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If you can’t sign in and don’t come up with anything good, wait for a while to sign in!

“Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining: a town guard mansion building!”


As the sound of this check-in system falls.

Wang Wei’s whole person was stunned!

“I lean. Town guard? Ship girl? ”

With a look of confusion and shock, Wang Wei directly clicked on the detailed data of this town guard mansion to check it.

But after Wang Wei checked it, he didn’t know what to say.

“How is this ship girl like this?”


At this moment, Wang Wei’s face was full of entanglement!

If it’s the original kind of ship girl. Wang Wei was also entangled. But now this kind of ship girl, Wang Wei is even more entangled.

The original ship girl, no matter what, although the summoned is a cute girl.

There are battleships with long-legged royal sisters, there are aircraft carrier nurses full of motherhood, and there are girl girls who patrol lightly and heavily patrol, as well as destroyers, submarines and other student loli.

You say it’s okay to send these out to fight?


It is completely feasible to fight inside the planet.

But the capabilities of these pariah girls are limited to local wars on the surface.

It’s almost equivalent to the level of surface heroes!

But this was the town guard building.

It’s a different story.

The first is that a lot of resources are needed to build the core of the battleship.

There are also classes of these battleship cores, destroyers, cruisers, battleships, and aircraft carriers.

But what’s more pitted about this is there, right?

It is that the resources required for the core of a battleship on a battleship are tens of billions to live in.

Simply so.

And that’s not all.

When the cores of these battleships were built. Wang Wei needs to make some additional hulls that can withstand the core of these battleships!

However, if the core of these battleships is used on that ordinary ship of more than one hundred meters or two hundred meters. It’s a waste!

“This thing, can’t it be with that big monster?”

While thinking about the battle that the ship ladies created by this town guard can adapt to, Vi directly thought of the quantum lawless mothership created by those engineers who were like crazy.

That is, a big monster capable of acting as a space battleship.

“No, you can try this!”

While thinking, Wang Wei directly took this town guard building and ran directly to the Red Police Planet.

On this Red Police Planet, Wang Wei did not go to meet the two generals who had already been recruited, and directly found a small offshore island to settle this town guard!

“Huh? Battleship core manufacturing equipment? ”

After seeing this thing, Wang Wei directly dispatched a large number of resources from the Gonghui Base to put into the core manufacturing equipment of this battleship one after another.

In the process of Wang Wei putting these tens of billions of resource units over.

The two generals who were recruited, as well as the chief engineers in charge of this quantum infinite power space carrier, also came to this town guard mansion one after another!


After seeing Wang Wei, the first person to salute Wang Wei was the young woman dressed in a lieutenant general’s uniform.

Although it looks like the age is about twenty or thirty years old.

But Wang Wei, who looked at him with a calm look, couldn’t help but nod slightly.

Not bad, a very good army commander.

“Commander!” With this lieutenant general, the royal sister saluted. It was the twenty-something royal sister dressed in a black military uniform who saluted Wang Wei respectfully.

This twenty-something-year-old black military uniform royal sister feels like a girl who specializes in assassination, sniping, and special operations!

“Uh-huh. Two hard work! In the future, there will still be trouble for two of you here! ”

While nodding, Wang Wei responded with a smile to the two generals.

After all, a lieutenant general hero, a major hero.

Anyway, the experience of leading troops is definitely much higher than his own!

“Commander, when will we tinder that quantum infinite power space carrier?”

With a longing look, the chief engineer asked Wang Wei directly.

Tinder such a big space carrier.

This is the most practical idea of this chief engineer!

“Tinder is not in a hurry. I’ve got something new now. If this thing can be successful, then compared to tinderization, the increase effect she brings is far more than tinderization! ”

Wang Wei, who had a smile on his face, looked at the town guard mansion in front of him that was constantly devouring resource units with a look of expectation!

“Far beyond tindering?”

Hearing Wang Wei say this, General Liang, who was able to shoulder the command of the group army, raised his eyebrows slightly.

Since coming here, General Liang has directly taken over the big and small affairs on this Red Police Planet.

Some of these biased developments were abruptly broken back by General Liang.

Not only that, General Liang also waved his hand and directly recruited many types of troops, directly supplementing the source of troops and combat readiness of the quantum infinite power space carrier.

In the eyes of General Liang, he prefers this space carrier that can operate in space than the command of the ground forces.

“Yes, General Liang. Let’s just wait until the town guard has manufactured the core of the battleship. Then this quantized infinite power space carrier will get a qualitative leap. ”

While saying Wang Wei, he explained!

“???” When Wang Wei said this, this General Liang was even more puzzled.

What kind of thing can make this quantum infinite power space carrier like a big monster form a qualitative leap?

“Have you heard of ship elves?” I thought about it a little.

After all, for the core effect of the battleship produced by this town guard mansion, Wang Wei can only use this aspect to give an example. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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