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There is no way. This Wang Wei said this. It’s an accident within an accident, and it’s an expected expectation.

“You said you could see the timeline?”

After obtaining this Supreme Mage, he will look for the heir of the mantle in the original timeline.

Wang Wei suddenly asked.

After all, no matter which world, timeline, this is a very magical, very deep existence. It’s almost like fate.

Second only to space-time, creation, destruction after these existences.

“Well, in previous years. I was also able to see the timeline often. You know, the timeline is changing from moment to moment. The future is innumerable. But when you come, I can’t see this future change! ”

While slowly expounding the reason, the Supreme Mage explained to Wang Wei why he paid too much attention to himself.

“Is that so? I see! Then I’m going to leave too! ”

Wang Wei, who nodded, smiled at the Supreme Mage and said. Stride forward and walk straight ahead.

In front of Wang Wei, a door to space was directly opened.

This is the ability of Wang Wei to have the second-generation God King Divine Body without relying on any door.

“Time changes from moment to moment. But no matter how many timelines I see, no matter how many parallel universes I see! In the end, there is only one result! ”

“Because of your presence. The future of these timelines. The future of these parallel universes. It’s all blurred! ”

The Supreme Mage who sighed didn’t know what to say.

How many years can you still hold on?

“Kaos, what are you doing?”

Wang Wei, who returned to the villa, looked at Kaos, who transformed into a battle form. That’s a look of confusion!

This little serious little face, this vigilant look.

What’s going on?

Alien invasion? Or what?

“Huh? mater! ”

After seeing Wang Wei return, this Kaos directly broke away from this battle angel form and flew directly into Wang Wei’s arms.

Petite and cute…. Ahem. Like a cat, Kaos got directly into Wang Wei’s arms.

Fortunately, Wang Wei now has the power of the second-generation divine body, otherwise under the impact of this blow, even if Wang Wei is not dead, he will at least lie down for a few days.

“What’s wrong?”

Looking at Wang Wei, who was rubbing around like a cat in his arms. Wang Weina’s girlish heart. This moment is directly crispy!

So cute. ( ̄ ̄ o) moe,

So cute. (*▽*)。

With this thought, Wang Wei stretched out his big hand and held Kaos in his arms.

Sweet and sweet smell. Let the taste of drunkenness.


Kaos, who was holding Wang Wei’s head tightly, also laughed!

For the four intelligent angels of them. The one who sticks to Wang Wei the most is probably this Kaos!

Similarly, it is also an intelligent angel who relies on Wang Wei the most!

“Hee-hee! It’s nothing. Just missed you! ”

Kaos, who had a cute smile, said with a grin at Wang Wei.

This smiling voice can definitely budge the girl’s heart of many people.

“In other words, why did you start a battle form in this villa? Is someone here to do something? ”

Wang Wei, who looked puzzled, looked directly at Kaos and asked.

“Nope. The main thing is that Sister Icarus said before that she was going to patrol the whole planet and let me take care of my good home! Say beware of something strange coming in! ”

“So I’ll go straight to this battle form!”

After a little thought, Kaos explained to Wang Wei with a cute face!

“Is that so?” Hear this rhetoric from Kaos. Wang Wei couldn’t help but understand slightly.

It was also with Icarus before that she asked her to help see what mess appeared on this blue star.

I didn’t expect this Icarus to be so well-behaved!

“So good, so good! Kaos is the best! “Look at Kaos with a praise-praised. Wang Wei smiled and pressed his big hand on Kaos’s little head melon!

And Kaos is also very good at Wang Wei’s hand.

With a satisfied face, he enjoyed Wang Wei’s touching head killing!

Wang Wei, who walked into the villa with Kaos in his arms, directly dialed the communication method with Wang Yuyan.

Although Wang Yuyan is now the spokesperson on this blue star. But the group of guards around him is definitely not weak.

Compared with the mutual strength around Wang Wei in the past, it is only stronger than weak!

“Young Master!”

Wang Yuyan, who received Wang Wei’s call very quickly, also obediently waited for Wang Wei’s orders!

“Yu Yan, buy everything about the villa I live in! And then…. Let all of us live here! ”

“Spend more time with Kaos and them in my absence!”

I thought about it a little. Wang Wei directly ordered Wang Yuyan slowly!

After all, Wang Wei himself has a lot of things to deal with.

Or some important research projects need Wang Wei’s personal participation.

And at that time, because Asterea, a hot-blooded fool, never came back in the dark elven world.

Nimfu is in the Red Alert World to help Wang Wei establish an intelligent angel civilization.

On this blue star, only Icarus and Kaos remain.

According to Wang Wei’s careful thinking. That side will worry about Kaos and the others!

“Yes, young master!” After hearing Wang Wei’s order.

Wang Yuyan investigated some residents and residences of this bay villa on the spot!

Well, more than a dozen villas, and how many residential buildings? Shops?

All acquisitions. Forget that you have someone and no one to live in!

Even if it is acquired at a higher price, it is only a sprinkling of water for this Umbrella Group.

However, Wang Yuyan also knows a little, such as Tony, Agent Hill and other houses related to Wang Wei, and Wang Yuyan has no idea of acquiring them.

“Kaos. Go, I’ll take you to the Red Alert planet. Let you meet the intelligent angelic civilization that has been established! “_

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