Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 326: Loved ones

The smoke in the distance slowly rises, and the ears are caught in the distant children, and the shouts of helplessness in the anger of the adults.

Looking at the scene of a long-cherished wish in the distance, He Yiming’s face involuntarily revealed a gratifying smile. Hejiazhuang, he once again embarked on this land where he raised him.

Looking up at the sky, even with his eyesight, only two small, insignificant black spots can be seen. This is the hundred and eight and the Shinto coagulation.

Since the addition of the Shinto coagulation person, the layer of colorful light that converges on the body at the time of flight has become unremarkable.

The Shinto coagulation method has more than one type of flight. One is naturally the technique of flying the gods, and the other is exaggerated.

Shinto relic can control the power of the heavens and the earth around him, so that his body can fly freely without the help of the light of the gods. This is something that can only be done with a real realm of Shinto.

With this living example, He Yiming also had a strong confidence in the Shinto legend, because this at least proves that there is no exaggeration in these ancient powers recorded in the ancient books. He lowered his head and gently patted the horseback. The white horse thunder immediately smashed out like a fly. With the degree of lightning, it was almost a moment before it came to the tower of Hejiazhuang.

What surprised He Yiming was that the gates of Hejiazhuang’s towers are now the same as the entrances of those cities, and the more armed soldiers are guarding them, the more formal they are.

Such a specification should definitely not be owned by a small family. If He Jiazhuang did this before He Yiming became famous, it would definitely attract the blame of the Tianluo, and even lead to the disaster. But at this moment, no one dared to take this martyrdom. The entire Hejiazhuang is full of vitality.

The white horse thunder raised his forefoot high, and he stepped on the ground. Like a gong and drum, the people who were nearby guards and in and out were all scared. Today's gate guards are all thousands of people, one by one.

Although they did not see the face of He Yiming, but the momentum of this white horse is enough to make them afraid to ignore it.

However, there are still a few people who know He Yiming. Once they see the people immediately, they immediately cheered and fell down on the spot and shouted: "Welcome the six masters back to the government." In Hejiazhuang, Can be called the six masters, only one - one person. For a time, everyone inside and outside the city gate was screaming at the same time, and took the initiative to open the central avenue.

He Yiming's eyes swept asleep on these people's faces, but unfortunately, no one was a familiar face. Gently clipped the horse's belly, the white horse thunder and proudly walked in from the separate crowd.

Looking at the area is much more than a hundred times larger than before, and it has almost become a small city to feed Hejiazhuang, and his heart has mixed feelings.

Nowadays, the population of Zhuangzi Shangge is at least a hundred times more than in the past. It is not easy to find another old man in Zhuangzi. * of the city tower. The huge copper bell rang.

He Yiming knows that this is the rule among the high gates. Whenever a major event occurs and all the important figures in the door need to be gathered, they will ring something similar.

In the previous Hejiazhuang, there were not so many rules and routines, even if He Wude talked about sex, and wanted to call all the children and grandchildren to the front of the training, it was just a pass. But at this time, Gehejiazhuang is obviously different from the past...

There was a strange color in the eyes, because even He Yiming did not know whether this change was good or bad.

Today's Hejiazhuang has indeed turned upside down, and both reputation and strength have reached an unparalleled level.

However, in He Yiming's memory, he always felt that something was missing, and he faintly felt that this little thing is no longer possible to come back.

The voices in front of him, especially in the inner city, have sent a few voices that he is very familiar with. He Yiming’s face was filled with a happy smile, and the feelings in his mind were completely thrown away.

There is something wrong with it. Since today's Hejiazhuang is far more prosperous than before, then this is enough. If you want to be all-inclusive, even if it is a true Shinto person, it is impossible to do it.

White horse rushed to the ground with four hoofs, a look of imposing manner.

He Yiming was slightly stunned and immediately saw the Chuzhou State from the entrance of the inner city.

He couldn't help but cry in his heart. This white horse has been going on for several years, but every time he sees Chu Artemisia, it is this expression.

However, He Yiming knows that there is a friendship between Baima Thunder and Chu Artemisia for more than 40 years. Even if he blows his beard and blinks his eyes, he will never hurt him.

Chu Artemisia laughed. Dao: "He brother. Congratulations..." Listening to this joke of Xi Kai's laughter, He Yiming's heart was also happy. He jumped off the horse and said with a smile, Chu brother, what is it? ?

