Martial Arts World

Chapter 2661: 1 The situation

At the same time, Sanxian Island in the East China Sea.

In addition to the necessary left-behind staff, the rest of the core executives of Yigan Emei basically came to Sanxian Island in the East China Sea. They wanted to discuss the recent changes in the practice circle with the real person Zhang Jiao.

"Teacher, we must respond quickly, otherwise developments may become more and more unfavorable!"

"It is precisely that we have to send manpower to closely monitor the remaining evil masters. It is best to find out the specific origin of that mysterious force!"

"This group of guys is really abominable. Our plan has been ruined by them a lot. We must take measures as soon as possible to solve the trouble, otherwise the junior sparring target will be gone!"


Miao Yi lively listened to the controversy of the crowd, and then suddenly pondered for a moment, "Is this mysterious force really not showing any flaws?"

Seeing the people shaking their heads, he chuckled lightly, "How many forces in the practice world can have such capability?"

When other senior officials heard it, they didn't show the slightest joy, and Mrs. Gou Lan, the wife of Miaoyi, said with a bitter smile: "These, we have already thought of it, even ruled it out!"

Seeing her husband looking over with doubt, she went on to say: "This mysterious force has killed several masters of evil and evil, in spite of their strongest strength, but it is only in the early stages of adulthood, but it is distributed in the north and south of the river. It’s really not easy to kill people without killing them!”

"How to say, don't even know how these evil monks died?"

Miao Yizheng has been refining his sword in Sanxian Island in the East China Sea in preparation for the opening of Emei's government. It is inevitable to lag behind the information of the outside world. Of course, this is also related to the core senior level of Emei at present. It is not too much trouble for him.

Regarding the mysterious forces that suddenly appeared in the spiritual world, and what they did, Miao Yi was not so angry. When viewed as a bystander, it is easy to see certain problems.

The practitioners say that nature is very big, and that it is quite small.

The monks in the land of the Central Plains are just a part of the real spiritual world, mainly because of the strength of the cultivators of the Central Plains, which has great voice and power in the spiritual world.

There are a large number of overseas monks. There are also many strong monks in overseas monks. For example, there are many powerful people at the door, and their foundations are abroad.

If we say that the power of Emei, it is impossible to know all the masters above Jindan in the practice circle. It is even impossible to put this standard in the fairyland of crossing the robbery.

But the practice world is intertwined, no matter what happens, basically as long as the monks related to it will quickly know, and then quickly spread out according to the relationship network.

Emei naturally has a unique way of collecting information. Even if there is a monk battle in the polar regions, Emei will receive wind noises soon.

But this time the mysterious forces suddenly appeared, and the continuous killing of the evil Taoist monks has not left any traces, but this is very abnormal.

The so-called people go by the names of geese and the voices, even if the monk's methods are strange, the traces that should be left will appear clearly, but the fact is the opposite.

Needless to say, there are definitely a lot of people in this mysterious force, and the division of labor is clear and extremely executive. Otherwise, the traces will not be wiped out so cleanly, even if Emei wants to achieve this level, it is not a simple sentence. It can be said clearly.

"Unclear, the traces are too clean, and even the mana aftermath is cleaned up!"

Gou Lan shook her head and smiled bitterly because she didn't have so many thoughts: "When other monks hear the news, the target evil Xiu has been wiped out and nothing is left!"

"Then the forces behind them did not respond at all?"

Miao Yi's real brow frowned, feeling that something seemed wrong, and said directly; "Although I can't look down on the gang of evil repair men, I have to admit that some of their means are still quite weird and practical!"

Some words he didn't say, every school and power, the disciples of the disciples will store a little natural aura in the natal spirit card, and they will be able to detect it as soon as something goes wrong.

The Xuanmen School of Righteousness is okay. It really only needs a little aura of the disciples' disciples, but it is only used as an early warning method, and it does not move on the cards of the natal spirit.

But as far as he knew, those demons and factions were not so gentle. Every disciple of the disciples would be forced to divide part of the soul into the natal spirit card, and the psychic spirit card was passive again, preventing the disciples from rebelling. The means used are absolutely cruel.

Miao Yi real people do not believe that the dead elders of the evil cultivators will receive no news first!

Yue Qinbin didn't say anything about it, but there were only a lone family, but Yefei had seven hands, but he fled to the bone-bearing prince of Lushan God's Devil Cave. Didn't the bone-bearing prince get the news that Longfei was killed?

It is simply impossible!

