Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 323: Icelandic secret

After seeing the expression of He Yiming, the two strong men looked at each other and they already knew the relationship between Yuan Lixun and He Yiming, but they did not pay attention to it before. After all, for those of them who stand at the top of the pyramid, even if they are the five sages, as long as there is no advance to the peak of humanity, they will not be truly focused on. .

But at the moment, not only is Yuan Lixun's position extremely important, but more importantly, He Yiming actually has the strength to be with them, even higher, so their work on these two people is extremely heart-felt. It is.

Taking a deep breath, He Yiming suppressed the fluctuations in his heart. He pointed to the two olives. - "My brother, brother, Hemou has something to ask, please also The two can tell the truth."

The two nine-day strong men also looked awkward at the same time, said "He brother, please."

They heard the sincerity contained in He Yiming’s sentence and the faint savage


Although this attitude made their hearts inevitably a little too bad, they both suppressed the insignificant dissatisfaction.

"He wants to know how you helped her to attack the five-powered people." He Yiming

The face is extremely dignified, even more serious than when I first learned from 敖49.

Zi Yan breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. He smiled and said: "This matter is not complicated. If you are able to collect the power of the Five Elements, please ask the unicorns of the Totem family to help each other. Then you two Together, you should be able to do this."

He Yiming’s heart was moved and respectfully said: “Please ask your brother to give pointers.”

Zi Yan reached out and picked up the tea pot, gently sipped a bite, only felt full of fragrance. "I couldn't help but feel good."

"The man has an extremely cold constitution, and the power of the extremely cold ice is not among the five elements.

But it is born out of the five elements.

If she can find one and prepare for her an ice-cold squadron, it is possible for her to succeed directly. When Zizi said it, his voice was serious: "But you want to have a congenital direction of the water system, and it is not easy to lighten the soldiers."

He Yiming’s face twitched slightly, and this is not nonsense. Don't say that a three-flowered innateness is not easy, even if it is a normal sage who has lived for hundreds of years, it is not easy to produce ideas.

Zi Yan didn't know He Yiming's belly, and he continued to work. "If you want to let this person have the possibility of directly vibrating the soldiers, you must gather the power of the five elements in the place where she practiced, and create a special with five elements of power. The temporary five elements of the world. In this world, it is necessary to form a five-line reincarnation based on the water system. Only in this environment, the talents may complete the Q mark of the Guanghua Shenbing with the cold body. ""

He Yiming took a breath of air and said: "My brother, have you five people been maintaining this special five-line world?"

Zi Yan slightly nodded, said "Yes, we have lived in the ice palace for more than a year, all the time is not afraid, for fear of negligence, and even for the past. Fortunately, the big guys work together, and that person is also eager It has been successful in just one year of use, otherwise we may not really be able to adhere to it for three years."

He Yiming's gaze swept across the faces of the two, and his eyes were faintly admired.

In the Ice Palace, I have maintained a five-line world for more than a year, this patience. Perseverance and martial arts cultivation are really powerful, even He Yiming himself can not say that he can completely sink his heart, and in the more than one year, the perfect cooperation with the other four, always stable The five elements of the world.

Zibo Rui's eyebrows gently lifted up, and it seems that he also thought of the hard days of that year, so he felt a little emotional.

"We are a few old people who do not die to maintain the five elements of the world, although the hardships, but the power of the five elements is complementary, after all, so we can barely support three years with the meager five elements of our body. But The Lord's Lord is much bitter."

Zi Yan’s face immediately showed a smile like a smile. He said, “This time the unicorn lord was invited, not only to maintain our safety, but also at the last moment of the success of the person’s success. Helping it. This step is the real key. Fortunately, the old guy did not let us down, otherwise it will lose this opportunity. In a short time, the man will no longer have the possibility of advanced five-powered people. ""

He Yiming was curious in his heart and said, "My brother, what do you need to do?"

"He wants to use the power of human beings and animals to bring out the idea of ​​that person, only have their own

In order to be able to smoothly light the soldiers. "Zi Zi said seriously.

He Yiming thought for a moment, remembered his communication process with the white horse thunder and lightning, and finally realized something in his heart.

