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“Tell me first, how many battleships do you have?”

Tony, who was a little unstable with coffee, suddenly looked up at Wang Wei and asked.

Eighteen hundred warships, even the steel suits in his hand, are full of combat power.

Tony estimates that he will be able to shoot down two or three hundred battleships!

“On my hands? Not much, there are more than a hundred battleships! ”

I thought about it a little. Wang Wei responded indifferently to Tony.

Thirteen hundred battleships are indeed nothing in front of Wang Wei!

As a phobia of insufficient firepower, Wang Weike has installed a lot of black technology equipment on his shipwive.

That’s enough stuff for them to pick out!

What’s more, this is still a large-scale team battle!

“Oh, right. The other side also has a home planet, five colonized planets. These are all in the crusade list! ”

Brother Hammer, who suddenly remembered, said slowly to everyone.

A home star?

Five colonized planets.

These Avengers guys who heard these words, the corners of their mouths couldn’t help twitching slightly.

What is this?

This is the real sense of technology to beat the blue star, right?

Blue Star does not yet have an extended planet, and this civilization already has five colonized planets.

This is really, too frustrating!

“What do you think?”

“The battle is being fought on my side! I’m taking you out this time, just thinking about asking if you’re interested in going to war! ”

Look at the heavy expressions on these guys’ faces.

Wang Wei directly explained to everyone with a smile.

Let these guys annihilate those fleets. It’s really a little hard for them.

But let them become sharp knives and become the leaders of special combat teams, then it is absolutely no problem.

Even if these guys don’t want to fight. Where they salted fish looked.

Wang Weidu didn’t care.

After all, it’s all about showing, for show-off.

When you have capital. After having the power. If you don’t find someone to show off, show off.

Isn’t that too interesting?

“I probably see what you mean!”

As Tony who knows Wang Wei best. Wang Wei’s current thoughts have been understood.

This guy just wants to show off. Show it off!

Tony, who was deeply interested in Wang Wei in his heart, couldn’t help but slightly agree.

After all, Tony is too, as long as he has made a good suit, he can’t help but show off. Show it off!

“I personally have a suggestion, though. If possible. I think, you pull up those guys. Isn’t it better? ”

Since Wang Wei wants to show off. Then Tony let Wang Wei show off well.

As he spoke, Tony pointed upwards.

See Tony like this. Wang Wei also understood who Tony was talking about.

Big hooligans them.

“I’ll think about it.”

For this advice from Tony. Wang Wei did not immediately agree.

There is a saying about how to say, Wang Wei has forgotten. However, what Wang Wei remembers is that when the strength of the two sides is not much different, they are trying their best to catch up and even surpass you. The strength is great to a certain extent, and it will look up to you. If the gap in strength is even bigger, it will unite, fear you, and suppress you. When the strength is too great to match. Will surrender you!

That’s what Wang Wei was thinking.

To be honest, the black technology on the blue star is really endless, and the power of black holes, space power, and time power can basically be made on the blue star.

But I just can’t get a space battleship.

You say angry people are not angry?

“I personally recommend that you bring those guys with you. All those present are friends who are fighting side by side! ”

“According to the information I got, Wang Wei, your current power has threatened the existence of some people! Some people are preparing to deal with you! ”

“So, take those guys and knock it up!”

Not knowing what kind of psychology she was in, Natasha glanced heavily at everyone present.

Finally, he slowly explained to Wang Wei.

After all, for Natasha, there is no real allegiance.

Natasha thought about switching to Wang Wei’s forces.

“I probably see what you mean!”

Wang Wei, who wanted to understand the problem point, couldn’t help but slowly nodded.

To put it bluntly, let these big hooligans on Blue Star see the problem of space war!

“Those guys. I’ll talk to them later! Are you going or not? ”

Wang Wei, who left these guys aside, raised a smile at the corner of his mouth. Slowly asked.

After all, Wang Wei wanted to let these Avengers go to war!

“There’s nothing going on on on my side, and the Hulk kind of wants to come out and play!”

After looking at Tony, Dr. Banner, who was looking at Wang Wei, directly took off the glasses on his face!

When Dr. Banner spoke first, Hawkeye Barton, who was on the side, was also slightly stunned.

Slowly said: “No matter what. I’m bound to go. After all, my identity is here! ”

As he spoke, Barton shrugged.

After all, the force to which Hawkeye Patton is now loyal is S.H.I.E.L.D. If Wang Wei really wants to invite those guys. Then Barton is also likely to be a member of Hengwei’s delegated team, with this. It’s better than Barton directly deciding to go!

“I’ll go too! After all, it’s been a bit boring lately! ”

Wanda, who was lying on the sofa and basking in the sun for a while, stretched out and slowly responded to Wang Wei!

“Are you going or not?” Wanda, who stood up, asked Quicksilver next to him directly.

And Quicksilver, who was closing the coke, squinted at Wanda and said angrily! “Go!”

“Hmm! Then the two of us brothers and sisters went together! ”

While speaking, Wanda explained to Wang Wei!

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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