Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 337: The world's first

"He is not polite." The emperor said slowly, his face was also with a funny smile, it seems to be quite interesting for He Wude's words.

He Wude’s body is awkward. If other people call him He Lao, he can still accept it. But this sentence is from the mouth of Tianchi’s emperor’s emperor, and let him; $I can’t tell the uncomfortable .

Although the appearance of the emperor's release today seems to be only in his twenties, it is no more than He Yiming. But after knowing his identity, there are still people who dare to call an "old" word in front of him. Even He Wude knows that the emperor's release of the day is in the face of He Yiming, and the addition of this "old" character is not malicious, but it also gives him a feeling of creepiness.

"He Lao, so that Sun Yiming is already a great elder of this family. Even if he is facing anyone in the world, he has the qualification to be a brother, so you don't have to worry." God said with a smile.

The old man had an exquisite heart, his eyes turned, and he immediately understood He Wude's mind, so he explained the explanation.

He Wude opened his mouth, although he was awkward, but since both of them are open like this. Say, then he will never have a guilty violation.

Don't look at his old man's courage to sneak in front of He Yiming, but because He Yiming is his grandson's relationship. In addition, let alone the face of the Tianchi lord, even if it is facing Deng Yichen, he is also a courtesy and does not dare to neglect. "He brothers, congratulations." The emperor said suddenly.

He Yiming, then laughed: "Today is the big test - the first day, the new year is coming, everyone is happy, with joy!" The emperor laughed a few times, his laughter was so hearty, it looked His mood is also so cheerful and happy. "He brothers, I came from Tianchi to make a special trip, but not for this New Year's Day."

He Yiming stunned. This time, he really borrowed a bit. He looked at the **** operator and saw the old man’s smile. It was like an old fox who had just eaten a big cock. Very happy.

Even if He Yiming wanted to break his scalp, he did not understand what was born in his body and deserved them to be so happy. His heart suddenly turned a little, his face changed slightly. He suddenly thought that it was already known to them that they had succeeded in practicing the world.

However, every time He Yiming’s cultivation was riding a white horse away from the place, he traveled to the desert in the desert, and did not try it here. If this can also be calculated by the **** operator, then He Yiming will have nothing to say.

Emperor Shi Tian shook his head slightly and said: "He brothers, I don't sell off." He reached out and took a shot, and walked in from outside the city gate. This person is also an old friend, it is in the Tianchi Yimai specializes in receiving foreign guests Ai Wenbin.

On his hand, holding a rectangular article wrapped in cloth. Although I don't know what it is, just look at his happy smile and know that this is definitely not a bad thing. "He brothers, this is the gift that we sent to you in Tianchi. I don't know if you like it." Di Shitian said with a smile.

The eyes of Yu Jinglei and others were staring at the items wrapped in the cloth. They only then realized that the original Emperor Shi Tiantian personally dispatched it to send gifts to the door. Since the establishment of Tianchi, this glory has been afraid that the big girl will go back and forth once.

He Yiming's gaze glanced at the thing, but unfortunately, he did not have the special function of seeing the eye, so he could not see what the piece was wrapped up. However, since Emperor Shitian is so valued and personally sent over, it is no exaggeration to describe it as a value-for-money. It seems that I saw the confusion of He Yiming, and the emperor explained the slightest moment.

The **** operator went up, and Ai Wenbin took the two ends of the rectangular thing separately, and the emperor released the sky slowly. He reached out and gently picked the cloth on the top of the thing. Everyone’s eyes are concentrated on this thing.

When the cloth head is removed halfway, everyone has already seen it clearly. This is actually a plaque. The whole plaque is made of fine red sandalwood. The surrounding is engraved with the beautiful and beautiful Taobao women's Tmall Taobao Mall. The winter coat m pattern shows all this in front of everyone.

The thoughts of suspicion arise in the hearts of everyone. Is it true that the Emperor of Heaven will come to Hejiazhuang personally for a small plaque? This seems too unbelievable.

However, when the cloth on the plaque fell completely, the s1 that revealed the words above, all the people who saw the words were completely stunned. At this point, what really shocked them was not the plaque itself, but the big characters above. A few of them are in their minds, and it is absolutely impossible to appear in the four words here. "The No. 1 in the World" is above the plaque, and it has these four golden characters.

In addition, in the inconspicuous place on the lower right side of the plaque, there are several small characters in the northwest Tianchi. However, these words are so inconspicuous before the first four characters of the world.

