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“Alarm, alarm!”

“Discover unknown space battleships, discover unknown space battleships!”

Ling Liang and the others, who were sailing in the galaxy, were suddenly directly alarmed by the cosmic radar carried on this battleship!

Everyone started to get busy!

This is about to reach Earth, and when he found a space battleship?

What about playing?

Where is this space battleship?

“Quick check!”

General Ling Liang, who was sitting in the command room, directly asked everyone to investigate what the hell this space battleship was.

“General, according to the investigation, this space battleship is someone from the Kerry and Empire in the universe!”

While speaking, this custom female soldier directly took out the wanted directory that Wang Wei called over before!

On this wanted list, in addition to some wanted space pirates and some wandering civilizations.

Odin, even more kindly, attached some large and small forces in the universe!

Hearing this result, Ling Liang’s brows furrowed.

Kerry and the battleship of the people?

In this wanted list, Kree and the people are described as an invading empire.

What are these people’s battleships doing here for?

“What to do? Checkmate! ”

At this time, Ling Liang, who was sitting in this command room, frowned.

It is very irrational to start a war rashly.

However, Ling Liang also wanted to know what the purpose of this battleship was?

“We may have been discovered by them and followed all the way here!”

At this time, the brilliance that had been silent for a moment suddenly raised his head and said seriously to General Ling Liang.

“Discovered?” Hearing this, the chief engineer on the side raised his eyebrows directly.

In other words, the way of fighting in the universe is very different? Then improvements have to be made.

While thinking in his heart, this chief engineer began to think about how to improve the battleship!

“They targeted us from the beginning? Still…” Hearing Guanghui’s words, General Ling Liang’s brows furrowed even more.

If this is discovered, then it is necessary to know when it was discovered.

If the target is them at the beginning, then there will be a battle between them.

If the target is not them, just passing by. Drop it off as early as possible.

The current Red Alert Planet has not yet had the strength to fight with Kerry and the Empire!

“I don’t know. However, it feels like both! ”

His gaze over the thick cosmic glass stared at the Kree warship that gradually appeared in front of him, the size of a speck of dust.

“Pass the order down and prepare for battle. It’s close to where the commander is. I’ll contact the commander first! ”

“Yes, General Liang!” Hearing Ling Liang’s order, most of the custom female soldiers on one side nodded even more.

With that, the order was given.

The Transformers Legion, as well as the Horse Legion, are even more combat-ready.

On this big monster-like battleship, three thousand enamel cannons slowly revealed their hideous faces.

Always ready for war.

Radiance, although not the ability to wage an all-out war with the entire Kree and Empire. But a space battleship. Radiance is completely undeterred!

Three thousand enamel cannons, thousands of legions of invaders who can roam the universe, and many legions to assist.

She, Guanghui will not believe it, a battleship that does not even have the soul of a battleship can not be beaten?

Wang Wei, who had just returned to this villa, was dumbfounded!

Kerry with people? What is it? Kerry and the Empire? Which force is this?

I just remember the purple sweet potato essence that wanted to snap my fingers!


If you are undecided, ask the big guy!

Wang Wei didn’t say a word, and directly opened the suspension ring to Karma Taj.

With the arrival of Wang Wei. This Karma Taj is still so deserted.

Or rather, there are not many Karma Taj now!

“Mr. Wang, the mage has been waiting for a long time!” Looking at the appearance of Wang Wei with the girls of Icarus.

Mordu, this old acquaintance slowly walked out from the palace on one side, came to Wang Wei, and led the way directly in front!

“Okay, thanks!”

Wang Wei, who nodded slightly, directly took Icarus and the others to the place where the Supreme Mage was!

“You coming? Sit! ”

While sipping tea, Gu Yi Master pointed to the seat on that side and invited Wang Wei to sit down and chat with tea!

“In other words, we are not the time to drink tea now, are we?” Although I admire the calmness of this ancient mage.

Wang Wei still sat down honestly.

After all, this big guy is not panicked, he panic a hammer!

“Are you here to borrow white magic?” Looking at Wang Wei, who was a little puzzled, the ancient mage slowly asked!

“If you just borrow this white magic. Shall I come in the middle of the night? Some Wang Wei, who couldn’t complain, directly threw out such a sentence coldly.

“So what happened?”

“Do you know about Kerry and the Empire?” Raising his eyebrows slightly, Wang Wei directly told the Supreme Mage, Gu Yi, the news he had got.

“Kerry and the Empire? Know. This is a notorious empire in the universe. It’s very unlikeable.”

Anyway, Supreme Mage Gu Yi is also one of the few bigwigs in this universe.

Although did not leave this blue star much. But there’s a lot to know!

“They’re coming! It’s in the solar system. My people say there are only three hours left before they reach the sky above Earth! ”

“So, let me ask you. Understand no! After all, what the purpose of their trip is for, I don’t know very well! ”

While speaking, Wang Wei began to inquire!

“Is that so?” Hearing Wang Wei’s words, Supreme Mage Gu Yi’s brows furrowed slightly. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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