Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2576: Can't be a follower

"This person's aptitude, even if it is compared with the enchanting evildoers in the inner door, I am afraid it will not be too much!" Du Yuanju was frightened.

"In just a few days, his strength has improved again!" Chen Hanyu exclaimed.

Before he and Han Yu fought for a short time, although Han Yu's combat effectiveness was abnormal, he was still inferior to him. But now Han Yu's ability is already comparable to his.

It's nothing more than a perverted combat power. The growth rate is so fast that it won't make people afraid!


The four elders all had gloomy faces, and didn't say much, only shouting and killing.

Today, only with hand-cut Han Yu, they have the face to face the disciple of Wan Jianzong, the teacher of Wan Jianzong.

Han Yu also shouted, kill!

Stepping on the void, like a tiger coming out of its cage, running wildly.

While Han Yu was running wildly, a terrifying flame suddenly burst out from Han Yu's palm, rushing out of a great height. In Han Yu's hand, a scarlet sword appeared quietly, which was the high-level Celestial Soldier Scarlet Flame Sword. .

Han Yu clenched the handle of the knife with both hands, and the Heaven-Swallowing Devil Qi rushed out, and the rear wheel turned the Chiyan Divine Sword, turning the Chiyan Divine Sword into a windmill.

The blade breaks through the air, is invincible, and the flames are raging, burning the sky and the earth!

The magical powers displayed by the four elders were successively beheaded by Han Yu, without causing any threat to Han Yu.

"Senior **** soldier, be careful!" an elder reminded loudly.

The expressions of the four people became difficult to look.

Han Yu's combat power is no longer weaker than any of them, and now he still holds a high-level Celestial Soldier in his hand, how could he be able to fight.

During the tea time, an elder's clothes on his chest were torn by Han Yu. Had it not been for someone to force Han Yu back, the elder would have been slashed by Han Yu.

And this is not the most thrilling.

The most thrilling was the other person, whose left ear was cut off by Han Yu. Had it not been for the Chiyan Divine Sword that was punched at the last minute and deviated from the direction, that person's head would have been split by Han Yu.

"This alien race is so perverted that the old man is reluctant to kill him!" Du Yuanju sighed.

"Yes, such a genius is rare for thousands of years. If cultivated, it will inevitably surprise an era in the future. It is a pity that he is an enemy and cannot be retained!" Chen Hanyu said.

Du Yuanju nodded and looked at Chen Hanyu and Huo Siyan and said, "Two, the four of them won't last long. Who will take the foreign race's head back?"

Before Huo Siyan could speak, Chen Hanyu said: "Let me go. Elder Du and Elder Huo, just wait for our good news."

Before, Chen Hanyu was scared off by Han Yu, and he had always had a heart knot and wanted to kill Han Yu himself.

Huo Siyan is not a person who likes fame and fortune, and did not compete with Chen Hanyu.

"call out!"

As soon as Chen Hanyu moved, he turned into a stream of light and rushed out, the human and the sword merged and penetrated everything.

The four people who were besieging Han Yu saw this and hurriedly backed away.

Han Yu snorted coldly, urging Chi Yan's divine sword to slash down.


Knife and sword collided, sparks were flying everywhere.

Han Yu was pushed back tens of thousands of feet before stopping. Chen Hanyu ran out of power and took the sword back. He couldn't help but change color slightly. There was a gap in the tip of his sword, and there was a sudden pain.

"King's knife, cut!"

Han Yu raised the Chiyan Divine Sword and was about to launch a killer move. The two elders in the rear attacked, and Han Yu had to sweep the sword that was directed at Chen Hanyu behind him.


There was a loud noise, and the two men's sneak attack was slashed by Han Yu.

A big dogfight unfolded again.

Han Yu held the Chiyan Divine Knife, opened and closed, killing seven in and out.

The five members of Wan Jianzong cooperated tacitly, and with the addition of Chen Hanyu, their strength greatly increased. For a while, Han Yu was besieged and it was difficult to hurt him.

"That alien race has been suppressed. Although the high-level Celestial Soldier is strong, he will not be able to exert his strongest power after all!"

"Yes, and he mobilizes high-level Celestial soldiers, which consumes a lot of money, and it will consume him to death if he continues to consume them!"

"Not only will he die, his high-level Celestial Soldiers will also become our Ten Thousand Sword Sect."

The outer disciples became excited one by one, and didn't feel how shameful it was for five people to besiege one.

"Humble foreign race, against my **** race, you are doomed to die without a place to bury your body! But this time, you won't die for the time being, but I will let you die rather than live!" Chen Hanyu said viciously.

"Hmph, before suppressing me, I was thinking about how to torture me, I can only say, you think too far!" Han Yu sneered again and again. The body spun around, and the Red Flame Divine Sword swept wildly, forcing the five mid-level powerhouses to retreat.

In the guarding mountain formation, everyone looked like chicken blood, admiring Han Yu for almost reaching the point of five-body throwing. "The boss holding the Chiyan Divine Knife can compete with the five Outer Sect elders. If you use the colorful **** gold sword, it is not as good as Tugou. The boss knew that Chiyan Divine Knife was enough, so Didn’t bring the golden sword of the colorful **** with him.” Marton said confidently, as if

It's like a roundworm in Han Yu's belly, Han Yu can guess everything.

He held his hands, held his head high, and was proud to be Han Yu's follower.

"Brother Ma, I really envy you for being able to follow such an awesome boss like Big Brother Xiao." Hu Qiang looked at Ma Dun, envious and hated.

"Hey..." Marton smiled faintly, even more invincible.

"If I can follow Big Brother Xiao like you, Brother Ma, and saddle up for Big Brother Xiao, I will live 5,000 years less." Hu Qiang said with a look of longing.

Marton looked at Hu Qiang carefully and couldn't help but shook his head, saying: "Your qualifications are too bad, you are not worthy to be the boss's follower."

When Marton said this, he was not ashamed at all. Had it not been for Han Yu, he would have burnt incense in the early stage of Tianshen cultivation in his life, and looked down upon Hu Qiang.

However, in what realm people say what, Marton is now Han Yu's follower, and the realm of life has naturally increased a lot.

"Brother Ma, my dear brother, why don't you help me say something nice in front of Brother Xiao and let him accept me. I don't expect to be reused by Brother Xiao like Brother Ma, just let me follow Brother Xiao , Bringing tea and water to Brother Xiao, I am dead without regret." Hu Qiang said.

Marton showed a look of embarrassment and said: "Strong brother, it's not that Marco doesn't help you. You are really too weak. If you become the boss's follower, wouldn't it reduce the overall level of our follower?"

Hu Qiang was ashamed of himself.

The tourmaline fairy on the side couldn't help but shook his head. She was quite clear about Marton's details. But the tourmaline fairy is not a talkative, nosy person. Hu Qiang thought for a while, and suddenly seemed to have made a huge determination, and said: "Brother Ma, I know that I am not worthy to be the younger brother of Brother Xiao. You can accept me as a younger brother. I am content to be a follower of Brother Xiao Up!"

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