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Even Kaos was brought with him.

And Tony, who lives not far from Wang Wei, also had a slight headache on his face when he saw these noisy girl loli.

If it is an ordinary loli making a fuss, then no matter how you do something, you will not toss the sound into this basement.

And Astrea seems to be a big fool who can’t run out of energy.

With the crazy Kaos, he often plays a dozen for three days directly on this sea level. A dozen in five days.

The residents of the villa area in the vicinity chose to move out of here.

Tony, who couldn’t help it, showed the two crazy girls a way.

Isn’t it okay?

There are so many criminals in this altar city. Go fix it!

Under the demagogy of Tony’s various divine operations, he even sent out some small things one after another.

Kaos and Astrea became active directly in this altar city.

The one wearing the armor of the umbrella emblem and outstretched wings. Wave the sword in your hand over the city of the altar. Constantly punish those mutants who commit crimes.

And because of this. These two crazy loli have won the title of chic. Nun Angel, and Ya name for Battle Angel.

Leaving the Marvel world is just a few weeks.

After learning that these two guys were seduced by Tony and made such a scene.

Wang Wei directly killed the fire.

Nana’s, if you don’t kill it back, maybe these two crazy loli will run to some dog to maintain world peace.

If that’s the case, it’s a complete rip.

Fortunately, this Nimfu is a dead mansion. Icarus is a natural stayer.

Otherwise, Wang Wei would really have a headache to death.

“This time I really have to find Tony to settle the score!”

Wang Wei, who gritted his teeth, sat directly on this thunderstorm and rushed in the direction of his home.

There are also Alice and Tanya and others riding on the polar silver fox.

As for the two Wanda siblings. Now it’s like a rice worm. Not salted fish in their own villa.

It is to go to the group for check-in. Then go out and have fun.

In the early stage, the two brothers and sisters were still worried that Wang Wei was plotting against the two of them.

But after waiting for a while, the brother and sister found out. Wang Wei completely forgot the two of them.

Coupled with the news from where Xu Mu knocked on the side, he knew.

Rescue both of them. It’s a piggyback thing. People originally wanted to destroy this Hydra base.

“mster!” When Wang Wei just returned to the door of the villa

Icarus, dressed in house clothes, stood at the door to welcome Wang Wei’s return.

See this Icarus.

Wang Wei can only say that he feels a little cute.

This is natural to stay. These three nothings. This one is pink.

Not cute, not spoiled, or human?

“Good afternoon. Icarus! How come you’re here alone. ”

Wang Wei, who had a kind smile, gently put his hand on Icarus’s head and asked with a smile.

Feeling the long-lost touch of his big hand, Icarus did not feel a feeling of joy.

Power furnace, tumbling.

“Astrea and Kaos are playing. Nimufu makes children in the hive after following Red. ”

Like a well-behaved girl. Icarus responded softly in front of Wang Wei.

“These two guys.”

As soon as he heard Asteria and Kaos playing outside, he didn’t need to think about it to know that these two crazy loli must be fighting again.

It’s really a brainless one with enough bloodless blood, and one with enough madness.

“Nimfu is making children after following Red? What do you mean? ”

Wang Wei, who was a little confused, directly turned back to inquire.

“Because Nimfu had been talking to Mr. Stark for a while. Feeling more interested in Stark’s personal butler. Just go directly to the hive to find the queen of red! ”

“The two of them started saying that they wanted to create a group of children.”

It’s like explaining what happened. Icarus slowly explained to Wang Wei.

“Is this making an electronic sprite?”

Stop and return to the inside of the villa. Wang Wei couldn’t help but start thinking.

Electric sprite, that’s just a title.

If it is converted into another name, it is intelligent AI lifeforms.

This is a life form born of a unique civilization.

Each intelligent AI life form is an independent individual, and there is no central control system to restrict them.

All intelligent AI beings are active in a single server.

And this is also one of the few special civilizations in the interstellar civilization system.

Don’t ask Wang Weizhen how he knows this kind of civilization, did he read so many novels in his previous life for nothing?

Plus these few auxiliary systems that Wang Wei has in his hands.

The Red Queen, Lake Taihu, the stars, and the number of stars is as large as thousands.

These are all electronic sprites. But it is not yet an intelligent AI lifeform. They are not yet out of the realm of autonomy.

Only Jarvis has vaguely stepped into the category of intelligent AI lifeforms.

If you really want to calculate it, the Transformers Army and these intelligent angels are considered as alternative and unique intelligent A lifeforms.

“No, it’s not over. I’m going to slaughter Tony well! ”

When I think of my two cute loli girls, I will be like this.

Wang Wei felt that this matter had nothing to do with Tony.

You must definitely let the other party bleed.

While speaking, Wang Wei walked directly towards Tony’s residence with excitement.

And Alice and Tanya, who followed Wang Wei, could only continue to follow helplessly.

Icarus, who was at the door, paused slightly and followed closely! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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