Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2421: Fully sublimated

In the realm of the Emperor of Heaven (Heavenly God), there is a word of Heaven in it. That's because it is so high that it has almost transcended the suppression of heaven and earth. Once it reaches the realm of the Emperor of Heaven (Tian God), earth-shaking changes occur in all aspects.

The first nature is lifespan. A master Wudi (True God) has a life span of 10,000 years at most, but a master in the realm of Heavenly Emperor (Tian Shen) has a life span of 50,000 years.

The second cultivation base, reaching the realm of the emperor of heaven (the **** of heaven), the mana can reach the heaven and the earth, which can turn the world around.

The third physical body reaches the realm of the emperor of heaven (the **** of heaven), the physical body resonates with the heaven and the earth, the heaven and the earth are immortal, and the physical body is forever. Even if the primordial spirit dies, the body can autonomously absorb the spiritual energy and the power of the great avenue between the heaven and the earth, and over the years, it can spontaneously form a soul, die and resurrect. The fourth soul, reaching the realm of the emperor (celestial god), the soul is comparable to the physical body. You must know the realm of Emperor Wu (True God), although the soul is already very strong and can use his supernatural powers, but the defense of the soul is very weak. But when he reached the realm of the Heavenly Emperor (Heavenly God), the defense of the primordial spirit had undergone a qualitative change.

The comparison is not too much.

Fifth magic weapon, reaching the realm of the emperor (celestial god), the magic weapon of natal life is promoted to the emperor (celestial) soldier, not only the rank is promoted, the power is greatly increased, but the natal magic weapon can also breed gods.

All magic weapons have spirituality, the higher the level, the stronger the spirituality. But whether it is a sage soldier or an emperor soldier (true **** soldier), it is only a strong spirituality, not a life. But when you reach the rank of the emperor (celestial) soldier, the magic weapon can transform into a **** and become a real life.

The process from the low-level Celestial (Tianjin) soldiers to the top Celestial (Tianjin) soldiers is a process of turning into life, just like a child goes from being pregnant to slowly growing in the mother's body and finally being born.

Once promoted to the emperor's (divine) soldier, the magic weapon will truly become a life, and you can talk to the master about cultivating the Tao and calling you brothers and sisters.

From the low-level Celestial (Heavenly God) soldiers to the top Celestial Emperor (Heavenly God) soldiers is a process in which a born deity turns into life, and it is not a real life, but it can give it many abilities that life can master.

For example, use magical powers! Low-level emperor (celestial) soldiers can give it a kind of magical ability, and can use one kind of magical ability in battle; middle-level emperor (celestial) soldiers can give it two kinds of magical ability, and can use two kinds of magical ability in battle; High-level Celestial (Tianjin) soldiers, you can give it three types

The ability of supernatural powers can use three supernatural powers in battle; the top emperor (celestial god) soldiers can give it four supernatural powers, and can use four supernatural powers in battle.

Only the natal magic weapon has this ability, and it needs the master's urging to exert this special ability.

In other words, Han Yu can only endow the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Gourd with this ability, and the Daowen Golden Sword cannot possess this ability. Even if he obtains a Celestial (Tianjin) weapon, Han Yu can only exert the general power of that weapon, but cannot exert this special ability.

It is a cumbersome process to give the magic weapon the skills to perform supernatural powers.

First of all, one must reach the realm of the emperor (celestial god), and secondly, the level of the magic weapon must be the level of the emperor (celestial) soldier.

Now Han Yu has successfully broken through the realm of the early days of the Emperor of Heaven, and the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Gourd has spontaneously absorbed the spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth and the marks of the heavens and earth, tempered by himself, and has now been promoted to the level of the low-level Heavenly Emperor soldiers.

The second is to imprint the magic tactics of supernatural powers on the deity of the magic weapon of life.

