management have nothing to say.

The key point is that Bliss live people don't know what means and treasures they used, and they easily took the Jiaqiang version of the Four Nine Heavens Tribulation easily. How can it sound like such a result.

It's a pity that this is the fact. Even if the senior executives of Emei are reluctant in their hearts, they can only recognize it by holding their noses.

However, it is clear that after this incident, the attitude of the extremely real person Li Jingxu is already clear. Although there is no direct action against Emei, there will be disputes in the future, and they are already aware of this.

At this time, they also knew that Bliss lived away from their home nest Lion Ridge, and ran to settle in Beijing.

And Mrs. Tianhu Baoxiang, who has become a strong immortal, also temporarily lives in Beijing.

In such a situation, calling Emei up and down felt very unbelievable. Even if the capital suddenly settled in the two Tianxian strongmen, it felt very wrong.

Could it be said that there is an existence in Beijing that makes Bliss live and Mrs. Tianhu Baoxiang valued, or what treasures are about to be born?

Up to now, they still don't know where the bliss of the Bliss and the real people form an alliance. As for the court, they are automatically ruled out by them. Even if the court has repeatedly performed prominently recently, they can't get into their eyes...

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