The unicorn sacred beast must have a certain magical and powerful power, and it has a certain chance to lead the human mind.

In fact, this situation is not uncommon among the entire totem family. After reaching the totems of the saints, once their accompanying sacred animals advance, they will also have the power of ideas.

The most typical example of this is the great elephant who once fought with He Yiming.

He is because of the accidental advancement of the spirit, so it is only L to produce the ability of ideas.

However, it is possible to let the human beings other than the companion partners also generate the power of thought, and the special ability of the dispelling holy beast is indeed a small feat.

After a few calculations, a total of six human peaks and a top sacred beast have been around Yuan Lixun for more than a year. These treatments are absolutely unique in the world after the disappearance of Shinto. No one can enjoy it.

However, He Yiming quickly calmed down his mind and asked him the question he was most concerned about: "My brother, I don't know if she will leave some hidden dangers in the body after she has lighted the soldiers."

Ziwu waved his hand without hesitation, saying: "This is absolutely impossible." He was somewhat unhappy: "We made her at all costs, just to let her strength reach the real five-powered i1 It’s not that you want to kill chickens and take eggs.

He Yiming was a little relieved, but he knows better that in this world JL, there is no love for no reason.

Yuan Lixun himself has absolutely no such great power to let these six human peaks and a top holy beast spare no effort to help each other. Since they do this, it is naturally for the legendary millennium.

"My brother, Hemou still wants to know, you let her promote to the five sages, and the purpose of the first imitation artifact ice mirror of the Beihai Ice Palace." He Yiming said: "With her strength Even if you reach the realm of the five sages, but compared to the peaks of your humanity, it is still a far cry, it should not be of any great use."

Zixiao smiled and said: "He brother, you have not been promoted to the peak of humanity, so some things are not known." He thought for a moment, said: "In fact, Icelandic legends existed long before the disappearance of Shinto. It’s alive, and this legend is still coming from the letters left by those who are in Shinto.”

He Yiming’s heart sighed and sincerely said: “Please enlighten your brother.”

Zixiao nodded slightly and said: "Five thousand years ago, for some reason, all the Shinto people in the world gathered in the northern Xinjiang. Before they left, they left a letter and left a last word. If you don’t return in a hundred years, you can open the letter. As a result, they are really gone."

Having said that, this powerful nine heavens couldn't help but sigh for a long time.

He Yiming’s heart beat a few times, and he only knows the story. The original Shinto masters did not disappear for no reason, but they had a foreboding and made corresponding preparations.

However, Ren He Yiming wanted to break his scalp, and he couldn’t think of anything worthy of the gathering of these powerful people, and even so many Shinto people did not have the control to return, but to leave a suicide note in advance.

"After a hundred years, our major sects opened these suicides. As a result, they all mentioned Iceland in northern Xinjiang." Zi Yan said with a look: "After seeing the suicide note, the humanities of the major sects The peaks are all going to the northern Xinjiang and want to find this place. But it was not until twenty years later that this sudden North Xinjiang Iceland appeared. Everyone wants to enter Iceland, but unfortunately, in the end, No one can succeed. Just a year later, Iceland disappeared from the front of everyone."

He Yiming’s heart has a strange chill. If this is not the case of the strong man in front of him, he can’t believe it.

This kind of fantasy-like thing It seems that the difficulty of gaining the trust of others is not small.

Gently sighed, and Zibo Rui said: "He brothers, since then, the world's major sects have paid special attention to Iceland in northern Xinjiang, and have summed up a lot of experience in thousands of years." There is a hint of hope in the face, saying: "Iceland can be seen for a long time in the millennium. Every time it appears, it will cause a vision of heaven and earth. But most importantly, after thousands of attempts. After that, We finally found a possibility to enter Iceland.

He Yiming's eyes suddenly brightened, he immediately understood that this possibility and Yuan Li Xun's deep cold

Physique has the closest relationship.

"The reason why the predecessors could not enter Iceland is because there is an artifact guard outside Iceland. In the era when the Shinto disappeared, no one can break through this artifact." Road.

He Yiming’s eyebrows are light, and he forcibly presses the shock of his heart, saying: “What god?

What? ”

"Ice the first artifact" ice mirror. ”

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