Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 393: 7 Cai Xia

A powerful force poured into the body from all over the body.

When this force gradually penetrated into the skin, even with the strength of He Yiming, I couldn't help but have a long snoring.

This feeling is a little more comfortable than the sun in the big winter.

Although He Yiming does not know what kind of feeling the baby is in the mother, but at the moment, he feels the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night sacred god, the throne, the sacred king, the sacred world, the most powerful, the abandonment Zhou Huangzu will kill the gods of the gods, the throne of the gods, seek the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou, the royal family, the martial arts, the martial arts, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the devil, the arrogant world, the most powerful, the abandonment of the big Zhou Dynasty, the gods, the gods, the night gods It is this strange feeling that the Inscription of the King of the Kings is the most powerful and abandoning the Zhou Dynasty.

His body was deeply immersed in the redness of the mist, and the book of the Shinto in his hand had already been closed, but the spirit of He Yiming was swimming in the book.

It is very different from previous experiences. He Yiming’s spiritual thoughts will no longer be limited to one page, but will wander back and forth in all the books.

Of course, in the current state, the scope of He Yiming's wandering is limited to the pages of the Shinto fog.

For the fog practice, He Yiming's research is not too much. That's because there are already too many powerful exercises on his body, so when he is promoted to the peak of humanity, this kind of foggy exercise that can only make a huge difference when he flees is a bit sloppy.

However, at this moment, when He Yiming's whole body was immersed in the fog, his mentality actually gave a very subtle change. Because he is now, if the fog is used in conjunction with the power of the Five Elements, it is definitely an unparalleled killing.

Although this power can not be compared with the world, but he has a strong self-confidence, once successfully applied the fog to the five elements, it will certainly be able to show unexpected magic.

Just as He Yiming was aware of all these wonderful exercises, the power of the gods in the water system in Dantian was also gathering more and more. However, due to the inside and outside of China Unicom, the power of these waters is actually in the form of fog. Although it has gradually integrated into the five elements, it has never been able to achieve a great perfection.

If He Yiming is awake at this time, he will definitely combine all the powers of the Five Elements. But at this moment, all his energy was attracted by the fog practice on the book of Shinto and the red fog around him, and he no longer cares.

Slowly, He Yiming's body radiated a faint glimmer of singular power, which is like a myriad of lines flying in the air.

The red fog in his body was still indifferent at first, but when the rotation of the lines became faster and faster, the red mist began to stir up.

The colorful palace is the valley built by the Ice Palace in the Shinto era. Everything here is the best cultivation place that the former Shinto masters arranged for the children of future generations.

Since the disappearance of the Shinto, the people who have practiced here have not been able to make subtle changes in the lakes covered by the colorful rays.

They can understand the power of God on the shore of the lake, or they can enter the lake to quench their body and infuriate. They can also use the idea to communicate magically with the seven colors of the sky.

However, for thousands of years, even the humane peaks such as the lords of the ages have not been able to stir up the colorful lakes in the lake.

They are like big Buddhas that divide their respective regional sites, guarding some unexplained rules.

Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple, these seven colors each perform their duties and never confuse.

However, this record was completely terminated today. When He Yiming started from the cold ice to the cold purple water, step by step into the red mist of the hot air*, his chaotic dantian has absorbed the seven different standards of water. Come in.

If you absorb the power of God alone, it is not too much. However, Chaotian Dantian has a rather anti-sky ability, which combines these different water powers.

Water is impermanent, but no matter how they change, the source of all is water.

Only the powerful Chaotian Dantian can melt these different forms of water into one.

Today, He Yiming is in the red mist, and what he thinks at the moment is also the fog. So when he subconsciously began to work infuriatingly, he suddenly drove the surrounding fog.

Slowly, those red mists began to attack other sites of various colors.

These seven colors were originally made by Jinghe, but under the chaos of Chaotian Dantian's power, the race began to be truly chaotic.

Without any warning, the power of red invaded the orange, yellow, green, and even the final purple, even if it had the coldest purple ice water, it could not stop the red mist.

He Yiming’s spiritual thoughts have not yet withdrawn from the book of Shinto, but his face unconsciously floated with a smile of joy.

His mastery of the fog has been quite thorough, and on his head, he has already condensed a colorful cloud of flowers.

The cloud is a whole, although there is a distinction between the top and bottom, but in the book of the Shinto, the two are ingeniously linked together.

