Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2415: Slap face with action

Cen Hai, Wei Wenfeng, and Yu Yanbin directly petrified. They begged their grandfather to tell their grandmother for their loyalty to get Lin Haochu’s promise. They brought a mid-level supernatural power to them from the sixth floor. They just showed off in front of Han Yu, and they turned out to be tourmaline Fairy, take the initiative to help Han Yu.

This gap, this face hit.

Cen Hai, Wei Wenfeng, and Yu Yanbin wanted to find a place to drill down.

They naturally did not dare to blame the tourmaline fairy, all guilt and resentment were blessed to Han Yu.

Looking at Han Yu in the distance, Peng Xinghan couldn't help but show envy and jealousy on his face.

He is proud and doesn't take the initiative to ask others, but if people take the initiative to help him, he will be grateful, especially the beauties like the tourmaline fairy. Unfortunately, he is not Han Yu, he can only be jealous.

Han Yu said lightly: "No need."

A very plain answer, a very soft voice, but it seemed like a thunderbolt in the clear sky, making everyone dumbfounded, causing the needle to fall silently on the fifth floor.

Not to mention Cen Hai, Wei Wenfeng, etc., even Lin Haochu's eyes widened, looking at Han Yu incredulously, thinking that he had heard it wrong.

Fairy Tourmaline was also taken aback, and then a little at a loss.

Who is she, the arrogant girl of heaven, the peerless fairy of the stars holding the moon. Most people are not qualified to talk to her, but the person in front of her, she is so kind, that she refuses?

Even with the calm and light personality of the tourmaline fairy, there was a flurry of restlessness in his heart at this time.

Counting this time, it was at least the fourth time that Han Yu dismissed her concern and disapproved.

The proud and noble tourmaline fairy felt a bit congested for a while. Han Yu ignored her again and again, which greatly hurt her self-esteem.

As for Cen Hai, Wei Wenfeng, Yu Yanbin, etc., their dignity was knocked to the ground at this moment and was trampled to pieces.

The opportunity they have so painstakingly asked for will make them brave.

And Han Yu, the opportunity presented to him, and also an opportunity presented by a peerless beauty, directly ignored.

It seems that this kind of god-given opportunity is like **** in Han Yu's eyes.

Cen Hai, Wei Wenfeng, Yu Yanbin and others gave up their self-esteem and asked for it is the **** in Han Yu's eyes!

The three of them felt an urge to vomit blood for a while.

Han Yu's light-hearted counterattack, don't just slap them hard and make them feel ashamed. Even if their cheeks are so thick.

Fairy Tourmaline's jade fist could not help but squeezed quietly, her delicate body trembled slightly, but there was still a touch of calmness on her face, and said: "It seems that I am self-satisfied. Since Brother Xiao doesn't need it, then count it. Up."

Fairy Tourmaline turned around and left quietly.

Lianbu moved lightly, the beauty to the extreme. But Fairy Tourmaline's body was a little hot, as if his whole body was burning.

Two voices were arguing in their hearts.

"Xiao Ping, you are a general generation from a savage land, what is so proud of, this fairy will help you, that is worthy of you, huh..."

"But although this person is arrogant, he is different from the others. I want to see if you deliberately pretend to be deep, or if there is a problem with that..."

Fairy Tourmaline walked up the stairs with a mood of ups and downs and up to the sixth floor.

It was not until he disappeared that everyone turned their attention to Han Yu. Han Yu had already begun to crack the seal, as if there was nothing in this world that made him interested.


Lin Haochu took a complicated look at Han Yu, snorted repeatedly, and walked away. Cen Hai, Wei Wenfeng, and Yu Yanbin hurriedly trot to follow, and sent Lin Haochu to the top of the stairs, and respectfully saw Lin Haochu upstairs. Only then did the three of them straighten their waists and resume their former self-absorbed appearance. , Glanced proudly at Peng Xinghan who was sitting cross-legged, and then swaggered

Came to Han Yu.

"Huh, Xiao, don't pretend to be tall in front of us." Walking behind Han Yu, the three of them all looked at Han Yu with bitter expressions.

"In order to pretend to be high-minded, it is really an idiot to lose an intermediate-level supernatural power suitable for my cultivation." Cen Hai sarcastically said.

Han Yu turned his head, looked at the three coldly, and said, "Do you think Lin Haochu can really bring you the magical powers you want?"

Yu Yanbin said: "There are many intermediate-level supernatural powers in the sixth floor. Brother Lin will definitely be able to bring us the magical powers we want." Han Yu looked at the idiot-like expression and said: "The sixth floor Many intermediate-level extreme magical powers are true, but each intermediate-level extreme magical power has a powerful sealing power. With Lin Haochu's strength, it is already amazing to be able to break the seal of two magical powers within the time limit. Thought only

Will Lin Haochu help you with the opportunity of two magical powers? Even if he helps you, who will help first? "

The expressions of the three of them suddenly became difficult to look.

"Hmph, don't say that you can't eat grapes and say grapes are sour!" Yu Yanbin said, but when he said this, it was inevitable that he had no confidence.

Doesn't it mean that Han Yu didn't eat grapes, but didn't want to eat them, and they probably didn't have the chance to eat grapes. Because what Han Yu said is true. In less than three days, even if there are countless magical secrets on the sixth floor, what Lin Haochu can get is limited.

The mood of the three of them suddenly became nervous, and even Pang Xue's expression became rather ugly.

Peng Xinghan is in the best mood now, and he laughs directly: "Three idiots, I'm afraid they want to draw a bamboo basket for nothing! Haha..."

It took Han Yu three hours to break the seal of the Great Brahma's hand and obtain this low-level extreme magical power.

The cheats of the Great Brahma Hand can be placed on the fifth floor, which shows its preciousness. Among the low-level extreme magical powers, it can be regarded as the top of the pyramid, and its power is second only to the intermediate extreme magical powers.

Then Han Yu walked directly to the stairs leading to the sixth floor.

"What is he going to do? Does he want to go to the sixth floor, too?"

"Isn't he going to take pictures of myself without peeing?"

"Hey, wait for a good show, Xiao Xiao must end up with Peng Xinghan!"

The five people on the fifth floor looked at Han Yu with all kinds of eyes, none of them were optimistic about Han Yu. Even Peng Xinghan expects Han Yu to be overwhelmed and roll down the stairs.

The pressure of going up to the sixth floor is definitely ten times the pressure of going up to the fifth floor. Generally, the masters of the early days of the gods have to waste some energy to walk up.

But who is Han Yu? Although the Heaven Swallowing Dao body has only the cultivation base of the Celestial Emperor, its strength is not weaker than the strength of the general deity in the early stage, and his physical strength is more than that of the Celestial God in the early stage. This little pressure is still But why can't Han Yu.

But Han Yu didn't want to be shocked, so he slowly walked up the stairs with a slow, seemingly difficult pace. So much so that Cen Hai, Wei Wenfeng, Yu Yanbin and others burst into laughter and gloat, waiting for Han Yu to roll down.

But the reality is like a palm, slapped them fiercely. Han Yu successfully walked up the stone ladder and reached the sixth floor.

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