The Governor of Chu Artemisia sighed and said: "The younger brother of progress, even in just over a year, once again entered the peak of humanity, you..." He paused, thinking for a long time, and couldn’t think of how to describe it. It’s good. After all, the degree of cultivation like He Yiming is absolutely unique among the world. He Yiming said with amazement: "Brother, you know it?"

He didn't have a long time to advance into the peak of humanity. He didn't even think that even the northwestern land knew it.

When the eyes suddenly turned around, I suddenly saw a familiar figure. He immediately became stunned. It turned out that Deng Yichen returned to Hejiazhuang, so he would bring this news.

Chu Artemisia suddenly lowered the voice, God mysteriously said: "Brother, there is one thing, my brother does not know when asked improperly." He Yiming raised his eyebrows and said: "Brother only asked if he left. ”

The face of Chu Artemisia was immediately full of awe-inspiring color. He was very serious: "Brother, when are you going to promote Shinto? He Yiming: "...

In the inner city, He Xinxin and others came out one after another. He Yiming and his mother and other people saw the ceremony, but they did not see the father and the uncle. They only knew that they both took the big brother and the second brother to go to the county to purchase. The new year went. He Yiming’s heart was full of emotions, and he couldn’t think of a blink of an eye for another year. Since the martial arts practice and began to experience, the days of living in his home are few and far between.

However, it is precisely because of traveling outside, so he can reach this realm in this short period of years. The crowd surrounded He Yiming and entered the hall with him as the center.

The two elders of the first generation of the Hejia family naturally stayed in the Hengshan Mountains, while in Hejiazhuang, they were honored by Dabohe. It is only now that He Yiming has returned, even if it is the elder of He Xinxin, at this moment, the most central position should be given out.

Came to the hall, Lin Wenyu took his son's hand and said: "Yi Ming, this time back, how long are you going to stay?"

He Yiming went out, the most worried about his family, naturally his mother Lin Wenyu, but she is also a person who knows the general, know that today's Hejiazhuang has such a prosperous foundation, all derived from the reputation of He Yiming. . Even if it is Kui's entire family, she can't stop her son from going out.

Therefore, in her heart, she only hopes that her son can stay at home for a few more days, and she is satisfied.

He Yiming was sour in his heart and looked at his mother carefully. In recent years, Hejiazhuang has undergone earth-shaking changes. Lin Wenyu is the mother of He Yiming. The status in the home is naturally as high as water. Even in the case of Hejia male and female, her words also have a place, even if it is He Wu. After he was promoted to the innate realm, He’s father did not violate Lin Wenyu’s words. Therefore, Lin Wenquan is not thin and old, but much better than the previous spirit.

After all, in addition to He Yiming's son, she still has a son and a daughter, and she will not be too lonely on weekdays.

He put a little bit of thought down, He Yiming said earnestly: "Mother, this time after the baby came back, I didn't plan to go out."

Lin Wenyu was a glimpse, then he was overjoyed and said: "You really can't go out."

He Yiming nodded seriously and said: "Yes, I will never go out before the New Year."

Lin Wenyu glanced at him angrily, and the joy of his face suddenly lost more than half.

He Xinxin coughed and said with a smile: "Younger brother, good man is in the Quartet. Now the identity of Yiming is different from before. We can't just pull his hind legs." Lin Wenyu said slightly, "The big brother said ""

When He Wude is not Yixin is the head of the family. If he says, Lin Wenyu naturally has to listen.

Listening to the words of the family, He Yiming’s heart is full of warm feelings. Although talking to them is the most mundane content, it is far less exciting to discuss these things in the Millennium Iceland with Zibo Rui and others. But He Yiming is now, his favorite, or the feeling of being with his family.

After a while, Yan Wenyu’s eyes suddenly brightened and said: “Yi Ming, this time you will come back for a month.”

He Yiming smiled and nodded, and there was still more than half a month from the New Year. Even if he wanted to leave, he would have to live at least fifteen years later.

"Great." Lin Wenyu's smile on his face, said: "Yimong, I have found a few girls for you, and they all walked out of the famous door, everyone, this thing can be the mother for you. But your grandfather said that you want to let you personally pick it. You will pick one here this month." The smile on He Yiming's face suddenly became stiff.

Lin Wenyu smiled and said: "When a man is married, a woman is married, your age is not small. Although the cultivator can get married later, it is good to set it early."

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