Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 343: enemy?

Looking at the sky, but see the peaks swaying, magnificent, the peaks of the finished products stretched to the east and west, like a silver screen in the world.

Although the year has passed, the snow on the mountain is far from melting. It was originally a rugged mountain road that could not find a road.

In this day, not many people in the vicinity of the main peak of Tianchi smelled - strolled.

Looking at the silver world here, He Yiming’s heart secretly sighed.

Both Dongtianfudi and Tianchi are inhabited by the mountains, but the living environment of both sides is quite different. In the cave of the East, because of the existence of the tree god, there are twelve worlds of famous world, and there are living conditions in which the seasons are like spring, warm in winter and cool in summer.

The fertile land in the mountains is even more enviable than the best paddy fields.

Although the disciples in the Tianchi vein are also succumbing to the mountains, if they talk about living conditions, Shao Xizhen is far worse.

However, the environment in which the two places live is different, and the mental outlook created is also different. In contrast, the disciples of Tianchi Yimai obviously have a lot of shackles, not only in the head but also in the head, and more importantly, their character is more inclined to fight, and the proportion of the master is far. After a hole in the sky.

Of course, if you compare the number of people in the mountains, the Tianchi is far less.

At this time, a figure in this snowy world. Moving with ghosts. This time I came to the main peak of Tianchi, and He Yiming even left the White Horse Thunder and Bao pig outside.

Although Xiaobao pig is quite dissatisfied with his decision, but there are white horse lightning and one hundred and eighty, it will not set off a lot of storms.

Between several ups and downs, He Yiming has already arrived in the fog at the top of the mountain.

Although the fog here is quite rich, after a misty sea that has experienced the ghostly ridge, He Yiming is basically immune to the fog here.

His movements were lightning fast, and he flew toward the mountains. At the same time, he let go of his mind and quietly sensed the power of the heavens and the earth nearby.

Since the release of the power of heaven and earth, He Yiming has become more sensitive to the power of heaven and earth. He can even clearly distinguish the power of those attributes in the power of the heavens and the earth that he has absorbed.

This was something that was simply unimaginable in the past.

Slowly, He Yiming sensed it. In this mist, the power of the gold system is really the most powerful.

The power of fire in the Wanli glazed hole in the south of Xinjiang, the water power of the ice palace in the northern Xinjiang, the power of the earth in the center of the mainland, the mainland is biased towards the east, the power of the wood in the heavens and the land, and the power of the Tianchi gold in the northwest. .

In the meantime, He Yiming seems to be some kind of magical connection between them.

These five most powerful forces in the Eastern world were divided by the five sects, and even the headquarters of their sects were built on the power of these gods. Moreover, these sects use a variety of means to bring these enormous powers of God into their own use.

Although this is the ultimate means like Franklin's divine power, but the ability to do this, the strength of these major sects is imaginable.

However, according to He Yiming, the arrangement of these magical arrays is not the current human peaks, but the Shinto people who have disappeared into history.

Under the big tree, it is good to take a cool ride. This is the common predecessor who planted the tree and took the cold. Without the actions of the former Shinto masters, these big sects may not be able to stand up like evergreens.

He Yiming, who was moving forward, suddenly stepped forward, his ears swayed a little, and his face showed a trace of suspicious color.

Today, his sensitivity to the power of heaven and earth has been late for an incredible degree.

This kind of feeling is far beyond the limit of the universal humanity peak, because this is his insight from the use of the heavens and the earth, so there will be achievements that the same level master can not match.

Hidden, He Yiming can feel the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night slay, the **** of the gods, the throne, the sacred priest, the ninth day, the strongest, the abandonment of the big prince, the prince, the night sacred god, the throne, the sacred priest, the ninth day, the strongest The Great Zhou Dynasty martial arts 乾 乾 将 将 将 将 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神The peak of the main peak seems to be more than one humanity peak, but two strong people with such a series.

One of them is naturally unpredictable, and the other makes He Yiming somewhat surprised.

If he is not mistaken, this person should be the ancestor of Huang Quan who has had two intersections with him.

As soon as he thought of the world's first assassin, He Yiming could not help but feel a little heart.

Although he and he have jointly found the troubles of the two Western powers, they all know that this is only a temporary cooperation. Once the cooperation is over, they are still the enemy.

If it is in other places, He Yiming is still jealous. Before he is sure that he will be killed, no one is willing to offend the old killer.

But this - engraved, He Yiming looked around, his heart swayed.

