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“Welcome to Asgard! Mr. Wang! ”

After seeing Wang Wei’s appearance. Heimdall, who was stationed at the gate of the Rainbow Bridge, nodded at Wang Wei.

After all, the current Wang Wei also has some strength.

This bit of face, Heimdall still has to give Wang Wei!

“Is Thor there?”

I know why I came over. Wang Wei asked directly to Heimdall.

“His Highness is in the royal capital!”

Hearing Wang Wei ask Sol, Heimdall was slightly stunned or reacted.

Directly told Wang Wei about Sol’s whereabouts.

But after a pause, Heimdall directly said something else to Wang Wei!

“If Mr. Wang came this time, it is because of the Esia civilization. Mr. Wang is no more worried! ”

“The Escia civilization was indeed our most powerful assistant in Asgard!”

“But over time, people’s hearts have decayed. This Aesia civilization has now become a scourge among the nine realms! ”

“If there is no Mr. Wang’s matter. I think it won’t be long before His Highness Thor will accept the task of crusading against this Escia civilization! ”

Looking at Wang Wei, who was a little stunned, Heimdall explained with a smile to Wang Wei!

“Is your pair of eyes able to see through the entire Nine Realms? Or can you see through the entire universe? ”

Wang Wei, who had some strange looks in his eyes, just looked at Heimdall!

Wang Wei also knew by accident. This Heimdall possessed a pair of eyes that could see through the Nine Realms.

How is this feeling like the eyes of the guardian of hell, the three-headed dog, the eyes of a head, able to see the past five hundred years, the eyes of a head can see the next five hundred years, and the eyes of a head can see the present!

“I’m afraid I’m going to disappoint you. Mr. Wang. My eyes can only see most of the Nine Realms! You know, there are a lot of places I can’t see! ”

A slight smile. Heimdall directly skipped Wang Wei’s inquiry.

After all, anyone who knows that they have a pair of eyes on their head that can monitor themselves will feel a little uncomfortable!

“This way!”

Wang Wei, who nodded slightly, walked directly in the direction of this rainbow bridge.

While walking, Wang Wei began to think about how to defend Heimdall’s eyes.

After all, Wang Wei really has a lot of secrets there!

“Mr. Wang can rest assured. About you, unless you appear before my eyes. Otherwise, I can’t see your whereabouts! ”

Looking at Wang Wei, who was thinking a little when he left.

Heimdall knew that Wang Wei was worried about himself… Directly to Wang Wei frankly said!


Wang Wei, who answered slightly, walked directly towards the palace.

Whether Heimdall really can’t see himself is unclear. But Wang Wei felt the need to make some preparations.

Anti-detection, anti-penetration, anti-viewing, anti-and other functions are also going online!

“Wang Wei, what’s wrong with you coming here all of a sudden?”

Sol, who was honing his martial arts in Asgard, looked at the arriving Wang Wei with a puzzled expression!

“Come and sit!”

Wang Wei, who shrugged his shoulders, said unceremoniously.

Come and sit down….

You’re a doorman!

The guards of the Immortal Palace who were accompanying Thor in the battle couldn’t help but pout.

“Aang! This way! So I’ll prepare something. A good welcome! ”

Hearing that Wang Wei just came over to sit, this Thor also smiled.

Directly let people prepare things, set up a banquet, and welcome Wang Wei’s arrival!

For Sol’s behavior, Wang Wei only nodded slightly.

And didn’t say anything good!

Seriously, to the silly son of this landlord’s family. Wang Wei didn’t know what to write about!

This foolish son of the landlord family is really okay.

First the space gem was sent, and then the ether particles were sent.

Odin, who didn’t know that he had been awakened, knew that he had given away both cosmic gems.

Will it be beaten?

“What about Loki?”

Above the banquet in the evening, Wang Wei looked at the banquet where Sol was alone.

I couldn’t help but ask suspiciously.

After all, this Loki is also an excellent talent.

“Loki? I don’t know where I ran now! I didn’t even find him! Let’s hope he won’t do anything! ”

After a slight pause, Thor shrugged weakly.

Loki, this person, is either on the way to overthrow Thor’s inheritance or on the way to overturn Thor’s inheritance.

It is not so much to overthrow Thor’s inheritance as to overthrow his perception in the hearts of all.

Loki, craving attention!

“Are you really here to see it this time?”

After the two put down the topic of Loki, they ate and drank and chatted for a while. Thor suddenly asked!

“Not really! I’m here to ask! ”

“What is your attitude towards the Escia civilization!”

Wang Wei, who was talking nonchalantly, waited for Sol’s reply.

Although Heimdall has already said it before. The Escia civilization overdid it. Bound to suffer from Asgard’s crusade!

But in any case, Wang Wei is also the one who took the initiative to provoke the war.

If it is really hostile by Asgard.

That Wang Wei may only be able to shrink on the blue star and develop science and technology. Develop strength.

Wait until the day when you can dry Odin!

“Esia civilization? Hum! This civilization is no longer what it once was! ”

Sol, who was thinking about how to reply to Wang Wei, suddenly heard a cold snort.

Sol, who was very clear about this cold snort, stood up on the spot.

As Thor stood up, Odin slowly walked in from the doorway!

“Guian, Your Majesty Odin!”

Look at Odin in front of him.

Wang Wei’s heart couldn’t help but sigh slightly.

Sure enough, it was really like what Supreme Mage Gu Yi said. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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