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“I agreed! Those things will then be sent to your Umbrella Group. But there is a point. Be sure to intercept those Kree and the warships outside of Blue Star! ”

These big hooligans, whose faces were a little dark, directly agreed to Wang Wei’s request!

“Refreshing! I love trading with cheerful people! These guys are handed over to me! ”

Wang Wei, who was beautiful in his heart, directly hung up the phone number to contact these big hooligans.

After all, the target of this Kree and the battleship is himself, and now he is throwing himself off like this. As soon as it was stirred, something was brought from the big hooligans.

Even if you want to kill the majesty of purple potato essence, you can’t dare to lose money, right?

Asylum Blue Star? You guys pay me first!

While thinking like this, Wang Wei thought a little, and directly opened the collective communication of the Avengers!

“Guys, do you want to participate in a space war?”

As Wang Wei’s voice fell. All the Avengers members who received this news were stunned?

“What? Are you going to provoke a cosmic war? As Wang Wei’s best friend, Tony directly began to poison his tongue!

“Space Wars? With whom? Pushing the glasses on his face and putting down the experimental potion in his hand, Banner asked directly with a smile!

“Why?” Natasha, who didn’t react, was directly puzzled?

“???” Hawkeye Patton, who directly blacks trifecta, said he was confused? I’m a Blue Star, right? Why hasn’t the matter above this blue star been dealt with, and it’s about to go to a direct cosmic war? God teases me, right?

“Why a big war?” Stephen, who frowned slightly, asked slowly.

After all, the reason for this war, Stephen has to ask clearly!

“Oh, why? In fact, it is nothing, there is a cosmic robber empire that has set its sights on Blue Star hundreds of years ago! People are now driving space battleships to pick fruits! ”

While speaking, Wang Wei shrugged his shoulders without care.

This throwing the pot once is also throwing, and throwing the pot twice is also throwing. Wang Wei doesn’t mind throwing it a few more times!

“What? Eyeing Blue Star? You wait for me, I’ll start my Iron Legion right away! As soon as he heard about this Blue Star, Tony, who didn’t have time to get along sweetly with Pepper, directly said that he was in the war!

“Wait a minute, I’ll solve it right away!” Hawkeye Patton, who killed a terrorist with one arrow, said he would be there later!

“Right away!” Natasha, who was resting in Hill’s villa, directly said that she would open!

“Come right away!” On the other side, he was fighting some criminals, and Stephen drove directly towards Wang Wei’s villa

“I’m coming!” In the umbrella building, Dr. Banner also took off his white coat.

The battle to defend Blue Star, that’s unspeakable!

For these Avengers members, no matter what they are doing right now.

No, this is more important.

“Okay. I’m waiting for you! ”

Looking at the people who were fooled by themselves, Wang Wei said with a slightly happy smile in his heart.

As for whether these guys will fight or not, that’s still to be determined.

After all, the next battle is basically a battle between space battleships and between troops.

Waiting for them to fight was almost like waiting until Wang Wei dragged them into the surface to fight.

As for why bring these guys. The Avengers who are the old rivals of the purple potato essence. Don’t you pull these guys out to gather fire to attract purple sweet potatoes?

Absolutely not! These Avengers members must be drawn into the eyes of the purple potato essence!

Let the purple sweet potato essence worry about these guys, better than worry about what he is coming, right?

“I want to think, it seems that there is another person in the Avengers?” I thought about it a little. Wang Wei directly brought the salted fish living next door to Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch, Wanda directly.

If memory serves, this crimson woman Wanda was once a ruthless person who almost killed the purple potato essence.

Cowhide, cowhide!

“General Liang, send a landing ship. Pick us up! ”

Saying that, Wang Wei directly opened a communication for Ling Liang again.

“Received, Commander. In half an hour, the landing ship will arrive! ”

While speaking, Ling Liang asked Guanghui to release a landing ship.

This landing ship is not very big, it is only 180 meters in size.

In front of this thousand-meter-long monster, this can be regarded as a bicycle on a train. It doesn’t make sense.

But for those hooligans who urgently mobilized many satellites to pay attention to space, this is a proper demonstration!

Fortunately, however, Tejas aimed all of Experiment’s fire on the approaching Kree warship.

Otherwise, these big hooligans don’t know what the hell to worry about becoming.

And this landing ship came to the blue star and was not intercepted by either side. They all knew that the landing ship was related to the Wang Wei on the Blue Star.

And the actions of these Avengers members who are concerned about Blue Star are even faster and outrageous.

In less than half an hour, all the eight immortals crossed the sea, each showing their powers. All arrived near the villa where Wang Wei was.

There were those who rode motorcycles all the way crazy, some drove speedboats directly over, some directly climbed over the wall, and some flew over by helicopter, and more excessively, the American team Stephen jumped directly from the air by parachute.

Seeing the arrival of these guys, Wang Wei could only silently complain in his heart.

You guys are awesome. You guys are really awesome!

“In other words, we’re going to fight there?” While speaking, Tony, wearing the latest Mark five armor, flew directly in the air. _

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