If you greet Baima Thunder, Bao pig, Bai Ba Ba and Shen Dao coagulation people and ambush here, and the emperor is willing to join hands with him, then even if Huang Quan’s ancestors have their wings, they would not escape, even if it is Emperor Shitian stood by and could borrow this special terrain, and at least half of it could kill him.

At the time when He Yiming’s heart was fluctuating, the voice of the emperor’s release sounded abruptly:

"It turns out that the brothers have come to the number - please come up."

He Yiming sighed and knew that he had just breathed because of his mood, so he couldn’t help but breathe a little more, and it was now the peak of the humanity above.

Gently waving his arm, He Yiming's body shape flashed, and he slammed into it.

The eyes swept on the platform of the peak. Sure enough, the corner of the peak, the emperor Shi Tian and Huang Quan’s ancestors sat opposite each other to see their posture. It is estimated that they have been waiting here for a long time. “Hey, I can’t think of Huang Quan’s brother. Also here, I am really fortunate." He Yiming said with a smile.

Jimo Fanshu looked at He Yiming seriously. After a long time, he sighed and said: "He brothers met each other, and the breath was much stronger than the last time. It is obviously a hundred feet and a gimmick. It is really gratifying. Congratulations."

He Yiming stunned, and his heart secretly said that the eyes of these old guys were extremely poisonous, and they saw their strength increased at a glance. However, what he suspects is whether he heard the news.

The emperor smiled a little and pointed to an empty stone chair in front of him, whispering:

"He brother, please sit down."

Although He Yiming did not have a good impression on Huang Quan's ancestors in his heart, but because of the face of the emperor, he was not difficult on the spot.

Came to their side, He Yiming sat down firmly and did not hesitate: "Dear brother, do you know who this person is?"

The emperor released a smile and said: "This is the first place to create Huang Quanmen, the first assassin of the world, Huang Quan ancestor Ji Mofan."

He Yiming’s heavy nod, with a bad taste in his eyes: “When the former He had not been promoted to the Nine Heavens, he met him, and he loved him and was chased thousands of miles away.”

His words have a hint of cold ice, and it seems that he will face each other at any time. However, Jimo Fanshu is like a veteran, and he has not made any excitement about He Yiming’s provocative tone and eyes. reaction.

"He brother, the old man asked, "Where did you meet me for the first time, where is it?" Ji Mofan said with a sigh of relief, saying: "The land of nine secluded."

"You met for the first time, what are you doing?"

He Yiming hesitated a bit, but in the end it was true: "Catch the ancestors of Yujia.

"After the old man chasing you, if you can't make it, will you leave immediately?"

He Yiming’s face is more ugly, saying: “You have a big fight with the Dragon Snake, and the last two loses, naturally if you stay away.”

Jimo Fanshu smiled slightly, and he sang: "He brother, if you and I get along with each other, someone will come to you Hejiazhuang and kill your familiar friends on the spot, then how do you do it."

He Yiming already understood the meaning of the old assassin, but he did not have any rebuttal. The other person said that if there is a five-powered person who came to Hejiazhuang, he would have a relationship with himself. Kill in front of yourself. So no matter who this great sage is, He Yiming can't turn a blind eye.

The emperor released a smile and broke the deadlock in front of him. He said: "He brothers, I know that you have some misunderstandings with the Jimomen, but these are all minor frictions. Please also take the overall situation as a priority and temporarily put these personal grievances down. If you really want to die and die, please talk about it after the millennium."

He Yiming smashed his Road: "Is the ancestor of Huang Quan also going to Iceland?"

Emperor Shi Tian nodded slightly and said: "Iceland is the common wealth of all the human beings in the whole world. As long as there is this martial art, it has the qualification to enter." He smiled at the grief of Jimo Fan, saying: " Lord Gemo, the old man and others have not informed you and have a private meeting. This is a bad feeling, because both you and Garfield are practicing the most powerful exercises of the darkness, even if they are slightly closer, for Yuan’s girl. The martial arts practice will have a considerable impact. However, we have never thought that in the end it has caused many misunderstandings. It is really not as good as human beings."

Jimo Fandi smiled and said: "It is really not as good as people. If you know that the talent of the brother is so strong, how can the old man and others choose to be enemies with you."

Although his sentence has a weak component, but it is not because he wants to congratulate him. He has a strong arrogance, and even a powerful assassin like JM. He bowed his head in front of him, and what a glory is it. It is easy to talk about being truly indifferent.

Gima Fandi sighed and said: "He brother, in fact, the old man came here, in addition to wanting to suspend the fight with you, I also want to thank you."

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