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It’s like when you play the game of ship girls, obviously there are so many gold-skinned ship girls, colorful ship girls, but you only have purple ship girls in your hands.

Just ask you, when you have the Golden Ship Maiden in your hands, will you cherish it?

In the same way, Wang Wei also broke out of his own luck and inadvertently developed this A-level intelligent angel core.

As these materials for building the body were thrown in, Wang Wei also stuffed all the knowledge points of the technology tree about the intelligent angel civilization!

After thinking about it, Wang Wei basically stuffed some of the technologies held so far on this Red Alert Planet in general.

If this A-type research type of intelligent angel is interested, then Wang Wei doesn’t mind complementing each other!

“Welcome! Daedalus! ”

With the consumption of time, and the filling of this intelligent angel core.

Daedalus’ whole person woke up directly.

He was only about one meter six or five meters tall, and his long light blue and white hair floated to the calf.

This beautiful hair directly covered Daedalus’ face. Only the nose wings and lips barely leaked out.

The rest is under that hair.

On this Dai Darus, he simply wore a plain white dress.

Step barefoot on this smooth and bright floor, which is shiny enough to be used as a mirror. Ahem.

Looking at the Daedalus who had completely woken up in front of him, Wang Wei smiled and stretched out one of his hands!

“Well, thank you Mster for waking me up! I will fully assist Master in developing the intelligent angel civilization! ”

For some of his own situation, Daedalus did not care much at all.

In other words, in Daedalus’ heart, everything about the intelligent angel belongs to Wang Wei. Including yourself,

Even if Wang Wei wants to appreciate it, Daedalus can act as a model. It’s still the look of nothing.

Let Wang Wei appreciate it by himself!

As for whether it can be that? Huh…

Daedalus, the intelligent angel, does not know, Wang Wei at least knows that he is a human being, a carbon-based life, and silicon-based life forms are completely different things!

“It’s going to be hard for you next! Tell me what you need! ”

The very experienced Wang Wei walked up to this Dai Darus and gently pressed one of his hands on Dai Darus’s light blue and white hair.

was touched by Wang Wei like this.

Daedalus’ entire figure couldn’t help but move slightly

However, after this move, Dai did not have any resistance, and directly acquiesced to Wang Wei’s petting cat-like behavior to pet himself.

Looking at Daedalus, looking at Nimfu. After Wang Wei explained some things that should be explained.

Directly left this intelligent angel civilization area.

It is also because this intelligent angel civilization and the powerful soldiers, these guys who are completely different from normal people once recruited, cannot be compared!

Therefore, Wang Wei could only put it alone on a continent.

Powerful soldiers, transformers, these power systems are mature and stable. The main thing is that these guys have their own social cognition, as well as personality feelings in them.

The intelligent angel civilization does not!

“Mster is gone. When else will you see? ”

Looking at Wang Wei, who said and left, Nimfu felt a little disappointed in her heart.

Didn’t touch his head. I’m a little unhappy!

“Mster, so gentle!”

I don’t know if Wang Weisai is a little too much knowledge in Daedalus’ head.

This generation of Dharus seems to have a certain emotional foundation, as well as personality meaning. Looking at the direction Wang Wei left, he couldn’t help but mumble!

“You guy. Come and help! ”

Nimfu, who has black lines, directly said that Ben Baby was angry. Hurry up and help!

Gentle, what is the use of gentleness. And did not give me a reward.


Nimfu, who was quite arrogant, directly pulled Daedalus, who had just been born without more than ten minutes, to continue to develop these intelligent angel cores.

And after Wang Wei left this intelligent angel civilization.

Wang Wei walked directly in the direction of this town guard.

After three months of development.

Wang Wei abruptly passed the test and established subbases in several asteroids with rich mineral resources around it.

Fortunately, these silicon-based lifeforms are different from carbon-based lifeforms.

It is precisely because silicon-based life forms can completely survive in this universe, even if some planets do not have the protection of the atmosphere. Or some asteroids have toxic gases in their atmospheres.

For those Transformers Mining Corps mining vehicles. Not a problem at all.

The mining sub-base was accompanied by the crazy start of the sub-base vehicle.

The mineral resources converged on this day are starting in the tens of billions.

And to build a space battleship, space aircraft carrier and the like requires resources to start with tens of billions of units.

In addition, some of the remaining warships require relatively few resources!

However, at least 100 million units to start.

“Next, it seems that it is necessary to build some elementary school students in large quantities!”

Wang Wei, who held his chin, looked at the construction equipment in front of him and couldn’t help but start thinking!

“If you want to build, you can build, after all, no one will stop you.” But one thing to say is that if you want to build. Beware of evolving into Zati! ”

Next to Wang Wei was a girl in military uniform with a slim figure, but a little flat deck.

This military uniform is snow-white, but it seems to be a kind of COS army costume in the COS world.

On the head of this girl in military uniform, she carries a badge that must be like the spread wings of an eagle.

This girl, no one else, is the original wife! _

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