Because the deities of the low-level Celestial Soldiers have just begun to conceive, the supernatural powers that are too powerful will dissipate if the deities cannot bear it. Once the deity dissipates, there is no possibility of rebirth, which means that this magic weapon of life is destroyed, and it can no longer be promoted. Once a master at the early stage of the Heavenly Emperor (Tianjin), once the magic weapon of his life is destroyed, it is even more difficult to sacrifice the magic weapon of his life than to ascend to the sky. So that some masters who have reached the realm of the emperor of heaven (the **** of heaven) do not have the magic weapon of their own lives, it is not that they did not find the right materials to refine them.

The magic weapon of one's own destiny, but the magic weapon was destroyed when it was given special abilities.

This has also caused many masters who have reached the realm of Heavenly Emperor (Tianjin), although they have mastered this special ability, they dare not try easily.

Huo Ling and Xiao Taiyi are typical. Although they have broken through the early days of the gods for hundreds of years, they have never dared to endow the magic weapon with that special ability.

If Xiao Taiyi's magic weapon had the ability to perform magical powers, it would not be easy for Han Yu and Huo Ling to kill him.



Han Yu quickly formed seals with both hands, and stamped one by one on the Heaven-swallowing Demon Gourd, each one of them drew the marks of the Heaven and Earth Dao, attracting massive amounts of heaven and earth auras, and injected them into the Heaven-swallowing Demon Gourd.

Under Han Yu's whole-hearted sacrifice, the Heaven Swallowing Demon Gourd turned into a perfect low-level Heavenly Emperor soldier.

Han Yu looked inside the Sky Swallowing Demon Gourd and found that a milky white air mass formed in the Sky Swallowing Demon Gourd, slowly creeping, with a breath of life.

This white air mass is exactly the deity formed by the Heaven Swallowing Devil Gourd. "The Heaven-Swallowing Devil Gourd is made by the fusion of the divine material Zixiao Divine Sand and the Heaven-swallowing Devil Ball (the ball in the black hole), and absorbs the power of countless sky thunder. It can be compared with an extraordinary magic weapon. Although its deity It’s just formed, but it’s definitely not weak.” Han Yu said confidently, to the Heaven Swallowing Demon Gourd

, He has strong self-confidence.

If the Heaven Swallowing Devil Gourd can't give special abilities to display supernatural powers, there is probably no low-level Celestial (Heaven) soldiers that can give supernatural powers.

Han Yu secretly thought about what supernatural powers should be given to the Heaven Swallowing Devil Gourd.

This is very important. General supernatural powers are not very helpful to Han Yu. For super powerful supernatural powers, Han Yu also has to consider the endurance of the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Gourd God, otherwise, the Heavenly Zhentian Monument is definitely the best choice.

After carefully selecting the magical powers he has mastered, Han Yu chose the first thunder and lightning sword of Zhenwu Yulei Jue. The reason for choosing it is that the second type of Zhenwu Yulei Jue is very suitable for the temperament of the devil gourd. , But the power of Thunder Dragon Swallowing Sky is too strong, and it is not right now.

With the choice, Han Yu's goal became clear. Put away the Heaven-swallowing Devil Gourd, and began to practice the first type of Thunder and Lightning Sword Art of Zhen Wu Yu Lei Jue. This is the mid-level extreme supernatural power that Han Yu has just obtained in East Pole Star. Han Yu has not had time to practice.

The essence of the Thunder and Lightning Sword Art is to attract the power of the Nine Heavens Thunder for your own use, transform the sword to attack and kill. The Heaven-Swallowing Dao Origin Qi in Han Yu's body can be transformed into the power of Heavenly Thunder at will, and it can be described as handy to cultivate the Thunder and Lightning Sword Art.

It took only three days for Han Yu to cultivate the Thunder and Lightning Sword Art, and display it to have a terrifying aura that opens up the world and cuts everything out. If this is to let the masters of Dongjixing know, I am afraid that he will have to drop his chin. There are many strong gods on the East Pole Star who have practiced the Thunder and Lightning Sword Art, but there are only a handful of them who have achieved great results, and the fastest of them has taken three years. Compared with Han Yu, it is simply not the same.

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