At this time, when the flowers of the clouds condensed, they suddenly broke the balance of the colorful rays.

He Yiming stood up straight, and he gently reached for a stroke, and the colorful Xiaguang suddenly faded, and then instantly became a powerful water force that hit He Yiming's body.

His body began to tremble slightly, this is not a big extent, but every trembling absorbed a part of the power of the colorful glow. In this s, 1, the meridians in his body are being tested by the power of the water. Even his chaotic Dantian is the same.

Unprecedented power has rushed into his body in this magical way. He is like a bottomless pit, bearing the Du Li washing that has been passed down for thousands of years.

The more crystal clear his spiritual thoughts have made him feel like he wants to fly.

His soul is in the body, and seems to want to break out again and cast with the power of God. However, He Yiming’s only remaining intelligence has kept his eyebrows firmly, so that he will not commit unreasonable big mistakes.

When he was fully enjoying the power of water, he did not know that the entire ice palace had already set off a huge wave.

The colorful palace, the most mysterious valley of the ice palace, has such a huge power, which is simply unbelievable.

In the records of ancient books of the past dynasties, only three thousand years ago, when the ice palace was in the life and death, the generation of sects and adults opened the colorful palace with secret law and released the inexhaustible power of water. Only then did they have the power to leak out.

But nowadays, there is no invasion by any foreign enemies, and no one has opened the colorful palace with secret law. The huge force of Lu is leaking out, but it is really real.

Between the continuous flashing of the figure, five human peaks have come to the entrance of the colorful palace.

The distant white horse lightning and Bao pig did not have any panic, because they have absolute confidence in He Yiming. On the contrary, Lin beast whispered in this direction, but before the unicorn lord did not say hello, it was not interested in intervening in human affairs.

"Ice brother, how is this going back?" asked the child.

The face of Bing Futian is blue and green, and the white face is faintly revealing a faint color:

"It’s He Yiming. I don’t know what kind of exercises he is practicing, and he has stirred up the colorful rays.”

Everyone has a glimpse of their hearts, and they all know that this is where the power of water is.

This is also the place where the Ice Palace hides the ultimate strength. Unless it is in the ice palace, the power here cannot be stimulated.

And if you want to succeed in stimulating the power of water here, you can only do it by practicing the secret law of the Lord of the Ice Palace.

But at this moment, looking at the magical scene in the valley, there was a strong feeling in the hearts of everyone. This He Yiming is really incredible. Did he even practice the most mysterious control method in the Ice Palace?

The eyes of the Lord gave the continual rotation of the Lord. After half a sigh, he sighed, "Is Brother, how do you do now?"

After all, it is the Ice Palace. Since we have such a strange thing, how to deal with it, naturally let the ice laugh to make decisions.

The face of the Lord of the Ice Palace was blue and red, and he hesitated. He finally said, "You, He Yiming is taking in the power of the colorful water of the Ice Palace. This is nothing, but the manpower is sometimes poor, simply not Thoroughly accommodate all the power. Stupid is that we turn a blind eye, then the tragedy of 3,000 years ago will repeat itself..."

The faces of several people are all emblems. Obviously, they have heard of the legend of 3,000 years ago.

"We have five people here, can we stop him?" asked Bo Rui, hesitantly.

When he said this, his confidence was seriously insufficient. After all, what they have to face is not He Yiming, but the enormous power of water.

Bing Futian was deeply sucked, and the look on his face gradually returned to normal.

Since things have already been born, it is useless to regret it again, so it will be calmed down in the blink of an eye. You can rest assured that without the special mental manipulation of this door, he can only absorb the power of water at this time, and It is impossible to truly manipulate this power. "Don't pause, the ice laughs and the face is dignified:

"We only need to cut off the connection between him and the outside world, and it will be able to restore everything.

It’s not a secret sigh of relief. If He Yiming can control the power of water, they will be useless, but it’s useless, but if you just want to cut off his connection with the outside world, it’s totally different.

"Hands." Liu Chang raised his head. He was originally a fierce fire, and once decided to immediately put it into action.

He stepped forward and stood at the forefront of everyone. His body was so turbulent, and even his body seemed to sway a red circle.

The fire power was stirred to the extreme in an instant, and even the surrounding air was greatly affected.

Then, with a slight glimpse of his palms, a red hot wave visible to the naked eye suddenly rolled up and swept away in the direction of He Yiming.

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