I don’t care, but who knows the real pain in this Peter Parker’s heart!

“That’s right, you two. Soon after it was my adult birthday party! You two come together! ”

Seeing these two people in front of him who made their teeth itch with hatred. Mary Jane was angry and dropped such a sentence and left directly.

“Let’s go, your dream lover is going to run away with Professor Wang, not to mention that Professor Wang doesn’t have a girlfriend!” Do you know how tempting this is for those pure little girls? Come back to work with me at Osborne! If nothing else, I can still do it if I pull a hand as a brother! ”

While pulling Peter Parker into his chest, Harry patted the Hun to make sure!

“No, I’m going to enter the Umbrella Group for an internship!”

Peter Parker, who shook his head slightly, smiled at Harry and said.

“I lean, your head is paste? Your goddesses have gone with others, and you still have to chase after them? ”

Harry was really dumbfounded!

“, your head is paste! I just think I like Professor Wang’s style! ”

“With great power comes great responsibility! Isn’t Professor Wang developing so many special drugs precisely because he specializes in cancer research? And Professor Wang also said that he will continue to carry out research and development to overcome those cancer difficulties! ”

“This is a boon for people living with cancer all over the world! So I decided to follow in Professor Wang’s footsteps! ”

During the time that Benjamin had just died, Peter Parker could be said to have been deeply poisoned by his words that the greater the power, the greater the responsibility.

“Okay, okay! Since you are ready to go so crazy, I will accompany you to go crazy! Isn’t it just an internship at Umbrella Group? Have me with you! ”

Weak, Harry dragged Peter Parker directly towards the outside of the school, “But today, you must treat me to a cup of coffee!” Otherwise it won’t spare you! ”



Alexander Pies’s whole person is not good!

What does that mean?

These are a few meanings!

Why, I don’t know about this matter? Or did he have to know that this S.H.I.E.L.D. had an intersection with this Umbrella Group after the five major rogue associations issued a national notice?

Can’t figure it out!

In this sunny office, Alexandre Pies really can’t figure it out!

Knock knock!

With the sound of knocking on the door, Pies converged his face that was out of his control, and responded to the door with a kind face!

“Dugan, there is something I need you to arrange for someone to do it!”

Looking at the veteran Hydra lurkers who came in, Dam played Dugan, Alexander Pies ordered very directly!

“Light or dark?”

With his eyelids raised slightly, Duggan, who is the leader of the S.H.I.E.L.D. Task Force, said that he needed to know which power he was using!

“Dark! This is the person you are going to use, this is the command to be able to control him! ”

As he spoke, Alexander Piès handed a copy of the instructions on scratch paper to Dum Dugan.

“I see! Task? ”

After recording these instructions in his head, Dam Dugan directly handed back the scratch paper!

“Go and kill the chairman of the Umbrella Group!”

Alexandre Pies, who flashed a trace of gloom in his eyes, said coldly!

The Umbrella Group is supported by the rights of the five rogue associations.

Alexandre Pies sees better than anyone!

After all, he is about to take over the duties of secretary general of the five major rogue associations!

But precisely because of this, this Alexandre Pies is full of longing for this Umbrella Group!

Take the Umbrella Group in your hands, plus those special drugs!

A large net that can quickly accumulate wealth is directly woven into it!

First Street Street in Manhattan!

At this moment, it is the time of commuting to work, even if Wang Wei wants to drag racing, he can’t race!


A very serious question!

At this moment, in an alley not far from Wang Wei’s convoy, a man in a black sweatshirt slowly walked out!

With a pair of sunglasses on his face and a high-tech rifle in his hands!

What really catches the eye of this man is the white and bright steel in his right hand!

After seeing Wang Wei’s car!

This man did not have the slightest hesitation, and a shuttle bullet sprayed in the direction of Wang Wei!


With the sound of gunfire, this somewhat crowded road directly exploded at this moment!


Alice, who sensed a dangerous force, did not hesitate at all, and directly set up a power barrier in front of Wang Wei and herself!


The impact of the bullet continued to knock on the power barrier that Alice opened!

Look at the man with sunglasses rushing over!

Alice did not take the slightest action!

The two Land Cruisers that protected Wang Wei in the middle – Land Rover domineering directly moved!

A car in front quickly rushed down two men!

The two Asian men wearing black super special police did not have the slightest hesitation, and directly faced the man with a rifle in front of him and rushed over!

And three people also came down from the rear Land Rover overlord, firmly supporting Wang Wei and Alice and others on the thunderstorm!

“This is really gutsy, someone dares to intercept and kill me in the street?”

Sitting in the thunder storm, Wang Wei’s entire face began to chill without movement!

Although Wang Wei knew that his Umbrella Group was attractive enough!

But I didn’t expect that people would directly commit murder on the street!

What is it?

This special lady is a provocation, slap in the face!

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