Although the Bone God is just an old-style robbery of immortals, it is still quite good to use supernatural powers, and there is a mark of the soul left by Longfei. If you want to find the place where Longfei was killed, don't be too simple.

But the fact is, I heard that the bone-bearing prince has been staying in the devil's hole and never went anywhere.

This is very interesting. Either the famous evil master knew that the situation was not good, so he dared not take it easy. Either Qishou Yasha had no weight in his heart, and it would not be a pity to die if he died.

Not only the white bone god, but the other evil monks killed by the mysterious forces, their elders did not respond, as if there were no such people under the door.

Miao Yi, the real person, as Emei Zhangjiao, immediately understood the ideas of these evil masters. Obviously, they felt threatened, so there was no movement.

But looking at the whole practice world, which forces would make these evil masters who have always been vicious and vicious, afraid, really has no clue.

Miao Yi real people have been entangled with these evil masters for many years, but they fully understand their nature.

Lawlessness, unscrupulous, harmless and self-interesting things are done, even if Emei is known as the world's largest faction, and they are not put in their eyes. It is not polite to target.

The practice world is not without them to make them feel daunted, but these top-notch generals generally don't shoot easily, and they don't just come forward to deter evil monks.

The so-called move of the whole body, the actions of these top monks are all related to the stability of the entire spiritual world. Even those evil spirits with bad mentality, generally will not be easily dispatched when they are okay.

Not to mention, in order to deal with a bunch of evil Dao juniors, they will surrender and surrender to threaten their teachers and elders. Such behavior is really silly and taboo.

The gang of men of evil Dao who have been threatened, even if they dare to be angry and dare not speak, do they dare not spread related rumors?

But in fact there is nothing, such a situation is quite strange.

"No, the evil masters were very honest recently. Either they closed the cave house or ran with the monks of the same realm, and they didn't know what they were afraid of?"

Gou Lan shook his head with a sneer; "I thought they were not afraid of the sky, but there were times when they were afraid!"

The rest of the Emei seniors couldn't help but laugh out loudly.

For them, although this time the situation is not beneficial to the school, they may see a master of evil Dao suffocating, the heart is still quite comfortable.

There was also a smile on Miaoyi’s face. After the teachers and brothers laughed, Feng then turned and asked: “Do you have any specific guess goals?”

The elders of Emei shook their heads together, they really had no idea.

Ordinarily, that mysterious force only targets evil Dao monks. Obviously, it is impossible to be the same as the evil Dao, and it is unlikely to be the evil Dao or the side.

If you want to seek revenge, you will at most target two or three people. Like the mysterious force at the moment, as long as there are devious repairs on the body, all of them are their targets. That is really awesome.

Even Emei had to wait for the junior disciples to settle slowly after the opening of the government. At that time, Emei's allies slammed the practitioners, and the gang of evil monks who had been wronged suffered a loss, and they did not dare to join many monks to seek provocation. .

It’s not evil way, it’s not devil’s way, it’s not a sidetrack, then it’s only the hands of the right way.

Ke Emei is the first force of the right way ~ ~ is more or less connected with other right way practices.

If any Zhengdao school secretly targets the evil Dao monks, it is impossible for Emei to hear nothing, and dare to provoke the entire evil Dao, even Emei has to be cautious and cautious. The other Zhengdao schools and forces really have no such thing. ability.

"Will it be called Hua Linghun?"

At that moment, Li Xianhua, the temple immortal, said suddenly: "This hungry man has a strange temper. Since he has occupied Qingluoyu, he has some ambitions. Will he want to use the life of a monk of evil Dao to replace the new one? Qingluoyu is famous?"

Elder Emei heard the words and thought that there is such a possibility, and that the strength of Hua Linghun is also strong enough to fear most of the evil masters.

"not him!"

Gou Lan refused because he shook his head directly, explaining: "Yu Tan Shen Ni's dojo is near Qingluoyu. I haven't heard anything happening there. It's definitely not a blame for Hua Linghun!"

After waiting for Elder Emei to open her mouth, she continued; "Anyway, if it were really blamed for what Hua Linghun did, he would not cover up mystery. If the outsiders do not know what he did, what is the name?"

When the elders heard it, it turned out to be so, but they felt quite depressed. It turned out that Hua Linghun was the most likely candidate. Now that he has left it out, who else is the most suspected?

"You said, is this what the mortal court did?"

At this time, I don't know who suddenly said something, and immediately attracted the disdainful rebuttal of the elders.


Xuan Zhenzi was the first to disagree and shook his head; "How can the human dynasty have the power to intervene in the practice world, not to mention this is a major event that offends the entire evil Dao..."

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