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Look at the battle plea of this militant.

Wang Wei hesitated slightly.

After all, these ant monsters were all used by Ling Liang for military training.

By going all the way. Wang Wei was discovered.

This seemingly tense battle situation was actually under Ling Liang’s control.

The troops who rushed to support were like firefighting units, fighting fires.

The front that seems to be about to collapse, in fact, stabilizes a batch!

I can only say, General Ling Liang. Awesome!

“Go! After this time after fighting. You stay here and listen to General Ling Liang for the time being!” ”

While speaking, Wang Wei agreed to this Asterea’s request to fight.

After all, he took Icarus and the others and left Asteria here. It’s a little strange how to say it!

So, let’s let Astrea have a good fight!


Hearing that Wang Wei agreed to go down and kill herself, Astria didn’t care at all about this Wang Wei’s intention to keep her here!

Without saying a word, he rushed directly towards this bottom.

As soon as she appeared, Astrea was directly powerful.

The concussion particle lightsaber in his hand is a blow in the air!

This blow slash directly turned into a shocking air slash that was thousands of meters long!

The huge flying ant monster troops that flew out of that canyon directly turned into pieces of corpses under this shocking air slash. And some dust slowly fell in the air!

“Let’s go!”

Astria, who looked at the militants, did not care that he wanted to leave her behind, and Wang Wei laughed bitterly directly.

This hot-blooded fool!

It’s really a bit of a bloody overkill.

But forget it!

With a smile, Wang Wei directly hugged the Kaos who threw himself into his arms!

But when Wang Wei held Kaos.

If before, Wang Wei didn’t feel anything.

Then after being teased by the brilliance.

If Wang Wei didn’t react, it was impossible.

But it was precisely because of the reaction that Wang Wei himself guessed that he was slightly embarrassed!

Petite loli in her arms, that soft and delicious skin.


Off topic!

Wang Wei, who directly destroyed the ideas in his head, ran back to the blue star with Icarus and Nimfu!

Wang Wei, who returned to Blue Star, also cleaned up directly.

Directly called out the two sports cars parked in the garage!

“Silver Fox!”

“Thunder! Both of you! ”

Look at the polar silver fox parked in the garage by itself, and the thunderstorm.

Wang Wei suddenly felt that these two goods were a bit pitiful.

After all, other transformers are either fighting or preparing for war.

Only these two goods, and only when they are on this blue star, will they ride the two of them for a ride and run!

If they don’t stop themselves, the two of them will only be able to chat with each other in the garage to relieve their boredom!


When he heard Wang Wei call them both.

Whether it is the polar silver fox or the thunderstorm, they are all excited.

At least this time, you can walk outside!

“Get ready, take us to the Stark Group Building!”

“Icarus, Kaos, you two sit on Thunderstorm! I’m sitting with Nimfu on top of the polar silver fox! ”

Saying that, Wang Wei was about to pull Nanimfu towards the polar silver fox!


Being pulled by Wang Wei like this, Nimufu was a little caught off guard.

Wait, why am I with you this time! master!

Although she didn’t hate Wang Wei, Nimufu, a somewhat shy girl, also blushed directly!

“What do you want?”

Looking at the Nimufu whose face was like steaming, Wang Wei was also a little speechless.

This little girl. What do you think?

“No, nothing!”

Looking at Wang Wei, who was close at hand and sitting in the driver’s seat, Nimufu was slightly embarrassed.

Power furnace, power furnace is burning!

“Yes, master!”

Saw Wang Wei pull Nimufu above the polar silver fox. Icarus took Kaos to sit on top of the thunderstorm and followed Wang Wei!

“Then, set off chief!”

While speaking, the polar silver fox released a pure music and directly took Wang Wei and the others to start racing.

For the sports car type Transformers locked up in the garage.

Drag racing is the coolest time.

All the way with sparks and lightning, Wang Wei, who caused three traffic jams, did not have the slightest sense of responsibility.

Directly parked the car under this Stark Group Building, and walked directly towards the top of the Stark Group Building with Nimfu and the others!

“In other words, who have you summoned?”

Wang Wei, who directly pushed the door of Tony’s office open, threw out such a sentence.

But when Wang Wei pushed open the door, Wang Wei found that Tony’s office was a little lively!

“Yo, it’s all there!”

Looking at these familiar faces, Wang Wei smiled slightly and said hello!

Natasha, Barton, Dr. Banner, Stephen, these Avengers members are all here!

Hey? This red leather coat?

Scarlet Witch, Wanda?

And also…. Quicksilver?

Reed? Sue? Root? Johnny?

After seeing these back a few people. Wang Wei’s complexion was directly not very good!

Without saying a word, Wang Wei directly took Tony who came over.

“I said, you can do it! Digging the foot of the wall, digging into me? ”

Wang Wei, who had some hatred, said directly to Tony with displeasure.

Scarlet Witch and a few of them, for Wang Wei, that is the people of this Umbrella Group.

This Tony actually dug into his head.


I really can’t bear it!

“Don’t, don’t do it. Don’t do it! ”

Looking at Wang Wei, who was about to beat himself, Tony quickly roared in a low voice.

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