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“When the cruiser reached the vicinity of the position of the Nine Realms Blue Star, it was attacked.”

“All killed!”

The black-armored soldier who lowered his head reported with a serious face!

“Nine Realms? Blue Star? Go down! The general, who heard these words, waved his hand.

“Odin, you probably won’t last long, right?”

With an absolute confidence, the general on the high platform had an icy tone in his voice.


Time is a thing, sometimes it really doesn’t feel.

For those who squander time, a month or two, come and go quickly.

For those who work hard, time is really not enough.

Similarly, three months is really not enough for Wang Wei!

Three months, long is not long, short is not short!

Most of the resource extraction equipment on the Red Alert planet, factories including barracks, etc. were transferred to the dark elf world.

The dark elf world is the best training place and resource extraction place for Wang Wei.

In this dark elf world, the troops that Wang Wei is now hoarding are still up and down at around 200,000.

However, these 200,000 troops have a lot of combat experience.

In addition, Wang Wei officially successfully grouped the First Space Fleet in his hands.

With the Tejas aircraft carrier as the flagship, the battleship Bismarck as the command ship, it is equipped with two heavy cruisers, four light cruisers, eight destroyers, as well as two supply ships, one troop carrier, and five integrated auxiliary warships.

That’s with five thousand Transformers Legion members. Tens of thousands of supernatural soldiers and a sufficient number of biochemical troops, the Snap Cavalry Legion, the IS Mecha Legion, hundreds of intelligent angels and so on.

This kind of military strength directly built the strong strength of this First Fleet.

“So, Commander. What are we going to do now? ”

After holding back for three months, Wang Wei gave up part of the development and finally smashed this first fleet out.

And Ling Liang, who officially became the commander of the First Fleet, was fiery in his heart.

A desire to fight began to rise slowly in General Ling Liang’s heart.

She will use victory in war to forge her path to glory!

“Now let’s get out of the realm of these nine realms. Then start fighting! ”

Wang Wei, who flashed a trace of coldness in his eyes, said slowly.

Half a month ago, this Void Engine was finally absorbed by particles. Resuscitated.

And this Void Engine directly increased the Void operation several times after absorbing the ether particles.

“Obey, Commander!”

Hearing Wang Wei’s order, General Liang also agreed with this very much.

After all, they were still within the scope of these nine realms.

That is to say, they are still within the shelter of Naodin.

When the eagle spreads its wings, it always soars between the sky!

“The whole fleet goes! Goal, out of the Nine Realms! ”

No direction or target is specified, if any, there is. That is to find Kerry to fight the Empire.

Wang Wei is not very clear about the situation between Kerry and the empire.

However, since a cruiser of Kerry and the Empire was annihilated, it was considered a tie with the Kerry and the Empire.

Because of this, Wang Wei’s fleet was directly pulled out.

On the one hand, it is to wander in this universe, find some resource planets, and set up a sub-base!

On the one hand, it is to see if it can dry up the vote with the empire.

With Ling Liang’s order transmitted.

The First Fleet, which had already improved its performance in many ways, directly left the sky above the Red Alert Planet and began to slowly sail out towards the nine realms!

In the sky above this Red Alert planet, there are also several sub-fleets such as the Experiment.

The members of the several squadrons led by this Experiment are all monster warships.

“When Nemesis fused with the demon genes of a generation in the supergod world. How explosive this combat power is! ”

Wang Wei, who watched Ling Liang lead the First Fleet to leave the Red Alert Planet, couldn’t help but mutter.

In the universe, the voyage of the fleet, unless it is to make a space jump or open the door of the dimension.

Otherwise, the whole process would be boring.

Wang Wei didn’t want to waste time in this boring voyage.

The main purpose now is to develop a school city and a magic city. It is also to completely create the intelligent angel civilization system.

While thinking, Wang Wei walked towards the old biochemical base before that.

Although this Red Alert planet has transferred most of the barracks, destructive experiments, uncontrollable experiments, and some resource extraction to the dark elf world.

However, the Red Alert Planet still left some elements.

Wang Wei, who took the supergod technology demon gene obtained by occasionally signing in, directly chose to fuse it with the Nemesis of the biochemical system.

“A licker fused with ant monsters, a tyrant with some of the genes of the Zitaguri War Behemoth. Plus this Nemesis who is about to fuse a generation of demon genes in the supergod world! ”

“The power of the biochemical system has really undergone a qualitative change!”

While muttering, Wang Wei began to analyze the fusion problem between this demon gene and Nemesis.

When the Void Engine is ready to use.

I don’t know how many times the research on the power of this biochemical system has accelerated.

You know, the supergod world is the real king of genes.

Galactic Force, Hand of Nohing, Angel Gene, Demon Gene, Kamigawa Gene, Void Gene.

All of these things show the degree of madness for the development of human genes in this supergod world.

“So, this is called Nemesis? Or is it called the Demon Goddess? “Time is fast. With the blessing of this void engine.

Wang Wei quickly fused this demon gene with the Nemesis.

Combat effectiveness is soaring, but this …. Is this special lady a nemesis or a demon goddess! _

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