If there are people who are deeply attracted to the air at the beginning, then there will be no more sound here, even if the sound of breathing is gone.

Everyone is subconsciously holding their breath, for fear that a slightly heavier breathing will break the silence that makes it almost fainting.

He Yiming gave a wry smile, and at the moment he saw the four words, he understood.

The emperor Shi Tian must have already contacted the two nine-day powers of the Eastern Dashen, and they knew that they would combine the light and dark forces into one. Of course, the deeds of killing the two great powers in the West must not be his, so he will create such a card.

Looking at the four powerful characters of "the world's first", He Yiming's heart suddenly burst into an infinite excitement. The original calmness of the water is like being splashed by a huge stone. ripple. The world is the first!

This is the four words of glory. When He Yiming began to embark on the martial arts practice, he never thought that he would have such a plaque.

This is not the world's first self-proclaimed self-proclaimed, but the first sect of the northwest, the world's first human being, one of the nine heavens, the emperor of the world, the first to come to the world.

This shows that at least in the heart of this strong man has already determined that He Yiming’s martial arts repair is indeed invincible in today’s world. The emperor released a smile, and he said: "He brother, what do you think of the gift?"

He Yiming took a deep breath and pressed the embarrassing mood in his heart as much as possible. He sighed: "Emperor, this gift is too expensive, I am afraid that Hemou can't afford it." ”

The emperor released a smile and said: "If you can't afford this name, then in this world, who else can afford it."

The **** operator is also a step forward. He said awkwardly: "He elders, now you are a great elder of Tianchi. With this identity, you will be in the world and have no resistance. This is the most glory of our Tianchi process. "He turned his head and pointed at the tall wall and said the road." The old man suggested that you hang this plaque on the top of the city. All people who come to Hejiazhuang can look at the first sight. see it."

He Wude’s body trembled a little, his eyes staring at the plaque, seemingly trying to dig up the words above.

Although his J is already a must, but the rationality of the old man's mind has not been completely lost.

Seeing He Yiming's face sinking, he was afraid that he would not agree to the high and thick promises. He quickly said: "The Sovereign Master, the God of the Emperor, this is absolutely impossible." He clicked He Yiming and said: "Now I am only singing. At the age of twenty-four, it’s good to be repaired, but it’s far from the best in the world. If this plaque is hung here, our family will never have a day.

The **** operator smiled awkwardly and said: "He elder, don't you tell the ancestor of this trip to the West?" He Yiming put his hands together and smiled bitterly: "I was negligent and forgot."

Even with the cultivation of the **** operator, he couldn’t help but take a long breath. He shook his head and said, "Well, let the old man do the work." He gave a small fist to He Wude and said: "He brother, This time, Sun’s trip to southern Xinjiang has already broken through the limits, promoted the humanity to the peak of Jiuzhongtian, and killed the Western Temple Pope Franklin and the Dark Parliament Speaker Garfield. He paused and expressed his feelings: "The two great humanities in the West are the nine heavens, and they are from now on."

He Wude’s mouth grew bigger and bigger, and almost his fists could be stuffed in. The faces of Yu Lei and others were equally stiff. Except for Rui Pei, the other people who knew the two strong players were all It was numb by the news.

The gods squatted with long beards and sighed slowly: "The sacred priests of the sacred treasures, the lords of the sacred sacred sects of the sacred sects of the sacred sects of the sacred sects of the sacred sects of the sects of the sects of the patriarchs It is well deserved,"

After a long time, the eyes of the people seemed to be a little more active, but at the moment they looked at He Yiming's eyes have been greatly different.

Although a five-powered sage is already an unattainable figure in their but there are more than one of the five sages in this world, and above the five sages, There is also a nine-day existence of humanity peaks. However, above the peak of humanity, it has become the top figure in the world.

Moreover, He Yiming also killed two of the same-order powerhouses, and let the other two strongmen of the same ranks willingly admit defeat. Once this war is promoted, no matter who is willing to believe, He Yiming is indeed the best in the world.

A drop of tears slowly flowed from He Wude's eyes, and he burst into laughter, and the laughter was full of unremarkable joy.

Even in the presence of the Tianchi lord and the **** operator, he could no longer bear it.

At this moment, he only thought about laughing loudly.

The world is the first one, one, one, one, one, one

It turns out that Lao Tzu has a grandson who is the first master today. As long as this grandson is here, what else do I need to avoid? Within the entire Hejiazhuang, echoing the happy laughter of the old man, the source is endless, as if there is no end.

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